How I Reversed Prediabetes Naturally & The Warning Signs Of Prediabetes You Can’t Ignore!

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Last Updated on 02/13/2024 by Nicky

How I Reversed Prediabetes Naturally

I was able to get rid of my prediabetes naturally without prescription meds. Keep reading to discover the warning signs &  how you can reverse your diagnosis too!

You’ll never forget it. You go to the doctor for a “routine” check-up or so you tell yourself. But you know some things up. You had been feeling, well, different.

You go to the bathroom more often.

You are hungrier than usual.

Strange things are happening to your body but you don’t really want to deal with it so you just pray that it’s not a big deal. It’s probably just stress-related, right?

You’re just hoping that they are not signs of prediabetes or the real deal type 2 diabetes.

But the doctor has bad news.

You are pre-diabetic and if you don’t start to make some changes asap then you will be a full-blown diabetic before long. 

But you are determined that insulin shots, Metformin, and other prescription drugs are not going to be in your future, not if you have anything to say about it.


And you do. If you have prediabetes, like I did some years ago, there’s also good news.

– Prediabetes Can Be Reversed Naturally!

You can reverse prediabetes naturally.

I did it and you can too.

And if you want to be healthy, then getting rid of disease should be high on your list of priorities.

So you’ve got to get on it.

You’ve got to start making changes right now.

I thank God that He gave me another chance to get it right and not be tied to blood glucose monitors for the rest of my life.

He’s given you another chance too and I know that this time you are going to make the changes necessary to beat this thing.

I just want to first give a preview of the best prediabetes-fighting tools that I can recommend and tell you a little bit about my story of being diagnosed with prediabetes and some of the signs of prediabetes if you haven’t been diagnosed yet.

Then we will talk about some healthy and natural solutions to help you reverse your prediabetes!  

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your journey to reversing prediabetes. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about.



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purple and pink box tools to fight prediabetes sugar in bowl diabetes monitor

 – Sneak Peak At Some Of The 5 Best Tools To Reverse Prediabetes! 

Okay, my friends so this is a looong post and your time is limited. So I’m going to give a quick overview of the awesome prediabetes-fighting tools that I recommend in this post! Let’s get started! 

1) 5 Natural Supplements That Lowered My Blood Sugar Levels: Taking natural supplements were some of the best things that I did for my blood sugar!

When I was first diagnosed with prediabetes they prescribed Metformin to me. My body hated it though and it made me nauseous. So I knew I had to find an alternative. Fortunately, I was able to find 5 alternatives!

The following 5 natural supplements were crucial in helping me reverse prediabetes and I’m so excited to share them with you! They are: 

   a) Cinnamon which I used to help me lower my blood sugar levels so ☑️ click to see if it can do the same for you!

   b) Alpha Lipoic Acid which is another natural supplement that helped me lower my blood sugar…click to see if it’s right for you! 

   c) 5-HTP which helped decrease my appetite and made losing 50 pounds easierclick to see the current prices of 5-HTP on Amazon!

   d) Maca also is great at helping to regulate your blood sugar so take a look to see if it can help you too! 

   e) Fenugreek is also scientifically proven to lower blood sugar levels so click to check it out

Of course, I strongly encourage you to do your own research on any of these supplements and check with your doctor to see what they recommend. I’m just sharing what worked for me and I truly hope they work for you too! 


2) 5 Mile Walk At Home DVD: Working out with this Walk At Home DVD played a big part in me losing 50 pounds which in turn played a big part in me reversing prediabetes.

This workout, by Leslie Sansome, is great for beginners because I was over 300 pounds myself when I started using this exercise program. Trust me.

The Walk At Home workout really works…☑️ just check out the glowing reviews of those who have lost 5 pounds or more using this DVD!


3) A1C Now Self-Check is a wonderful and affordable way to check your A1C levels. You will need to know your A1C and it’s not always easy to get a doctor to check this for you.

Luckily we have amazing health tools like A1cNow Self-Check that can be shipped right to your door!

Then you can know your A1C levels in just 5 minutes!

☑️Click to see how A1CNow Self-Check can help you fight diabetes! 


