14 Types of Journals You Can Create Tonight That Will Change Your Life!

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Last Updated on 01/02/2023 by Nicky

Types of Journals You Can Create

If you’ve spent any significant time on this blog then you know I’m a big fan of journaling. 


Because journaling is a great way to declutter your mind, calm your thoughts, and let go of the emotions you’ve been carrying around.

It’s also a powerful tool for dealing with the tough times in life.

And maybe you didn’t know it but journaling can be so much more than just writing in a blank notebook you get from Walmart.  

There are so many kinds of journals that you can create!

With so many choices out there, it can be hard to decide which style will work best for you.

But that’s why I’m here! This guide will teach you how to choose the best type of journaling for your personality, lifestyle, and needs. 

You’ll also learn about some of the benefits of keeping a journal.

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about. 

– How To Manage Multiple Journals

There’s a ton of different journals, right? So what do you do if there several different kinds you want to create? How do you decide?

Simple, you don’t…you just do all of them. Here are two ideas on how to manage more than one different kind of journal. 


1) Use journaling printables in a binder

If you want to keep, say, a Bible study journal, a dream journal, and an anxiety journal but don’t want to deal with multiple books, just use a binder with tab dividers and use printable journal pages for each type of journal you want.

Here are some journaling printables to get you started. 

2) Create more than one journal type and keep them all separate

If you want more than one journal but don’t want them all together then use a different journal for each kind.

You could have them be different colors or patterns that are coordinated like the ones below:

Leather Journals

You could also label the spines so that you can tell them apart easily when they are on your shelf or stacked on your desk. 


pink background teal shapes and blocks white journal benefits of journaling

– The Benefits Of Journaling

Journaling is a great way to keep track of your thoughts and experiences in order to gain mental peace.

It’s an opportunity for you to reflect on what you’re going through to determine how you can best deal with it.

Journaling is one of my favorite ways to sort out my thoughts and experiences in order to gain mental clarity.

If you haven’t tried journaling I truly hope you will. It allows you to reflect on whatever issue you’re going through and figure out the best ways to cope with it.


– Here Are Some Other Benefits Of Journaling That Can Really Change Your Life

-It offers perspective and clarity during tough times

-It can help reduce anxiety by letting go of the negative thoughts that have been keeping you up at night

-It helps improve self-awareness and self-knowledge

-It allows time for reflection and healing

– Increases your self-esteem

– Manage your emotions

– Increased productivity

– Improve your memory

– Deal with difficult people and situations

– Let go of old baggage and thoughts that are holding you back

– Keep track of the things that make you happy so they don’t slip away from you

Journaling forces you to slow down so we can gain some semblance of control over our lives once again.

Even if life seems too hectic right now, take some time out to journal—you’ll be glad you did!


– What Kind Of Journaling Method Will You Choose? 

Besides there being many kinds of journals you can create, there are many different forms of journals you can use as well….hopefully you understand what I mean.

For instance, you might prefer writing in a hardcover journal book. 

Or maybe you might like a large spiral notebook or planner.

I’ve also mentioned using journaling printables in a binder.

Another option is to keep a digital journal.

This could be done in a public setting like a personal blog or privately in an app like Trello (here’s an example of a fitness journal in Trello in case you were wondering how that worked).

Many people enjoy writing in an app. Some apps have features that allow you to take notes as you jot them down, while others are designed for meditating and keeping track of your moods or habits.

Whatever type of journaling you choose, there is something for everyone out there. The key is finding a style that works for you! 

Now let’s get to the good stuff! Take a look below at just some of the journaling options that are available to you!


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14 types of journals to create teal writing white blocks flowered background

– 14 Different Types Of Journals To Create Powerful Life Change


1)Bullet Journals 

I look at bullet journals as journals and planners on steroids. Bullet journals are basically all of the journals that I’m going to mention in one.

