10 Brilliant Weight Loss Tips For Beginners You’ve Never Heard!
Last Updated on 01/01/2022 by Nicky
Weight Loss Tips You Haven’t Heard
I read a lot of weight loss articles but these tips in this post are not ones I read too often. Continue reading to learn what they are and how they can help you!
Once again you step on the scale only to be disappointed. You actually lost weight but only 1 pound… definitely not what you hoped.
What does it take to actually lose weight… like significant amounts of weight where you actually see progress and other people see the progress too?
I know how frustrating it is to believe you’re doing all the right things and fat stubbornly refuses to move.
It’s become quite comfortable and doesn’t seem to want to go anyway. So what’s a girl to do?
Restrict your calories even more? Work out two hours a day?
While I don’t know the solution for your particular situation I have some ideas that might help kick your weight loss into high gear… ideas that you not have heard so please stay tuned!
10 Tips For Losing weight for beginners
1. Deal with trauma
Let’s yank out the splinter by starting with the most emotionally gut-wrenching tip first.
Many people begin their weight gain journey ( yes its a journey too) because of some traumatic life rocking event.
It could be from painful events such as divorce, loss of a loved one, being molested or abused as a child, or an adult.
These earth-shattering events can send us into a tailspin. In order to cope with these painful occurrences, you turn to food for comfort.
And then the weight begins to pile on uncontrollably. Before you know it you’ve been ballooned up to over 100 pounds heavier than you were.
If weight loss has been a struggle for you, part of the problem might be that you haven’t dealt with the trauma that caused you to gain weight in the first place.
Please don’t hesitate to get help from a professional or from a pastor that you trust.
You might find that once you get help with the weight comes off a lot easier. There are some books say I can help you and I will talk about later on in the post.
2. You Haven’t Figured Out Your Diet Type
What kind of dieter are you?
This is something that you need to determine in order to lose weight successfully.
So what do I mean by what kind of dieter are you?
Take me for example.
I tend to be a slow gradual dieter.
I like to take my time to learn what foods I like the best that also help me lose weight. I like to figure out which exercises are most effective for my body and allow myself to make mistakes.
I prefer slow gradual weight loss because it tends to stay off for the long-term.
You, on the other hand, might be an all or nothing type of dieter. You might be the type to throw away all of your unhealthy food out of your pantry and refrigerator and start a whole entirely new way of eating.
Neither one of these methods are wrong. You just need to figure out which one works best for you and your way of thinking and living.
3. Choose a weight loss plan that works with your lifestyle and values
I think it’s also important to choose a weight loss plan that works with your particular lifestyle and your values.
What do I mean by values?
OK let me give you an example.
I personally chose the French diet or rather the French Don’t Diet because of the principles inherent in the diet.
I like its emphasis on eating real whole foods that don’t have unpronounceable ingredients.
Click to check out the French Don’t Diet Plan!
You may decide you want to be vegan because you don’t believe in harming animals.
Or you might choose to be keto because you believe that eating healthy fats are beneficial to the body.
Choosing a diet based on lifestyle means that you need to know what a diet entails and if that is feasible for your current schedule.
A few years ago I lost 12 pounds on a carb cycling diet. But it wasn’t sustainable with my lifestyle because it required me to eat six meals a day.
That was not convenient to do with my work schedule and so I gained all that weight back and I quit that diet in about a month.
So while that diet did work I knew that I would not be able to keep up with that eating regimen.
4. Make a master grocery list of all the healthy foods you like
There’s another thing that you can do. Make a complete list of all of the healthy food that you really enjoy.
Now I personally don’t want you to get caught up in all the controversies about what is and is not healthy.
Of course, I want you to educate yourself but many of the foods that you first thought of, truly are healthy.
Unless you thought of twinkies…please tell you didn’t think of twinkies.
Think of foods like fruits vegetables nuts meats and grains.
These are the foods that we’re going for.
I know that some people say fruit is not healthy.
Guess what? For your particular body type and health it may not be.
But I wouldn’t get caught up in that unless you know for sure your body reacts negatively towards fruit or another food that is typically seen as healthy.
Too many times we can see an advertisement for a diet telling us that certain foods are not good for us and we get convinced that this applies to us as well and it may not.
We have to remember that they are trying to sell us something that may or may not truly be right for us.
Work with your doctor to tailor a plan that is specific to your needs.
5.Create meal plans and recipes around those healthy foods
Once you’ve created that list of healthy foods that you really enjoy that aren’t a chore to eat, you can now create meal plans and recipes around those healthy foods.
Put those ingredients into a recipe builder and start creating meal plans for the week.
Or you can be like me and not necessarily use recipes. So in your case, you would just prepare your favorite healthy foods and cook them however you like.
For instance, I rarely use a recipe for salmon. I just season it would soul food seasoning, garlic powder, and pepper and roast it in a skillet for about 8 minutes (I like it pink!).
If I have lemon juice, I’ll squeeze some on top and it’s delicious!
Mine doesn’t look quite like this one lol
6. Identify everyday weight loss roadblocks
As you begin or continue your weight loss journey, identify any of the roadblocks or barriers that are standing in your way.
If you know that your colleague brings donuts to work for everyone in the office to share every morning make sure you have a healthy alternative to eat while others are eating donuts.
You might even decide to have one donut per week and the rest of the time have nuts or another snack you enjoy so you can avoid the temptation of the donuts.
7. Meal Prep
Another major tip is meal prepping.
I find that when I meal prep I lose weight.
And if you don’t know what meal prepping is it I’ll let you know.
Meal prepping is when you plan your meals beforehand and then you prepare the ingredients for those meals it and refrigerate them until you’re ready to eat.
Some people even cook the entire meal put it into storage containers and then just reheat that meal whenever they are ready to eat.
I find I like my meals to be freshly cooked on that day so I prepare the ingredients and then just cook it when I’m ready to have that meal.
But if you cook for a family that might be harder. Just put the already cooked meal into storage containers and then just reheat that meal whenever they are ready to eat.
If you found that meal prepping has not worked for you and perhaps it is not the meal prepping but what you’re actually eating that needs to be adjusted.
8. Consistency
Make sure that whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it consistently so that you can see the best results.
This is personally my Achilles’ heel.
Because I get shiny object syndrome and I’ll hop from one diet and meal plan to another.
But I know that when I consistently stick to my plan it typically will work.
9. Weekly review of what is and is not working
Yes, consistency is important however we don’t want to just keep doing the same things if they aren’t working.
So if you truly and honestly assessing how much you have been eating and how much movement you’ve gotten throughout the week and you still haven’t seen progress, you definitely want to review what it is you’re eating so you can know what is it in is not working.
10. Make adjustments based on that review
Now that you’ve taken into account what has and has not worked if you want to make adjustments based on that discovery.
You might find that you’re eating too much or too little.
It might be that you can’t eat carbs or that you need more healthy fats. Or you might find that your plan is working and you don’t need to adjust anything!
Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Before you go…
And while you’re here, you can gain free access to my resource library. I have lots of tools and printables to help you with your weight loss journey like:
- an exercise tracker
- healthy restaurant meals guide
- email course on using essential oils for weight loss
- fitness goals tracker
- healthy grocery list printables
- And more!
Click here to sign up to access the free Healthy Body resource library
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