4)☑️ The Nutribullet helps you create delicious and nutritious green drinks called nutriblasts. This one-of-a-kind blender helped me flood my body with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that helped me regulate my blood sugar! 

I love this blender and still use it even after many many years! I can’t recommend the Nutribullet enough, ya’ll! 


5) I also recommend☑️ using a meal planner to help with weight loss and eating healthier. Losing weight is one of the best ways to help you fight prediabetes and planning your meals ensures that you don’t eat too much fast food!

I recommend this ☑️specific digital meal planner (although, it’s sooo much more than just a meal planner…click to see more!) 

Alright, ya’ll…now that you know which products I recommend, let me tell you more about my story!


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 – A  Little Bit About My Diagnosis And The Warning Signs of Prediabetes

I’d grown up hearing about diabetes because my grandmother has it and it runs on both sides of my family so I was very familiar with the disease.

Around 10 years ago, I could tell something was wrong with me. I weighed over 300 pounds at the time which was unbelievable to me.

I had let myself go due to depression (I’m a firm believer that we don’t overeat just because we love food…there’s usually a deeper reason).

And I just felt awful physically.

I was tired all the time, incredibly moody, hungry for no reason because I had eaten plenty, skin issues that were unexplainable and painful, and I was too scared to go to the doctor to find out what was going on.

I knew the Lord wanted me to go get a checkup but I was too frightened to go because I felt sure that I had diabetes and I just didn’t want to know.

However, as the symptoms worsened I finally decided that this was too important to ignore.

I finally went to the clinic available through my work. I got various tests done including an A1C.

I had to wait a few agonizing days to get my results back and to say I was nervous is an understatement.

Well praise God, it turned out I was only prediabetic and not diabetic.

God had given me another chance to make some changes and I did.

Related: Are you starting to feel hopeless about your weight loss journey? I totally understand! Click here to get 6 powerful yet practical tips on what to do when you feel like you will never be able to lose weight!


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– How Prediabetes Helped Me Start Working Towards My Weight Loss Goals

Once I got my diagnosis, I was scared but I was also determined to stem the tide that I was on. I knew I had to start making some changes like I said.

I kept staring at the treadmill that was sitting in the den so lonely because no one would play with him.

I finally decided to start actually using it instead of just thinking about using it like I had for months.

I hated it but I kept going.

Then a friend introduced me to ☑️ Walk At Home DVDs. I liked those a lot more and started using those.

The☑️Leslie Sansome walk-at-home DVDs helped me lose at 35 pounds if not more.

I also started changing how I ate. I ate smaller portions and I started paying attention to what I ate and what was going in my body.

All of this played a part in my being able to reverse my prediabetes naturally.


prediabetes normal diabetic blood sugar ranges

– What Are Prediabetes and Diabetes?

The signs of prediabetes are a warning. It’s your body’s way of alerting you that “Hey, you need to make some changes now or you’re in big trouble”

It means that your blood glucose or blood sugar is higher than it should be and it’s time to make some changes to get it in a normal range.

So what are the normal, prediabetic, and diabetic ranges so we can know where we fall and which range we should shoot for (and keep in mind I am only ever referring to Type 2 diabetes which in many cases is preventable)?

Normal Range: 5.6 A1C and below
Prediabetic Range: 5.7 – 6.4
Diabetic Range: 6.5 and higher

But wait… “What in the world is an A1C?” you might be asking. True true, it would be good to know what that is.

So an A1C test tells you what your average blood glucose level has been over the past 2 or 3 months.

It’s like a composite score of your blood sugar readings over a period of time. A snapshot if you will.


 – But What Is A Blood Glucose Level? What Should It Be & What Is Too High?

Good questions!

Would it be too simplistic to say that your blood glucose level is the level of glucose found in your blood?

That’s what it is in a nutshell and this glucose or sugar is transported to your body’s cells by your blood.

This, in turn, gives us energy so we can do all the stuff we need to do.

When you have too much of this glucose in your blood, your body starts going haywire like “Umm, ok what do I do with all of this extra glucose?

Where do I put it? This is so not cool… why are you doing so much?”