Bullet journals can have to-do lists, habit trackers, goal tracking, reflection pages, calendar.

Bullet journals have so much going on that you should create a table of contents so you can find everything in it.

You’ll use symbols, colors, and lines to make your bullet journal uniquely beautiful as you. 


2) Vision Journals 

Have you ever heard of vision boards?

They are posters you create with pictures and writings the goals and dreams (or visions) you have for your life.

Well, now you can do that in journal form.

So instead of using a poster, you would use a journal and draw or cut out pictures of the kind of plans you have for your life or the plans you believe God has for your life.

The way it works is that you set up the journal to have only one goal per page.

You can write words, add pictures, or draw something that enables you to make plans to reach that goal. When you do reach the goal, be sure to go back and add the date of achievement. 

3) Visual/Art Journal 

Not to be confused with vision journaling, visual journaling allows you to incorporate pictures and symbols into your writing, which can bring mental clarity to your thoughts and feelings.

These images don’t necessarily have anything to do with your dreams and goals. Art or visual journaling is more of a way to express your emotions and creativity through art. 

It’s also an effective way to cope with stress, anxiety, or grief.

A visual journal can also be an excellent way to let go of the clutter in your mind and let yourself be more present.

Take time each day–even 5 minutes–to create something beautiful and unique for yourself by combining your words with images.


4) Line a Day Journals

If you have a short attention span (raises hand) then this journal is for you. Line a day journals are what they sound like.

You write at least one line in your journal every day. It acts as a memory book that you can write in for years and years and see how your life has changed.

You will simply write in the journal a short line about what you did that day. It should be only a sentence or two at the most, and should not take up that much space in your journal.

You could even shake things up and use a calendar and a pen for this instead of a traditional journal. 


5) Classic Journal 

We all know what this is… classic journals are your standard diary-style journals, and you can write whatever you want in them every day.

It can be long, short, or you can skip days if you want to. The classic journal is just like the diary that you may have kept as a child….calling it a journal is a little more adult.

This can be used as a therapeutic tool to help people process the tough emotions they carry around. Just write whatever you want in it daily. 


6) Prayer Journal

Prayer journals are one of my favs! What you do is act like your diary or journal is a personal letter to the Creator.

So basically you write down your prayers to God instead of saying them.

When you write them down you remember them and can look back on them to see all of the trials and tribulations He’s brought you through.

I’ve looked back over my prayer journals and have been reminded of answered prayers that I hadn’t even thought about for months. I highly encourage you to start a prayer journal if you haven’t already!


7) Dream Journal

Some people really like tracking their dreams because they believe that dreams provide signs for life.

Or maybe you just want to remember the weird and wacky dreams you had so you can laugh about them.

If you want to track your dreams, you have to train yourself to write in your dream journal as soon as you wake up while the dream is still fresh in your mind.

If you want, you can write about the dream and then research what it means and write about that too.

I’ll admit I don’t know much about dreams and their meanings so I would be careful about people who want to tell you what your dreams mean.

Could send you down a rabbit hole. 

Click here to learn more about our Digital Weight Loss Journal


8) Food  Or Weight Loss Journal

Use a food or weight loss journal to write down everything you eat every day. Or if you’re not feeling that, you can take a picture of what you eat and jot some notes down about it.

But why would I do this you ask? Well, some people use it as a way to evaluate what they are eating to see what changes they need to make in their diet.

You can also include the calorie contents and so forth. It can also help to write down why you eat it, how you felt about eating it, and things like that.


9) Travel Journal

A travel journal can be used to plan trips, keep track of schedules, create packing lists and itineraries, and write down all of the memories you make on your voyage.

Some people like making one for each trip so that it’s easier to remember. You can write your thoughts in your journal, but you can also attach tickets, pics, and memories.


10) Gratitude Journal

It’s so easy to get bogged down with what’s going wrong in the world and in your life. That’s why a gratitude journal is awesome.

