9 Items For Your Calming Anti-Anxiety Toolbox To Help Boost Your Mental Health On The Go!

teal overlay white letters anti anxiety toolkit purse in background open on desk

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Last Updated on 10/16/2024 by Nicky


Mini Calming Anti-Anxiety Toolbox  To Help Boost Your Mental Health On The Go!

1 Corinthians 7:32

“I want you to be free from anxieties.”

Oh man… we want this so badly, don’t we? To be free of anxiety and worry sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

But if I’m being honest, it also sounds elusive.

Like something that we might never have. With the news being at an unprecedented
level of stressfulness (yes I just made up a word), it’s hard to imagine that being free
from anxiety can be an actual “thing”.

I don’t want you to feel this way though.

You can fight and overcome anxiety.

Or at the very least you can reduce anxiety so much that it doesn’t rule your life and rob you of your joy.

The plan God has for your life will start to unfold before you once you stop letting fear and anxiety control you.

What you need is a kit of calming tools and strategies that you can turn to whenever anxiety starts to overcome you.

When you build this kit, you can use it to stop anxiety in its tracks (or greatly reduce it).

Arm yourself with these calming tools so you can have them at your disposal whenever you are in a stressful situation or you know you are able to go into an anxiety-inducing situation.

They will help you cope with whatever comes your way!

The beautiful thing about this mental health toolbox is that you can use this wherever you are…In the car, at work, on vacation, or at home.

And even your kids could use them if they suffer from mental health issues!

Or you could create one to give as a gift to someone you know who struggles with anxiety!

So let’s get started ya’ll!

– How To Build Your Mental Wellness Toolbox

So in this anti-anxiety toolkit there are going to be a variety of items, both physical and digital.

There are apps and websites and also physical things that you can put into it.

The physical items will be small enough that you can carry them in your purse.

I would suggest you put your anxiety kit in a pouch in your purse so that all of the items can be together and you can just reach for it whenever you need it.

Many of these items you probably have at your house but if not I’ve left links to some
items that you might want to try.

Want to read this post later? Save it to one of your Pinterest boards!

teal overlay white letters calming anti anxiety toolbox diffuser and essential oil graphic

– The 9 Things To Put In Your Anxiety Relief Toolkit For Stress Relief

1. Anti-Anxiety Scriptures

Something vital to include in your anti-anxiety tool kit? Scriptures that encourage you to
find peace in the Lord.

God loves us and does not want us to be filled with anxiety like so many of us are. Jesus said multiple times for us not to worry.

I understand from first-hand experience how hard it is to find peace in the midst of a panic attack or a day when everything seems to be going wrong.

And then with all the things going on in the world and in our personal lives and it is hard
to not to succumb to worry.

That’s why you should bookmark certain scriptures in your Bible app or you could copy and paste certain scriptures into a note on Evernote.

You could even make scripture cards and have them in your wallet or in a journal in
your purse.

And then whenever you start to feel anxious you can read the Scriptures it to remind
yourself of the promises God has made to us and how much he wants us to rest in Him.

Need some ideas on which scriptures to bookmark? Try this post filled with scriptures that will bring instant anxiety relief (or at least reduction)

You can print that out or you can just save it to your phone to read whenever you feel
like life is getting out of control.

Or you don’t even have to wait for life to get out of hand. You can read them every day
so that you are better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.


2. Portable Diffuser

So another thing that you can put into your anti-anxiety tool kit is a diffuser. For those of you who don’t know what a diffuser is, let me explain it to you.

Diffusers are little gadgets that have reservoirs where you can put water and drops of essential oil into.

And then you turn the diffuser on and little puffs of mist come out and wave out into the air.

What is the benefit of a diffuser?

Well, the essential oil that you put into the diffuser will determine the benefit.

If you put lavender essential oil into the diffuser then the mist that the diffuser produces will be calming to your senses.


Because the properties of lavender are calming and when the mist comes out and you smell the aroma, it will start to ease you from the stress you are under.

Make sense?

So if you were dealing with anxiety, especially an anxiety attack, you would put essential oils that have calming properties in the diffuser.

And I’ll talk more about which oils you can use to soothe your nerves later.

One of the drawbacks of most diffusers is that you can only use them in the house or wherever you can use an electrical outlet.

And I know you might be thinking, you can’t put a diffuser in your purse.

But I have found a diffuser that’s small enough to go in your purse.

It’s a wood grain portable diffuser that is tiny enough to put around your wrist or in your purse.

That means you can use it anywhere…in your car, at work, on vacation.

The possibilities are endless. That’s how portable this essential oil diffuser is.

Like I mentioned before most diffusers require you to use water but this one is waterless.

The standard dose is to just put a few drops of oil on one of the pads that come with the diffuser, put the pad inside the diffuser, close the diffuser, and turn it on.

The aroma of the essential oil that you chose will waft into the air much like it would with a regular diffuser.

I’ll put a link below if you want to go ahead and check out this diffuser and see what it’s like.

I know the diffusers have helped me with my anxiety so it would be amazing to be
able to have one portable enough to put in my pocket.

Check Out The Wood Grain Portable Diffuser for Essential Oils


2. Essential Oils In A Roller Bottle

So obviously if you’re going to have a diffuser in your anti-anxiety kit then you also need some essential oils for your kit.

So the most obvious essential oil to choose to lower your stress levels is lavender.

The properties of lavender are well-known and are used in products to help put babies to
sleep as well, adults.

But don’t worry.