The pancreatic hormone, insulin, is what helps your glucose get to those cells (it’s like an airplane that flies the glucose to all of its cellular destinations).


– What Happens When You Don’t Make Enough Insulin

When your body doesn’t make enough insulin, glucose or sugar doesn’t get where it needs to go- your cells.

The sugar just hangs out in your blood which can cause toxic by-products to build up in the body.

Your cells have to find an alternative source of energy because the insulin has fallen down on the job.

It’s just a big old mess that your body wants you to avoid if possible.


– Prediabetes Hasn’t Quite Made It To This Stage Yet

Insulin is still doing its thing but it’s struggling. He’s still carrying the glucose to your cells but he’s on the verge of quitting.

The insulin is having to work too hard because more and more insulin is required to carry the glucose to the cell and sometimes the cells won’t even accept the glucose (this is insulin resistance).

Eventually, the insulin goes on strike meaning the pancreas no longer produces enough insulin to carry the sugar to the cells.

When This Happens, You Will Probably Get Diabetes!

So basically, we are trying to keep our insulin from going on strike.


– What Are The Signs Of Prediabetes?

Several sources I read said that there aren’t necessarily any signs of prediabetes.

That wasn’t my experience. I could feel that something was wrong.

I had to make frequent trips to the bathroom. I was unnecessarily tired. I had swollen ankles on a regular basis.

I felt dizzy when I stood up too fast. Constantly hungry even though I shouldn’t have been. I felt nerve pain that I still sometimes have to this day.

Some other signs of prediabetes are listed in this article from prevention.

I knew something was wrong and the Lord had to practically drag me to the doctor to get tested.

Praise God that he showed me the warning signs of prediabetes before I became a diabetic.

These are basically the same signs that an actual diabetic would have though I suppose they were less severe than a diabetic’s.

Can’t say for sure but they got my attention.

My grandmother who has diabetes has talked for years about the complications that can come from diabetes so I knew that wasn’t a road I wanted to go down.


– Complications From Diabetes

The complications from diabetes run amok are no joke.

Unfortunately, even if you try your best to control diabetes you could still suffer from the following complications:

Cardiovascular disease
Nerve damage and pain (and it’s so painful and I’m sure mine is not as bad as it is for diabetics)
Wounds that won’t heal or heal slowly
Kidney damage

Need I go on? This is not a disease to be messed with.

Type 2 diabetes can be avoided when we make some changes in our lifestyle.

And we definitely want to avoid it so let’s discuss these changes that we can make.


– How Are Prediabetes and Diabetes Diagnosed?

We’ve already discussed the A1C test which measures your average blood sugar reading over the past 2 too 3 months.

This is a quick test where blood drawn from your arm, collected and then tested in a lab to see what your blood sugar levels have averaged over the past few months.

You are not required to fast and it shouldn’t be painful but in my experience, it does involve needles and I know some people are not cool with them.

Once your results come back, they will look at your range and see where your numbers fall to determine whether or not you have prediabetes or diabetes.

Another test a clinic could conduct would be an oral glucose test.

This is where you drink some cloyingly sweet drink and then have your blood glucose level tested for the next 2 hours.

I’ve never done this one but my friend who has said the drink is nasty. Glad I’ve avoided that one.

You can read more about diabetes testing in this article from the Mayo Clinic.


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– What If You Have Signs Of Prediabetes But Bad Or No Health Insurance?

What if you’re too nervous or scared to go to the doctor to get the test or you don’t have health insurance and you don’t want to pay a ton of money to get a test done?

Or maybe you just don’t want to take the time to go to a doctor’s office and wait to be seen. If you’re in this situation there are several home A1C tests you can take.  The one with the best reviews is the A1CNow Self-Check test.

With the A1C Now self-check testing kit available on Amazon you get your results back immediately which is great!


I can say that the reviews for the A1CNow home test are good based on the ones I’ve read. Here is a video that shows you how to perform the A1C test at home. 


Want to learn more about the A1CNow at home test? Click the link below for reviews, pricing, and ordering information! 

☑️Click here to learn more about the A1CNow Test On Amazon!