This is a journal where you record each day what you’re thankful for.

Nothing can be negative in this journal because it’s designed to help you think more positively. 

Gratitude journals are a great way to give thanks for what you’re grateful for in your life.

They act as a reminder that we should always be appreciative and thankful, which is good for the soul.

You’ll likely find yourself focusing on things like family, friends, memories, and happiness when you do this type of journaling.

You can use this journaling style to explore gratitude in different areas of life.

For example:

* What did you thank God for today?

* What did you appreciate about yourself today?

* What was the best part of your day?


11) Project Journal

Do you have a major project coming up that you need to keep organized?

Then a project journal is what you need! A project will keep all of the different parts of your project running smoothly.

For instance, if you’re starting a business, you could divide the journal by different categories like budget, business plan, product inventory, etc.

Keeping a journal of each project you work on that records actions taken, results, and data will help you improve every project but will also help you look back on this one with excitement. 

It’s also a great way to store your thoughts and memories for the future in a more organized and useful manner.


12) Mental Health, Anxiety, Or Fear Journal

When you’re in an anxious mood, journaling is an amazing way to make sense of your thoughts and feelings.

This style of journaling helps you examine yourself from the outside, instead of being trapped in your own headspace.

This form of journaling provides a great outlet for personal reflection and self-reflection. It helps you understand what’s going on with you emotionally as well as where you’re at in life.


13) Bible Study Journal

A Bible study journal is where you can write down any thoughts, reflections, or questions you have about what you are studying.

You can use a plain notebook, Bible journaling printables, or a digital Bible journal. I use both printables and a digital Bible journal and I love them both.

The best part is having your notes organized and easy to find so you can refer back to them at any time! 


14) Personal Finance Goals Journal

Are you trying to buy a car or a house? Or maybe you need to get out of debt.

Whatever your financial goals are, writing out your plan in a journal is one of the best ways to achieve those goals. I used journaling to help me get out of debt so I highly recommend it because I know it works! 

– What Kind Of Journal Will You Create First?

Of course, there are even more journals than these that you can create but I think these are enough to get you started!

Which ones do you plan to make first? If you’re multi-passionate like me then you would make all of them at once 🙂

Would You Like To Use My Journals & Planners For Free?

I’ve talked a lot about my journals/planners in this post. Now I want to share them with you so you can use them too!

You’ll get mini versions of our:

Joy Comes In The Mourning Grief Journal

Digital Bible Study Journal 

New Year New You Digital Fitness Planner & Journal 

Bloom & Grow Bible Study Journal 

Weight Loss Starts In The Kitchen Printable Meal Planner

Proverbs Bible Study Journal 

Creative Rest Mental Health Coloring Sheets

Enter your email address below to use mini versions of our HAYC planners!

If Types of Journals You Can Create has helped you, please share it on social media!

Medical Disclaimer: While Healthy As You Can strives to provide the most accurate information, anything you read on this site is purely for informational or entertainment purposes and should NOT be considered medical advice or as a replacement for a doctor’s care, diagnosis, appointment, advice, etc. I am not a medical professional at all. Any information, tips, or ideas that you try as a result of reading this blog is tried at your, the reader’s, own risk. 


Mental Health Disclaimer: While I care deeply about your mental health, please know that I am NOT a licensed medical professional, therapist, counselor, social worker, or mental health professional. Any advice here is not to be taken as medical advice or a diagnosis. IF you need to talk to a licensed mental health professional you can use online-therapy.com (affiliate link) or call a mental health hotline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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30 Christian Journaling Prompts To Elevate Your Faith & Get Closer To God! | Healthy As You Can - 01/23/2023 Reply

[…] Journal: You can find journals specifically for Christian journaling, or you can use a regular notebook with an inspirational scripture or quote on the cover. Or you can consider using a sketchbook or bullet dot grid journal if you want something more creative and artsy. Learn more about different types of journals here. […]

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