19 Life-Changing Healthy Goal Setting Ideas For All Areas Of Your Life

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Last Updated on 06/02/2022 by Nicky

19 Life-Changing Healthy Goal Setting Ideas For All Areas Of Your Life

Are you stuck at home and wondering is there anything life-changing I could be doing with my time? Well I have 19 amazing ideas for you to try while you’re stuck at home on lockdown or whenever you have long stretches of time at home.

I couldn’t pen down one emotion to describe this period of quarantine if I tried.

Bittersweet comes to mind but that’s such an anemic word that I dare not use it for it doesn’t even come close to grasping the depth of this situation that is 2020.

2020 basically just took a wrecking ball to all of our lives. Whether it’s a lost job or a lost loved one or the fear of experiencing either, no one has gone through this period unscathed.

I have had pockets of anxiety.

But the Lord was like “Girl, we’ve already gone down this road, we’re not going back there.” (this is not an exact quote).

So I banished anxiety (again because it refuses to die) and I encourage you to do the same if you’ve been feeling anxious since the-virus-who-must-not-be-named reared its ugly head.

It’s totally normal, mind you, if you feel anxious but just know that it accomplishes nothing and it helps you not at all.

Instead, if at all possible, use this free time to rest and to better yourself.

There are some truly life-changing goals you can set right now while you’re stuck at home.

You can come out of quarantine better than ever before. And it’s not even just about being on lockdown. These are healthy goals you can set no matter what is going on in the world. 

I’ve come up with 19 life-changing health goals you can create and start working towards in all areas of your life.

I divided them into 4 categories: spiritual/faith, money/finances, mental/emotional, and health/weight.

Any one of these goals done with consistency can be life-changing but if they are all done consistently, then quarantine might be one of the best things that’s ever happened to you.

Let’s dive on in.


This post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a small commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about.

19 Healthy & Life-Changing Goals To Set In All Areas Of Your Life 

Spiritual Goals To Set

1) Bible Study

This is a perfect time to deepen your Bible study like never before. If you haven’t read or studied your Bible in a while then you can start with a simple reading plan.

Reading God’s word with an open heart and open mind is probably the most life-changing thing you will ever do.


2) Set A Goal To Pray

Pray all day. I’m not great at doing one long prayer but if you are that’s wonderful. I’m more of a one long all-day continuing prayerer.

But regardless set a goal to pray like never before. And even if and when this ends, still continue to pray like never before


3)  Start A Prayer Journal

Do you struggle with staying focused while you’re praying? Starting a prayer journal if will help you concentrate on what you’re praying for.

It will also help you reflect back on the answered prayers that God has blessed you with when you read your journal 6 months from now.

I have a post about the benefits of a prayer journal right here.

I also have two prayer journal freebies, one about financial stewardship and one about praying for weight loss. You can access them in my free resource library.


4) Share the love of Christ

Share the love of Christ: people are scared right now. If you’re not anxious or fearful about the future and it’s because of your faith in God, tell, and encourage someone who is scared.

Tell them about the hope you have in Jesus that whatever happens, you have Him carry you through it.


5) Donate on a regular basis

Donate money to those who are in need. Charities are struggling right now because so many people are deciding to save their money and not spend or give as much.


Physical Health Goals To Set

6) Get in Shape

Are you in shape? I’m not and I’ve been sitting way too much. Luckily we all (well a lot of us) now have time to workout. Many of us could work out 2 or 3 hours if we wanted (so don’t recommend that).

Just set a goal of doing 30 minutes of physical exercise, per day. I’m still working on this. Some days I’ll do an hour-long workout and then I’ll go for days and do nothing.

Consistency is the key to getting in and let’s just say that’s not my strong suit. If you struggle with exercising consistently, then try to find an exercise that doesn’t feel like exercise, you feel me?

You can use a habit tracker like I have in my fitness journal which you can learn more about here. 

Find something fun to do that you will look forward to doing. I love dancing so it just dawned on me that this is probably the best exercise for me do and maybe I will do it consistently.

Yes, I’m really slow. 


7) Level up your beauty routine

Have some fun y’all. This is a great time to try out new hairstyles, new nail polishes (no the polish won’t last because you’re washing your hand 15,000 times a day but still), or a new mask. 

I even had a spa party earlier in the quarantine (don’t worry it was mostly family and just 4 people). You can even schedule and track your beauty routine in a self-care or beauty planner.

I have one in my digital fitness planner and journal that you can check out here. 

Related: Stretch Mark At Home Remedies: 5 Awesome Products To Help You Reduce Their Appearance

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5 Minute Natural Home Remedy To Moisturize Dry Skin On Your Body


8. Meal plan and prep

I’m feeling a little hypocritical about this particular thing because I have not been doing this. At least not the way I talk about meal planning in this post.

However, I have really upped the amount of vegetables and fruits that I’m eating. The carbs are really my undoing (I love to bake!).

So I know that I need to start planning my meals so that I can make sure not to eat too much junk food.

Related: Meal Prep Tips For Weight Loss Beginners: 7 Lazy Girl Hacks For Weight Loss Success! 


9) Set small weight loss goals that you can achieve 

If you are wanting to lose weight, this would be a great time to try and set some smaller goals and reach them. Of course you can also set long-term goals but sometimes that can feel overwhleming. 

Just try and lose 5 pounds a month. That’s an amazing 60 pounds in a year. Would that not be life and health-changing?

Losing 60 pounds certainly was life-changing for me!


10) Increase your step count 

I was reading posts in a weight loss Facebook group about the number of steps people were taking each day.

I was awe-struck and put to shame lol. Some of these ladies had 15,000 steps a day or more. When I get like 8,000 I feel accomplished lol.

