10 Bold Spiritual Journaling Prompts That Will Change How You View Your Life & The World!

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Last Updated on 01/13/2024 by Nicky


10 Bold Spiritual journaling prompts that will change how you view yourself and the world


If you’ve been around these parts before then you know I’m a huge advocate for the power of journaling! It’s been a source of healing and a way to connect deeper with God… especially when I’m going through hard times.

That’s why I’m extra excited to share these spiritual journaling prompts with you because I know that the more you use them, the closer your relationship to Christ will be.

I’ll also be sharing with you how to get a free spiritual journaling bundle that you can download today! It will help you kickstart your journaling adventure!

Let’s dive right in!

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about and from companies that I trust like Amazon and others. Please let me know if you have any questions.

– How To Start A Journal

One of the beautiful things about journaling besides how powerful it is, is how simple it is to get started. Like I mentioned earlier if you want to download a copy of a free spiritual journaling bundle you can do that right now by clicking here 

Then you can use either the digital Bible journal or the printable Bible journal (or both) to start using these journaling prompts right away! 


Another option is to use a bullet or lined journal. Bullet journals are great if you want to be artistic and draw. Lined journals are great if you want to focus on writing. However, either one can be used for both.

I also really enjoy using digital Bible journals and planners like the ones I’ve created in Trello I created a digital Bible journal and a digital weight loss journal. You can check out these journals by clicking the links.

All in all, it doesn’t matter which journal you choose, just as long as you get started! But why keep a spiritual journal? Well, let’s talk about that next! 

– Why Keep A Spiritual Journal

You might be wondering why you should keep a spiritual journal. Is it really that important and does it benefit my life?

Well, I know for me having a special place to write down my prayers, thoughts, and hopes to God has been a major source of healing. It’s helped heal my depression. And it’s helped heal me (almost) from my anxiety and self-doubt.

I can truly say that having a spiritual or Christian Journal has been the key component in boosting my mental health.

What do you write in the spiritual journal? That’s what will discuss next.

– What To Write In A Spiritual Journal

Besides the spiritual journaling prompts that I’m about to share with you, there are other things that she can write in your Christian journal.

The most obvious thing to write in a spiritual journal is your prayers. Besides that, you can also take notes on any Bible studies that you were doing.

If there is a sermon that you want to take notes you could do that in your spiritual journal. Write down your spiritual goals such as I want to give more or read the Bible all the way through in a certain amount of time.

You may have a goal of starting a ministry or planning an event. All of that can go in your spiritual journal. As you can see spiritual journals or not just for prompts. However, prompts are an amazing way to spark inspiration and provoke thoughts that you may not have considered before.

So now let’s go over the spiritual journaling prompts that I’ve been raving about.

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teal letters spiritual journaling prompts woman writing in mountains

– Spiritual Journaling Prompts To Help You Connect Deeper With Christ!

1)What do I think will happen when I die?

Besides just thinking about the meaning of life, it’s also important to think about things that might come after this life. I know I personally, believe that we (we, meaning all humans who have ever lived) will have a spiritual body that will live forever either with God or without Him in torment.

No, it’s not fun to think about but it is vital to think about. Dive deep into this question, even if (or especially if) it’s uncomfortable. It’s a subject we should all take seriously.


2) To me, Jesus is _________.

Jesus Christ is a polarizing figure. Although some people believe there are many ways to have a relationship with God, Jesus boldly says that there is no other way to know God except through Him. John 14:6 

What He means is that if you don’t have a relationship with Him (Him meaning Christ), then you don’t have a relationship with God either.

Yet millions of people believe that they can know God personally while rejecting Jesus totally.

What do you say? Do you believe that Jesus is the only way to God or do you think something else entirely?

Write down your thoughts on this. In my opinion, it’s the most important question you can ever answer.


3) Do I have a relationship with Christ?

If you do think Jesus is the Son of God, do you have a relationship with Him?

Would you say you believe in Him and His divinity? Do you call Him your savior and friend?

Is He just some man you heard of that you think, yeah he’s a good religious leader but he’s no different from the rest? What are your thoughts on this? Think about it.

Ask God to help you with these prompts and see if He reveals anything to you as you write.


4) If so, describe that relationship with Christ and how I know I have it.

If you said you have a relationship with Christ, explain why you believe that. Describe when you first entered that relationship.

What would you say is the current state of your relationship? (I know for me, my walk with Christ has been a roller coaster. Sometimes, I feel really close to Him and then in some times of my life, I wasn’t even sure I believed in Him anymore. So wherever you feel like you are on your journey with God, know that I’m not judging you! I’ve felt every emotion when it comes to God, so I understand)!


