5 Creative Ideas For Your Prayer Journal To Build A Stronger Relationship With Christ!

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Last Updated on 03/05/2024 by Nicky

– Creative Ideas For Your Prayer Journal

Would you like to rekindle intimacy with God through prayers but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you have a prayer journal that you simply don’t feel inspired to use.

Prayer is a major part of our Christian life; it’s what keeps us connected to our Source.

Just as a fish cannot survive outside its habitat, as Christian women, we need to stay connected to God through prayers if we’re truly going to live out His purpose for our lives.

I understand that as much as we want to cultivate a praying habit and get closer to God, our busy schedules may sometimes get in our way.

In fact, distractions can come from anywhere, e.g., the bills, an important exam, home runs, etc… but in the midst of these, you can still make time for God.

And I’m here to show you how a simple prayer journal can help you improve the quality of your prayer life.

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about and from companies that I trust like Amazon and others. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

– What Is A Prayer Journal?

Prayer journals are notebooks where you write down thoughts related to your relationship with God, insights, and prayers.

They help us strengthen our Christian walk and prioritize our prayer life. That way, we can identify strengths and weaknesses and make adjustments as necessary.

Your prayer journal is a place where you can retreat to get away from the busyness of life and give attention to what matters most: getting closer to God.

It’s also a place where you can think through everyday struggles and receive help in developing your faith.

Looking back on my prayer journals, I am so glad I decided to create them. It has helped me build intimacy with God and improve my prayer life through the years. Now, I feel a lot closer to God and confident in His love for me.

If you ever feel like giving up on prayer because of your busy schedule or life’s challenges, I hope you’ll remember Luke 18:1 “… men ought always to pray, and not to faint;”

Prayer is a vital aspect of our lives; we should never let it get neglected and taken for granted. So instead of giving in entirely, why not revive the desire for fellowship with God through journaling?

bible study and prayer journal pink purple and yellow – Benefits Of Using A Prayer Journal

1) Motivate Yourself

As a Christian woman, it is common to have several goals and objectives that you want to achieve.

Often these goals get forgotten, and the many things that come up in the day and even week can shift your focus away from what’s really important.

A prayer journal allows you to reflect on your Christian goals, how far you’ve come, and how much further you can go with God’s help.


2) Grow Closer To God

We are tasked with exploring our relationship with God, and prayer is one of the best ways to do that.

By keeping a prayer journal, you can use it to reflect on your relationship with Him.

How much time have you devoted to Him lately? When was the last time you spoke to Him? What does He keep telling you?


3) Build a praying habit

One of the biggest challenges that most people have is that they find it difficult to start praying.

It’s all too easy to skip over or even just not give prayer any thought. Prayer journals allow you to set aside some time each day to invest in prayer; reflect on what He has done and what God asks of you.

These times are a great opportunity to grow in your relationship with God and learn how He wants you to live your life.

It’s also a means of building good habits, like having more conversations with God and seeking to understand His purpose for your life.


4) Focus On The Important Things In Life

Several things in life threaten to take our focus away from what is really important.

By using a prayer journal, you’ll be able to sharpen your focus and give more attention to fellowship with the Holy Spirit and your Bible.

It’ll also help you improve your communication with God and enjoy your alone times with Him.


5) Build Self-Reflection Into Your Routine

Keeping a prayer journal isn’t a one-day affair; it can be a good habit that helps you become a better person over time.

Having prompts or questions that help you reflect and grow in your Christian walk makes it possible to see life differently.

I grew up in a Christian family but as I got older it was clear that I had to build my own relationship with God and not just have a faith based on the beliefs I was taught growing up.

Journaling was one of the ways I used to work out my own salvation and form a true personal bond with Jesus. 

When things got hard in my life, writing down my thoughts and fears in my prayer journal helped to eventually bring me mental clarity and peace (although I will admit it took time). 

A prayer journal will help you grow closer to God in many ways, not just through powerful prayers.

Keeping a journal is one way to strengthen your faith and communication with God.