It won’t put you to sleep in the middle of the day so it’s safe to use anytime. Some other essential oils that have been known to help calm your nerves are:

 Bergamot orange.
 Chamomile.
 Clary sage.
 Lavender.
 Lemon.
 Neroli.
 Rose.

And if you’re taking the essential oils on the go, the best way to tote them around with you
is in a roller bottle but you can certainly just leave them in their normal bottle if you prefer.

The benefit of the roller bottle is that you can go ahead and mix the essential oil with a carrier oil (an oil like almond or olive oil that dilutes the potency of the essential oil because many of them are too strong to use directly on the skin).

This way, the oils are ready to use at a moment’s notice. If you’re going to use the essential oil in the diffuser, you don’t have to dilute it prior to doing so.

Click the links below to learn more about the roller bottles and lavender essential oils on

Roller Bottles

Lavender Essential Oils

lavender essential oil bottle

3. Ashwagandha

Now you might be saying to yourself Ashwa-who. I totally get it.

What is ashwagandha?

I know it’s an unusual name but it’s just a plant in the nightshade family just like tomatoes.

It also goes by the name Indian ginseng and it is bursting with tons of beneficial properties for our health.

One of those benefits is of course its ability to help us calm down in stressful situations.

I have used this herb many times so I know first-hand how effective it has been for me
and I believe it could be for you as well.

Your body just feels more relaxed and able to handle stress when you take ashwagandha. 

I take it when I know that I have an anxiety-inducing day ahead of me.

When I take ashwagandha in the morning, many times I will have a more even keel response to situations that would normally be stressful.

Click to see the ashwagandha!


organic india ashwagandha

4. Super Stress B-complex

Super Stress B-Complex is another super important (ha ha ha) supplement for your relief kit that I’ve used to help soothe my frazzled nerves.

And what’s amazing is that there were no side effects as opposed to many drugs prescribed by doctors to help control anxiety.

Sometimes using something natural is the best approach because you get the benefits
without all of the drawbacks.

I thank God for creating plants that help us overcome the worries and stresses of this life.

Check out the Super Stress B-complex that helped me most!

super stress b complex

5. Calming Playlist

Another thing that you can put in your mental health care toolkit is a playlist. Music is one of the most calming resources we have at our disposal.

You can create a playlist of music that you know relaxes you and puts you in a different frame of mind.

It could be classical music, gospel, contemporary Christian, or whatever kind of music that you know will calm your mind.


7. Earbuds

It should go without saying that if you have a playlist that you might need earbuds in
order to listen to that playlist.

Of course, if you have an office at work and can play music out loud that’s great but for those of us who don’t or who want to listen to it on the subway, train, or wherever any
place where you can’t play loud music, you’ll need earbuds in order to play that playlist.

Here are some earbuds that are highly rated but I have not tried them out myself.

8. Small Portable Prayer Journal

I’m not sure if you ever considered this but you could keep a small prayer journal in your

Wouldn’t it be amazing in the midst of a super stressful day to pull that out of your purse and pour your heart out to God?

There’s no rule that says you can only use one when you’re at home. You can totally do
it no matter where you are.

Here is a small journal that would fit perfectly in your purse but you can get journals
from many brick and mortar stores.

And you could also use a prayer journal online which means you can use it on your phone. This is a lot more convenient for most people including me!

You can check out this digital prayer and Bible journal available in my shop

9. Online-therapy.com Account

I’m not sure if you’ve ever considered using online therapy before but I can’t recommend it enough.

I knew my depression and anxiety were spiraling out of control but I was too scared to go to see a mental health professional in person.

Something had to be done but I wasn’t sure what I would do.

Then I decided to look up (keep in mind this was like 2012), online therapy just to see what popped up. I wasn’t at all sure that this was a thing but it was.

In fact, there were several options for online therapy back then and even more now.

But the one that I was drawn most to was online-therapy.com. I decided to take the plunge so to speak and I’m so grateful that God lead me to it.

I know that I wouldn’t be writing this to you today if I hadn’t taken that first step many
years ago.

I would still be too anxious, too filled with worry, overthinking things to the point of paralysis to be a blogger where I was open and vulnerable about my depression and anxiety.

The way that online-therapy.com works is that they have their own toolbox of mental health resources, including worksheets, journals, activity plans, messages, and live chats with licensed therapists.

You can message, chat with, and have your journals read by the therapist and get invaluable support and feedback from them, which is what meant the most to me.

The feedback is what really changes you because otherwise, you aren’t able to get anyone else’s perspective on what you’ve written.

They will ask you questions that challenge the assumptions that you’ve made about life and yourself and arm you with coping strategies and skills so you can see real life change.

I’ve even kept some of my journal entries from 2012 and it’s amazing to go back and read them and see the transformation that has happened in my heart since that time.

It truly is a life-changing resource that could help many people.

And you can do all of this right from your phone because their website is very

If you want to check it out you can click here to learn more and create a free account.

Click here to learn more about online.therapy.com

– Please Start Building Your Calming ToolKit Today!

Y’all, I really am so grateful for you and your willingness to get help with your anxiety. If you’re afraid to get help with your anxiety please don’t be.

I was once like that too. Getting therapy in any form terrified me. But now I thank God
for it because it truly blessed and changed my life for the better.

I hope these resources used in tandem will help you learn how to find the peace that I
know God wants you to have.


God bless,


If  Mental Health Toolbox For Stress Relief has helped you, please share it on Facebook Or Twitter!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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