5) When I’m going through a hard time, I usually ___________.

When everything seems to be going well, it can be easy to love God and sing His praises. But what about when life turns upside down?

Can we still sing Him praises and call Him good then? Do we run to Him as a source of comfort and guidance because we know we can’t get through this season without Him? Or do we turn from Him or blame Him for everything that is going wrong?

(I’ve run to Him and I’ve blamed Him, so again, no judgment from me on this answer).

6) Where did you see yourself 5 years ago? Are you where you thought you would be?

This question forces you to pause and think about the direction of your life. Is it going according to plan? Do you have a plan for your life or do you know God’s plan for your life? Is your life turning out the way you thought it would?


7) If not, what is one step you can take today, to start your journey to a better life?

This is a follow-up to the last journaling prompt. If your life hasn’t turned out the way you thought it would, what is something you can do today to start turning things around?

Do you want to go back to school and get some more career training? Do you want to lose weight?

Whatever it is that isn’t going right, write down some specific steps you can take today that can start to fix some of the issues you are facing. Or to work toward some of the goals you want to achieve.


8) What opportunities do you regret not taking?

Think back on your life at some of the regrets you have. What are some opportunities that you reflect on and think “man, I really wish I would have done that”.

And if you do have regrets about something you were scared to do, is there a way to go back and change that now? For instance, I always regret being too scared to study abroad. I wish I had done that in college.

But honestly, even if I don’t go back to college, there are different programs that help adults study or serve others abroad.

So if I really wanted to, I could still do this if I wanted. What are some ideas you have about “fixing” a past regret? Start praying about ways you can live without regret


9) What would future you be glad you did today?

I’m really good at procrastinating (although I don’t procrastinate as much as I used to). However, many goals take many months to accomplish.

This means we have to start taking steps towards our goals today if we want to see results in the future.

But, I know how impatient I can be. If I don’t see results in a week, then I sometimes want to give up. But you have to be visionary.

If you have a goal of losing weight, what you eat and how much movement you get today will play a role in how much you will weigh 2 months from now. So what are some things that you can do today to help set “future you” up for success?

Ask God for guidance on this and follow His leading!


10) If you could speak to God face to face, what would you say?

In our society, we use the word awesome and amazing a lot…to the point where it’s almost lost its meaning.

God is truly awesome and amazing and it can be hard to imagine talking to Him the way Moses or Noah did but what if you could?

What would you say to Him? What do you think He would say to you?

– Conclusion: Have These Spiritual Journaling Prompts Help You Think A Little Differently?

I truly hope and pray that these writing prompts have been thought-provoking and eye-opening to you, as well as helpful. There was no judgment on my part in any of these questions.

I do pray that you all know Jesus and His love for you and if not, that these prompts caused you to think about this subject some more. I encourage you to write these prompts in your journal and dive in head first. If you want to know more about Jesus I highly recommend World Bible School!

Don’t censor yourself and don’t shy away from any true feelings you have. Emotions can be scary to uncover but I believe in the end, facing them head-on is better than burying them.

Please share in the comments how you felt reading these prompts or some things you felt as you journaled them.

And now, please keep reading to see how you can get a free printable and digital Bible journal so you can start your spiritual journaling journey in literally minutes!

– Free Download For You: How To Do Your Bible Study & Prayer Journaling On The Go!

Spending time in prayer and Bible study is super important for our spiritual health.

But it can be a struggle finding the time to do it, keeping our thoughts and notes organized, and knowing what to do once we find the time.

That’s why I created the Renew Your Spirit Bible Study Mini Bundle!

And best of all you can download it completely free!

Here’s what you get with the Renew Your Spirit Bible Study Mini Bundle:


Bloom & Grow Mini Journal:

You can use this printable journal to write down your favorite verses & Bible study questions for further research, and use the quiet time reflections page as a prayer journal.


Trello Bible Study Journal:

If you love all things digital then you will love this digital Bible study journal, used exclusively with the free app Trello.


Because now you can keep your Bible study notes & prayer journaling super organized…


You can do a Bible study wherever you have WIFI!

Now you can do your Bible study on a plane, on a train, on a subway…or wherever!

With this mini version of the journal, you’ll get to the first 3 sections of the journal (Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus) free!

You’ll find sections to write Bible study questions, devotional, prayer journal, and sermon notes…plus so much more! There is a checklist for every chapter of each book that you can mark off as you go through your Bible reading plan for that year!

Just enter your email address below to get the link for the Bloom & Grow Bible Journal and the Trello Digital Bible Study Journal sent to your inbox!

If 10 Bold Spiritual Journaling Prompts has helped you, please share it on social media!


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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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