A Powerful Prayer (& Solutions) To Overcome A Toxic Work Environment That Has Become Unbearbale!

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Last Updated on 01/02/2023 by Nicky

Prayers For A Toxic Work Environment That Has Become Unbearable!


I used to hate going to work when I started my first real job. Why? Because I was having ummm, how shall we say, difficulties at work with my supervisor.

And because of that, I went to work with a feeling of anxiety and dread in my stomach. If you’ve ever worked in a toxic work environment then you understand what I mean. You may love what you’re actual job entails but you struggle to love the people you work with.

I know that Jesus has told us to love everyone but frankly some people don’t make it easy. It is what it is.

But even still that’s what we are supposed to do. So what are some ways we can lovingly deal with people at work who we might just want to toss into the river (okay I don’t mean that literally, of course)?

I have some ideas and also a prayer that you can write down and say before and during work so that no one gets hurt lol

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links. Please let me know if you have any questions.


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teal letters women at table holding hands praying-What Not To Pray For

You might be tempted to ask God to change your boss or the people around you. But I urge you not to pray for that. Why? Because the only person you can control is you and it’s not up to you to get God to change someone else’s behavior.

I know that’s not what you want to hear.

It’s not what I want to say! Trust me…I don’t like it either. “But but but they said horrible things to me” I hear you saying. “But the way they treat me is terrible!”. I know and I’m truly sorry about that.

I’ve been in a toxic work environment too and I know the anxiety that you get on your way to work not knowing how that certain person or group of people will treat you today. I also don’t want you to pray for things like “let that person be transferred to another department or company” or “ please Lord let them get another job”.

Ok, so it’s possible I’ve prayed for things like that but if I did, I was wrong. Instead, I’m going to share with you a few ideas on how you can cope with difficult people in the workplace.

Ideas I’ve Used To Overcame A Toxic Workplace

1) Stand up for yourself with grace

Now, of course, every situation is different and I can’t say for sure that this will work for you but it worked for me.

For a year and a half at my job, I felt bullied by my supervisor. I never knew what they were going to say to me or if they would even respond to me at all.

If possible, I would always ask my other supervisor about something and only bother my “bully” supervisor on an as-needed basis. If I did have to ask them for something, they would peer over their glasses and glare at me and maybe not even respond.

Or if they did, they would be sure to let me know by their tone that I was inconveniencing them with my inquisition. How dare I impose on their time with my little piddly requests? I was not important enough to interrupt whatever important task they were doing.

And because they were my supervisor, I felt like I had to accept any jabs, snipes, or put-downs they hurled my way. And I did. But everyone has a breaking point. I reach mine slower than some other people do but perhaps faster than others.

Eventually, when I was put down for making an easily fixable mistake, I spoke up for myself much to their surprise. I didn’t yell, curse, or say anything rude but I stood up for myself, I believe, without sinning.

And the message was heard loud and clear. From that moment forward, the nature of our relationship changed. Was it perfect? No, but slowly and surely a more respectful relationship, for both parties, began to develop.

And the workplace environment grew less toxic in that respect. The moral of the story, is if you are being bullied at work, and you can do so in a calm non-sinful (not sure that’s a word) manner, then speak up for yourself. Now, this situation was not planned. I didn’t go to work thinking, I’m going to stand up for myself today…it just happened naturally.

But you have the benefit of praying about the situation beforehand and asking the Holy Spirit to guide your tongue when you speak to this person.


2) Create a playlist of worship music

Another thing that I’ve done to cope with a negative work environment is to create a playlist of worship music.

I just went to YouTube and created a playlist and thought of hymns and contemporary Christian music that would help calm me down and situations that made me anxious.

Some of the songs I had on my playlist or Because He Lives, Be Still My Soul, The Great Redeemer, In Christ Alone, and many others.


3) Make a list of what to do

I also made a list of ideas that I could try when I’m anxious at work. What do I mean by this?

I mean I wrote down a list of concrete things I could do in those moments when I felt overwhelmed at work.

For instance, I had ideas like looking at pictures of people I love, listening to music like the playlist I mentioned above, looking at pictures of my dog, having scriptures on hand that I know that I can turn to and times of anxiety, and of course praying.

A Powerful Prayer To Overcome A Hostile Workplace, Boss Or Coworker

Like I said earlier we want to make sure we’re praying appropriate prayers. I’m not saying that you can’t vent to the Lord about what’s going on and how you’re being treated.

Trust me I’ve done that, oh my goodness and so many times. However when it comes to asking God for specific things I want to make sure we’re asking him for things we have control over.

We can’t control other people. And while God can control other people, typically He doesn’t do that without a person’s consent. He might call us to do something, but ultimately it is up to us whether or not we do it.

So let’s try a prayer like this:

Dear Father, I am really struggling at work. I don’t know what to do. I feel like things are never going to change but yet here I am pouring my heart out to you and asking you for your help because even though I have almost given up hope, I know that you are able to make a way when there seems to be no way.

Lord, please give me enough strength to get through this day. That’s all I need strength for it it’s just today. I know that I can’t control what the people around me do. But I can control how I react to the people around me and what they do. And pray that I can be a good ambassador for Christ.

That I won’t do anything to tarnish the image of Christ. Lord if there is it another job that would be a better fit for me please lead me to it. If I’m supposed to start a business guide me in that new venture. But as long as I am around the people who I am struggling to love, I ask for your supernatural presence to walk alongside me.

Help me to be an example for those around me so that others will see You in me. All these things I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Start praying this daily and I truly believe things will start to turn around. It might not change the people you are having problems with but it can change how you perceive those people. God bless you as you deal with trouble at work.

Work is where we spend half of our lives so I know how painful it is to deal with toxic workplaces! Praying things turn around for you soon!

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Medical Disclaimer: While Healthy As You Can strives to provide the most accurate information, anything you read on this site is purely for informational or entertainment purposes and should NOT be considered medical advice or as a replacement for a doctor’s care, diagnosis, appointment, advice, etc. I am not a medical professional at all. Any information, tips, or ideas that you try as a result of reading this blog is tried at your, the reader’s, own risk.

Mental Health Disclaimer: While I care deeply about your mental health, please know that I am NOT a licensed medical professional, therapist, counselor, social worker, or mental health professional. Any advice here is not to be taken as medical advice or a diagnosis. IF you need to talk to a licensed mental health professional you can use online-therapy.com (affiliate link) or call a mental health hotline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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