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woman using blender how to reverse prediabetes

– 5 Almost Painless Changes You Can Make Today To Help Reverse Prediabetes Naturally

In my opinion, these changes are not hard to make at all.

Especially when you consider what’s at stake and the huge payoff!

Full-blown diabetes (what’s at stake) or reversing your prediabetes in a natural and healthy way (huge payoff!)

And I say almost painless because most changes take some getting used to but when we consider what’s at stake these changes are well worth the little bit of effort it would take to implement them in your life.

And doing them all together could make a huge impact on your health if done consistently over time.

1) Limit Bread/Desserts (Notice I said “limit” not eliminate).

1. This is my least favorite suggestion on the list because bread and desserts are my weakness but it’s gotta be on there because white bread and desserts have a huge impact on your blood sugar levels.

They cause your blood sugar levels to spike after eating them.

Now keep in mind that I said limit them.

Many experts say to stay away from bread and desserts (I mean real desserts not healthy versions of desserts).

Of course, I can’t argue with this advice.

I’m sure this is the best policy but it would be disingenuous of me to tell you to do this when I have not.

I still eat bread… like homemade dinner rolls, pancakes, biscuits, etc made with white flour.

I’ve still been able to reverse my prediabetes naturally even eating bread made with white flour.

However, I’m in no way telling you that you can do the same thing and have the same results because I can’t know this.

My suggestion would be, to be honest with yourself. Would you be able to limit yourself when it comes to bread and desserts?

Can you eat less of them or is it an all or nothing type of thing for you? Only you can answer that.

I can limit myself to having less of these types of foods and I think that’s why I’ve been able to still lose 60 plus pounds in the process.

You have to be your own judge in this situation.


2. Take a cinnamon supplement (yes, you can use the “cheap” kind) as well as other natural supplements

I know that some people don’t believe supplements are worth the money but I disagree. I can feel the difference when I take some supplements and feel the difference when I stop taking them.

Cinnamon is one of those supplements.

I know cinnamon helped me lower my blood sugar and I believe it also helped control my hunger pangs which in turn allowed me to eat less and in turn control my blood sugar even more.

Cinnamon is said to act similarly to insulin meaning it can help make our cells more apt to receive the glucose they so desperately need.

Some say the only cinnamon that helps with controlling blood sugar is Ceylon cinnamon.

However, I have never taken Ceylon cinnamon on a regular basis. I take cassia cinnamon and I’ve gotten great results from it.

The store where I get my supplements is Puritans Pride. 

I love this company and highly recommend them. They have buy one get 2 free sales (not a misprint) that are unbelievable.

I couldn’t believe you could get 3 bottles of a high-quality supplement for such a great price until I opened up my box.

Thanks, Mom for introducing me to that company. I would still be dealing with Buy one get one 25% off sales if she hadn’t.

However, if you would prefer to use the store we all know and love (ie Amazon) then you can get high-quality cinnamon by clicking the link below! 

Click Here To See How This Cinnamon Supplement Could Lower Your Blood Sugar!

I also credit 4 other supplements for helping me reverse prediabetes. They are Alpha Lipoic Acid, 5-HTP, Maca, and Fenugreek.

I talk about them in depth in this post about the ☑️ 5 Natural Supplements I Used To Help Reverse Prediabetes so you can click to see more about them here!


3. Get Some More Sleep. Yes, it really does matter.

This is one that many people are not following very well, myself included.

Getting less sleep increases the amount of glucose in your blood making you more susceptible to becoming prediabetic or diabetic.

Studies have shown that getting less than 6 hours of sleep per night can make your blood sugar levels higher than if you got more sleep.

I’m notorious for trying to stay up late to work on my blog but I know it’s not good for me.

We need to aim for at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep.

Apparently getting 9 hours can also raise your glucose levels so let’s stick to 6-8.


4. Drink apple cider vinegar. It doesn’t taste as bad as you think.

There’s not much this magic potion can’t do so it’s no surprise that it’s on this list. According to Healthline:

“Vinegar has been shown to have numerous benefits for blood sugar and insulin levels:

• Improves insulin sensitivity during a high-carb meal by 19–34% and significantly lowers blood sugar and insulin responses (6).
• Reduces blood sugar by 34% after eating 50 grams of white bread (7).
• 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bedtime can reduce fasting blood sugar in the morning by 4% (8).
• Numerous other studies in humans show that vinegar can improve insulin function and lower blood sugar levels after meals (9, 10).”