One lady said that increasing her steps each day and intermittent fasting had helped her lose 26 pounds in 2 months which is amazing. 

The best way to track your steps is with a FitBit. The one that I have is the FitBit Alta HR. I absolutely love it.

(BTW…I have an epic review blog post about the FitBit Alta HR right here that you should read!)

That’s why I was distraught when it stopped working due to it getting too wet.

But the Fitbit company is awesome and they sent me a replacement free of charge! That’s why I love this company.

You can check out the deets on the Fitbit Alta HR below. 

Click to read the reviews for the Fitbit Alta HR!


Related: Is Walking At Home Effective For Weight Loss? You Might Be Surprised By The Answer!

Can You Lose Weight By Walking An Hour A Day? These 35+ Jaw-Dropping Weight Loss Results Say Yes

Ya’ll, I Lost Weight Walking In Place…Here’s What You’ll Need To Do It Too!

Mentally/Emotionally Health Goals To Set

11) Reflect On Your Goals & Dreams 

Take some time to reflect on your life and areas that you need to change. Don’t push away uncomfortable thoughts.

Explore them and see if that nagging feeling in your belly means the Lord wants to challenge you in some way. Start a journal and write down your thoughts and fears.

Write down your goals and dreams.

I do firmly believe that this period of time will end and life will go back to normal. The question is Do you want your life to go back to normal?

Maybe normal wasn’t what you were really called to do. Take this to really seek God’s will for your life.

If this didn’t teach us anything else it should teach us that life is short and changing swiftly every day.

Don’t wait to level up. Start making steps towards it now.

Related: 25 Powerful Examples Of Emotional Wellness Goals All Woman Should Have!

How To Set & Slay Your Healthy Weight Loss Goals For The New Year

SMART Goals For Overcoming Procrastination To Write In Your Journal


12) Get Online Therapy

Don’t be afraid to get therapy during this time. You can speak to therapists over the phone, over Skype, and through chat and email.

I’m telling you from experience that online therapy really works if you really want help.

I’ve used online-therapy.com and I know my life changed because of it.

Please take a look at this resource. Some of them help me overcome depression and it can work for you too.

Related: Should You Try Online Therapy? 5 Ways To Know If It’s Right For You! 

3 Amazing Benefits Online Therapy Has Over Traditional Therapy (From Someone Who’s Done Both)


13) Learn a language

I love learning new languages! I’m not fluent in any of them yet but I enjoy giving my brain and my tongue a workout.

My favorite language learning app so far has been uTalk. It makes learning languages fun.

And now I can say please and thank you in Russian. Spasibo!


14) Up your skill game.

Are you thinking about looking for another job or changing careers? Now is the time to brush up on old skills or learn some new ones.

I’m learning how to use InDesign so I can use it to make planners and other digital products to sell on Etsy.

I’m taking courses on Skillshare to learn more about InDesign. Truth be told, I have a list a mile long of courses on Skillshare to take about all kinds of topics.

It’s a great way to learn a new skill on the cheap. There are other options as well like Udemy, Coursera, and there are free courses at Harvard and MIT.

Plenty of places to work your brain on.


15) Start A Life Journal 

You can start a life journal in the same journal as your prayer journal. You would use this journal as a way to record your life dreams, goals, and plans.

Then you could pray over those goals and plans to see if they are in God’s will. 

Related:20+ Creative Lists To Write In A Journal When You’re Bored Or Anxious

9 Creative Ways To Jazz Up Your Boring Journals & Boost Your Mental Health!  

Why You Should Use A Planner: 9 Life-Changing Benefits Of Planners & Bullet Journals

15 Positive Journal Affirmations To Stop Procrastinating & Pursue Your God-Given Dreams

Financial Goals To Set 

16) Budget

I know y’all know by now that you should have a budget right? Right? Please tell me you know that? If not, go make one…quickly. 


17) Get Out Of Debt Plan

You should also be making a plan to get all the way out of debt. I’m talking student loans, mortgage, yo momma, credit card debt, and whoever. Make that debt snowball plan now please and then start doing it. God hates debt and so should you.


18) Side Hustle

You need a side hustle. You need a side hustle. You need a side hustle. And did I mention that you need a side hustle because you need a side hustle?  

No, but for real y’all, I say this not to be pushy or mean but because we can see right now that having more than one source of income is literally a lifesaver.

Please work towards getting multiple streams of income. 


19) After Debt Plan

Are you already out of debt? Awesome feeling right? Then the phase is to have another goal that you’re working towards.

You can follow the baby steps of Dave Ramsey fame or come up with your own goal but just have a goal in mind.


Because when you get out of debt, it’s easy to just start spending again, and before you know you’re back in debt again.

So always have a financial goal so you can always be the boss of your money.

Related: 5 Life Altering Money Mistakes Financially Independent Women Don’t Make

This Simple Money Saving Trick Can Save You Thousands Of Dollars Per Year!

How To Build An Emergency Savings Fund In 3 Painless Steps (Printable Tracker/Action Plan included

Which Life-Changing Goals Will You Try?

Alright you guys, these are the life-changing things you can be doing right now in the comfort of your home.

You can level up, improve and change your life during this isolation period.

Do not let this time go to waste y’all (I’m so saying to myself too I promise you).

You will regret it. Use this time wisely and be blessed.





girl in black shirt on couch getting therapy stuck at home


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

More Posts - Website


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Melissa @myhillsandvalleys - 06/11/2020 Reply

Really great suggestions in this post! & I totally relate to anxiety rearing its ugly head intermittently. God bless!

    Nicky - 06/13/2020 Reply

    Thanks Melissa! And ugh, anxiety…could it just go away already! God bless you too!

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