–  How To Create A Simple Prayer Journal

Making a prayer journal is fairly simple. There are 3 main options and honestly, you could use all 3.

1) Digital prayer journal

You can use a digital prayer journal that is as simple as a note you create in Evernote or as elaborate as one you get from Etsy. I use a prayer and Bible study journal I created in Trello which you can learn more about here.

2) Notebook or Bullet Journal

You can also use just a blank bullet journal for your quiet time sessions. Just open the journal, date it, and start writing your praises and petitions out to God.

3) Prayer Journal Printables 

Another option is to download some prayer journal printables. A lot of these have prayer journal prompts, Bible study pages, calendars so you can schedule your quiet time and journaling template pages of all kinds.

purple and black lettering prayer journal ideas white journal on white desk with pink flowers– Creative Ideas For Your Prayer Journal

Here are a few ideas to help your prayer journal become even more meaningful.


1) Write Down Prayers God Has Answered

In my experience, God has always answered prayers. When I feel weak and cannot figure out the reason for a problem or am trying to decide what to focus on, I pull out my prayer journal and read out answered prayers.

You, too, can do the same.

What prayers have God answered? List them out in your prayer journal and thank Him for them.

In times of trouble when something needs to change in your life, be it health issues or other problems you may have, they’ll be your testimony of faith.


2) Journal From The Heart

During your quiet time, jot down everything in your heart at that moment.

It doesn’t matter if you feel depressed, nervous, frustrated, or many other emotions; this is a quick and easy way to get them out of your head and onto the page.

Now that your mind is free, it’ll be easier to hear God, read your Bible, understand His Word, and yield to His guidance concerning the situation.

Also, if you need to pray concerning it, you wouldn’t feel confused or burdened as before.


3) Write Down Goals You Want To Pray About & Need Guidance On

Write down your goals and any prayers you would like God to answer. God is always eager to hear us and answer our prayers.

A prayer journal is the best place to lay it all out if anything is bothering you. Write out everything you need to pray about and identify areas where you need spiritual guidance.

Address it to God in your own words. 

For instance, you can say, “Dear Lord, these are my goals, I commit them to you, and I pray you to direct me. Amen.”

Converse with God as you would a friend who is interested in you; you’ll be amazed at the outcome.


4) Create a prayer list for others

Do you know a loved one who’s going through difficulties?

As Christians, we can effect changes by praying for them. Maybe you’ve gotten into the habit of telling people you’ll pray for them, but somehow you never do.

Don’t miss this opportunity to write out the prayer requests in your journal; you’ll remember more easily and keep track of the results.

Keep praying for them until the situation is resolved; God always honors our intercessory prayers.


5) Write Down A Daily Prayer 

Writing your prayers can help you stay focused and consistent with them. Make a list of prayers you need to say daily and write them down in your journal.

You can also write them as letters to God and read them aloud daily. You can start by saying, “Heavenly Father, Sweet Holy Spirit,” then write down the rest of the prayer.

It could even be a prayer-like confession you would like to say daily before leaving the house; your journal is the best place to write it. 

I wrote out a daily prayer and divided it into categories like goals, relationships, struggles, etc. Then I printed it so I have a paper copy and a copy on my computer.

Plus I can update the copy on my computer as prayers get answered. You should try it! It’s a game-changer!


6) Write Out Scriptures You Want To Pray 

This is a great means of remembering the scriptures you are supposed to live by.

What are your favorite scriptures? Write them down! Then pray over them.

More so, thinking about these scriptures can result in positive thoughts and attitudes in your life.


God is interested in us. He loves being in constant fellowship with His children, and we shouldn’t allow the cares of this world to deprive us of intimacy with Him.

Are you willing to take that leap of faith in God? Do you realize that He is calling out to you personally?

He seeks to spend quality time with you and help guide your life if you let him. A prayer journal can help you get started!

If 5 Unique Ways To Use Your Prayer Journal has helped you, please share it on social media!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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[…] With a prayer journal, you’ll be able to reflect intentionally and write out the perfect prayer points more easily. I also like that writing in a prayer journal is a creative way to spend time with the Lord! […]

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