Those are awesome results that can greatly help you get rid of your prediabetes naturally.

Plus I know a lot of people say acv helps with weight loss which of course also helps reverse or prevent prediabetes.

Now if you get ACV, make sure it’s the kind with the mother in it. It’s darker and murkier than regular apple cider vinegar because it’s not filtered.

This is what you want to buy and some say it tastes better than the filtered kind.

Now I personally don’t hate the taste of ACV but that’s because I’m so used to it.

When you drink it you definitely want to use a straw and you definitely want to dilute it with water.

Start off with a teaspoon twice a day diluted in a cup of water and then as you become more hardcore you can move up to 2 tablespoons a day.


5. Drink Green Drinks. These don’t taste as bad as you think either…in fact, they taste kinda awesome!

Drinking nutriblasts made with my Nutribullet is one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my health.

Before I bought a Nutribullet, I could probably go days (or longer) without consuming leafy greens.

I’m actually being generous. I may have been eating greens even less than that.

I was afraid that I wouldn’t like the nutriblasts because I had made a green drink in a regular blender before and I couldn’t even finish drinking it, it was so bad. (Nutriblasts are the drinks made with a Nutribullet)

But I love infomercials and I got totally sucked into the concept of how they say the nutrients from the produce are extracted into the drink and are made more readily available to your body.

With the health issues I had then, that sounded like just what the doctor ordered. I had to have one.

I remember looking at every Walmart trying to find it on the shelf but it was so new and I guess it was selling out because it became the proverbial needle in a haystack.

I did finally find one in Virginia (I live in Tennessee)I believe on the way back from a trip to D.C.

The fact that I remember where I was when I bought it shows just how excited I was to find it because my memory is shaky, to say the least.

I got it home and made my first nutriblast right away. I believe I used spinach apples and probably some other fruit.


– Nutriblasts Are A Delicious Way To Reverse Your Signs Of Prediabetes Naturally

I could not believe how delicious and refreshing the nutriblast was.

It wasn’t something I had to choke down but something I actually enjoyed because I knew I was doing something great for my body and it tasted great too.

I love that spinach is so mild tasting that you can literally stuff the cup full of the greens and you don’t really taste it but you get all of its nutrients.

I also love that spinach is rich in magnesium and full of fiber which is both great for controlling your blood sugar levels.

Here is a list of superfoods that are good for people with diabetes or people showing signs of prediabetes.

If you are prediabetic then putting some of these foods in your nutriblasts will help you too and can increase your chance of reversing your diagnosis.

Here are some nutriblast recipes that could help prediabetics and diabetics.

☑️Click Here To Check Out The Nutribullet On Amazon!


6. Meal Planning Helps You Lose Weight Which Helps Reverse Prediabetes

Planning your meals is one of the best ways to make sure you eat healthy during the week. I know for me, it is so easy to slide into a drive-thru and order some delicious and greasy if I haven’t planned my meals.

Because what happens is I find myself hungry with no idea of what I’m going to eat and at that point, I just don’t care.

Just give me something to eat and I’m paying no mind to my diet. Reversing prediabetes is not on my radar at that moment. So with a little planning and meal prepping, I can have a nutritious and delicious solution at the ready.


7. Weight Loss Or Health Journaling

Using a weight loss journal is one of the best ways to track your health journey. I use a ☑️digital wellness journal to track my progress.

You can check out my ☑️wellness journal here. I love it because it is so customizable and I can add anything I want to it.

That way you can make your fitness journal as unique as you are! I  can track my blood sugar levels, weight, measurements, meal plan, and set daily health goals.

Pink and white weight loss journal and planner in Trello


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blue desk fruits and veggies in bowl diabetes monitor

– You Can Reverse Your Prediabetes If You Make Changes Now

We’ve covered a lot in this post but it’s really just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many things you can do to reverse your prediabetes diagnosis.

