25 Motivating Goal Setting Journaling Prompts To Spur You Into Action!

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Last Updated on 01/02/2023 by Nicky

Goal Setting Journal Prompts

“ I want to get out of debt”

“I want to start a business”

“I’d like to lose 50 pounds”

Whatever your goals might be, you are going to need a plan to help make them happen.

And one of the first steps in achieving your goals is writing them down!

If you’ve been here before then you may know that I be loving me some writing and I prompt (pun intended) everyone to write in their journal!

Want to lose weight?

Write that goal down in your journal!

Want to save $10,000?

Start writing that goal down in your journal!

And if you need some inspiration about what goals to set and guidance on how to create an action plan then I will be showing you all of that today.

I want these goal setting journaling prompts that I’m going to share with you to spur you into action!

Let’s set it off with some ways setting goals benefits your health!

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about.

–  4 Life-Changing Benefits of Setting Goals That You’ll Love

If you feel like you are in a place where you are just going through the motions and letting things happen to you, then it’s definitely time to take action!

I promise you and your health will be all the better for it.

Here are some of the health benefits of setting goals!


1) Goals Help Give Your Life A Purpose & Improve Mental Health 

Goals give you purpose and meaning which is huge for your mental health! I remember a period of time when I didn’t have a job and I lived with my parents.

I felt like I didn’t have a purpose in life and that each day just bled into the next.

Plus, feeling like I had no purpose made me want to be a recluse which of course just makes you more depressed.

Take it from me…you want to set goals and pursue them so you don’t feel like you’re just taking up space.

Of course, let me be clear. You do have worth whether you have goals or not. Jesus has made that clear (Matthew 6:25-34).

But it’s easy to believe that you don’t when you’re not accomplishing anything, serving anyone, or contributing to the world.

What are you here for?

What can you do to glorify God, and help others, your family, and yourself?

When you start to define these things, your life will start to take on a whole new meaning!


2) You’ll Make Better Use of Your Time If You Set Goals


Facebook, Instagram, YouTube are all notorious time wasters. They are some of my favorites for sure.

But time is flying by us every day. If we don’t reach out and grab every day by the horns, you’ll look up and another year of your life will be gone and you’ll have nothing to show for it (ask me how I know).

This is why it is vital to create goals. Paul reminds us that the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16) meaning that when you have idle hands and no purpose you start getting into some stuff you shouldn’t be in, you feel me?

Have goals, then use your time wisely to pursue those goals.


3) Goal Setting Helps You Focus And Avoid Stress


Life is so full of choices and decisions that it can overwhelm you. But once you’ve fully committed to the goals you’ve set, you can cut out a lot of the noise around you and focus on the road ahead.

If you’ve decided you want to start a business, then don’t get distracted by ads telling you that you should become a nurse instead.

When you have squirrel brain like me, it’s easy to get off track by everyone telling you that this program or product is the best way to achieve success. You have to have a focused mindset in order to achieve your goals!

To make focusing easier, write down your long-term and short-term goals daily so you have to see and internalize them.

While that might seem like overkill to some people, it’s an important part of making sure that you don’t lose sight of the goals that you’ve set out to get.


4) Goal Setting Helps End Procrastination


Have you ever had a habit of putting things off until the absolute last second? *Raises hand guiltily…procrastination has definitely been a problem for me)

A lot of people who do this are very intelligent people, but they procrastinate for various reasons.

Sometimes, it’s fear and anxiety that causes them to put things off. Sometimes they just feel overwhelmed with the task at hand. However, when you have goals and your break them down into achievable chunks,  you’ll have an easier time getting things out of the way.

You will be well acquainted with the fact that waiting can be devastating to deadlines and other time-sensitive details of life.

Now it’s time to get started on these goal-setting writing prompts!

Plus check out some related goal-setting posts below: 

19 Life-Changing Healthy Goal Setting Ideas For All Areas Of Your Life

25 Powerful Examples Of Emotional Wellness Goals All Woman Should Have!

15 Motivational Fitness Goals Quotes To Get You Off The Couch & Get Fit


Want to read this post later? Click here to save it to one of your Pinterest boards! 

pink desk white paper goals motivating goal prompts

– Goal-setting journal prompts to motivate you to success!

  1. what do people say you’re good at?
  2. What do you find yourself saying, I wish I could do ____________ but I can’t,
  3. What goals have I accomplished in the past?
  4. What am I most proud of?
  5. Who do I admire and why?
  6. What talents do you have that could help others or turn into a career or business?
  7. What dream job did you have as a child that people would say,”that’s not a real job”?
  8. Did you pursue that career?
  9. Why or why not?
  10. Name a problem in your life that you need solutions for ASAP?
  11. What are some solutions that you can think of to solve that problem?
  12. Name 3 mental health goals I have. (Ex. Journal daily, do counseling for a year, etc.)
  13. List 3 financial goals you want to achieve. ( example: get out of debt, save 6 figures, invest in real estate).
  14. Write down 3 spiritual goals you have. (Ex. Read through the Bible in a year, start a ministry, pray daily)
  15. What are 3 physical health goals I have? (Ex. Eat leafy greens daily, workout 60 minutes 5 days a week, drink 6 cups of water daily)
  16. What goals do I have for the next 5 years?
  17. What goals do I have for the next year?
  18. What are my 6 month goals?
  19. What/who motivates me to achieve my goals?
  20. What goals do I want to accomplish in the next week?
  21. How will I hold myself accountable about my goals? Who will I tell?
  22. What fears have kept me from pursuing my passions in the past?
  23. How will I combat those fears?
  24. Who will support you on your journey?
  25. What are the first 3 steps I can take to get started quickly?

– Share With Us Which Goals Are You Going To Set! 

I firmly believe that if you’re stuck on figuring out what your goals should be, these journaling prompts will make that a thing of the past!

Don’t censor yourself when you go through these prompts.

Don’t say that something is too silly to write down.

There aren’t any wrong answers. The point is to think about your current life, what changes you want to make, and how you can make them.

Eventually, you will create a plan to help you set goals and kick major booty!

If 25 Motivating Goal Setting Journaling Prompts To Spur You Into Action! has helped you, please share it on social media!


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Medical Disclaimer: While Healthy As You Can strives to provide the most accurate information, anything you read on this site is purely for informational or entertainment purposes and should NOT be considered medical advice or as a replacement for a doctor’s care, diagnosis, appointment, advice, etc. I am not a medical professional at all. Any information, tips, or ideas that you try as a result of reading this blog is tried at your, the reader’s, own risk.

Mental Health Disclaimer: While I care deeply about your mental health, please know that I am NOT a licensed medical professional, therapist, counselor, social worker, or mental health professional. Any advice here is not to be taken as medical advice or a diagnosis. IF you need to talk to a licensed mental health professional you can use online-therapy.com (affiliate link) or call a mental health hotline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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