You can totally beat this thing and the 5 tips I shared are things you can implement pretty quickly to start kicking this prediabetes to the curb.

– Recap Of How To Reverse Prediabetes

1) The Signs of Prediabetes: Even though some experts say there aren’t any signs of prediabetes, I experience: blurry vision, lightheadedness, constant hunger, increased urination, swollen ankles/water retention.

2)The Complications of Diabetes: Amputations, blindness, heart disease, and kidney damage.

3) The Way Prediabetes/Diabetes Is Diagnosed:☑️ A1C Test, Fasting glucose test, oral glucose test.

4) Ways To Start Reversing Prediabetes Naturally: ☑️ Cinnamon, Apple Cider Vinegar, Green Drinks made with a Nutribullet, Sleeping More, Limiting Bread/Desserts, Using  A Meal Planner, Weight Loss Journaling. 

If you’ve been diagnosed with prediabetes or show signs of prediabetes, I really just want to encourage you to make some changes.

You can start with one or two of the suggestions and incorporate all of them into your life at some point but start somewhere.

If you pray and start taking small steps you can really start to see so awesome changes in your body for the better. Choose one of these suggestions and get started today!

healthy natural living

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cinnamon used to reverse prediabetes naturally

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

More Posts - Website


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below

Kris Gnuse - 09/03/2018 Reply

This was full of good stuff. Thank you!

    Nicky - 09/03/2018 Reply

    Thanks Kris for stopping by!

    Health and fitness magazine - 09/21/2019 Reply

    If there is a lack of nutrition then your body will not be healthy and it will thus affect the mind and its capacity to think clearly. This would lead to stress and it would in turn affect your viewpoint towards yourself and life in general in a negative way. The mechanisms in the body are fueled by the nutritious level that is there in the body and if there is a lack of it then it will affect the body in a negative way and thus the consequences will be dire. Today everyone leads a very hectic life and hence it is very important to maintain sufficient nutritious level in the body. Thus, since the stress level has increased it is important that you think about what you eat and avoid anything that can damage your body. Not eating healthy can become a hurdle in you leading a balanced and a healthy life. To maintain the nutrition level in your body you do not have to do anything extra. Just ensure that you have healthy food like fruits and green vegetables. Also drink a lot of water and get involved in some form of exercise to keep the balance. By following these simple steps you can ensure yourself a good and healthy life.

Brittany - 09/03/2018 Reply

Good information here. Even people who are not pre-diabetic can follow these guidelines for a healthier life.

    Nicky - 09/03/2018 Reply

    Thanks Brittany for you comment! I hadn’t thought about that!

5 Powerful Ways To Begin Your Weight Loss Journey | Healthy As You Can - 02/04/2019 Reply

[…] I was able to reverse my prediabetes naturally and get off of Metformin, praise […]

Cynthia Suarez - 04/03/2019 Reply

As someone just diagnosed with pre diabetes, THANK YOU!! I was unable to open some of the links (7 supplements, super foods, essential oils checklist), because it takes me to a page requiring me to sign up for financial help…? Is there another way for me to obtain this info?
Thank you!!!


    Nicky - 04/05/2019 Reply

    Hi Cynthia! I’m so glad you found my post to be helpful! Thank you for asking about the supplement resource. Let me explain. The supplement document is a part of my resource library. So you would be able to read that 7 supplements document, along with all of the other guides and resources in the library. Here is the link if you want to sign up.

Tracy - 02/28/2020 Reply

This gives me hope! Thanks so much!

    Nicky - 03/01/2020 Reply

    Yay, I’m so glad! You’re welcome 🙂

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Nirusha Navaratne - 10/12/2022 Reply

I found this very helpful, thanks for all the tips shared! God bless.

Milan Bisui - 03/12/2023 Reply

Thank you for sharing such an informative article on the signs of prediabetes. Your comprehensive coverage of the topic is truly valuable for people who are at risk of developing diabetes. The article provides easy-to-understand explanations and practical tips to prevent or manage prediabetes. I appreciate your efforts in spreading awareness about this critical health issue.

    Nicky - 03/18/2023 Reply

    You’re welcome! I’m glad it could help!

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