How To Create Delicious Meal Plans With Trello In 6 Easy Steps!

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Last Updated on 02/13/2023 by Nicky

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How To Create Delicious Meal Plans With Trello In 6 Easy Steps!

If you struggle to eat healthy or feed your family healthy nutritious meals, I know the perfect solution, my friend! What is it? Using Trello as a meal planner! Now I’ll be honest with you. Meal planning has been one of the biggest struggles of my healthy living journey. Frankly, I suck at it.

Why. I don’t know but fortunately, since I’ve started using Trello as a meal planner, it’s been a whole lot easier! Using Trello for meal planning has come in clutch for my meal planning deficiencies!

I’ve created a meal planner that I am going to show you today so you can see all the different things you can do with Trello!

Trello is an amazing free tool that you can use on any device and I’m excited to share with you some of the unexpected ways you can use it for meal planning and healthy living in general.

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links. Please let me know if you have any questions

What is Trello

It’s funny because meal planning probably wasn’t what the creators of Trello had in mind. Trello is actually a free productivity or project management app. I supposed meal planning is a project that needs to be managed but the Trello creators were probably thinking more like work-based or business projects.

Anyways, whatever Trello was intended to be originally, people like me have taken it and used it for all sorts of tasks and “projects” without regard for what this free app is really for.

The reason why people like me use Trello in such an out-of-the-box fashion is because it’s just so dang customizable. It’s just begging for me to experiment with it…and so I and many others have.

That’s why I’ve created a whole weight loss planner (with a meal planner included), blog content planner, and Bible study journal in Trello


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Trello meal planner in teal and yellow letters. pizza and salmon

– Benefits of Using Trello for Meal Planning

I’ve already briefly touched on this but the biggest benefit of using Trello for meal planning is how much you can customize it to your liking.

If you buy a digital meal planner created in say Goodnotes, you may be able to customize it some but I would think your options would be limited (please correct me on this if I’m wrong).

But if you bought a meal planner created in Trello, you can:

change the background picture,

the labels,

the order on the lists,

the order of the cards,

the order of items on the checklist

If you want to add pictures and recipes, it’s a simple matter of drag and drop. Need a copy of a certain section? Create one with a click of a button! Want to duplicate a list of cards or move that list to a different part of your board?

Super easy! These are just a few of the reasons why I love Trello so much!

pink trello meal planner Start with a Trello Meal Planning Template

And this is why I created the You Glow Girl Digital Weight Loss and Meal Planner in Trello. It’s a fitness journal and weight loss planner in one!

And a huge part of weight loss is nutrition. What you eat will make or break your diet and it’s way too easy to just up to a drive-thru or open Ubereats and see which delicious (but greasy) fast food meal can be delivered the fastest.

But when you meal plan (and meal prep like I talk about here) you can create meals that will help you meet the weight loss or health goals of you and your family!

I created all of these sections of this journal with busy moms and women who want to lead a healthier lifestyle in mind:

– A weight loss prayer journal

– Weight loss goals journal

– Scripture meditation journal

– Monthly progress tracker

– Daily health habit tracker

– Weekly & monthly meal planner

– Sections to write meal ideas

– Beauty & self-care planner

– Exercise planner

As I keep saying, this is a Trello meal planning template. This means that yes you can definitely use it AS IS but you can also tailor this Trello meal planner to you and your family’s needs, which will change over time!

Click here to see more about the digital Trello Meal Planner And Weight Loss Journal! 


Want to read How To Meal Plan With Trello later? Save it to one of your Pinterest boards!  Trello meal planner in teal and yellow letters pics of food in back

How To Meal Plan With Trello

Let’s talk in-depth about how to use Trello for meal planning because I think you will love it once you see how it works!

Step 1: Sign up for and install Trello

Ok so of course the first thing you’ll want to do is download Trello if you haven’t already.

I’m going to assume you already know a little about Trello which is why you would be interested in using it as a meal planner. However, if you’re brand new to Trello here is a quick tutorial video on how to use it


Step 2: Create A Board For Your Meal Planner

Now that you’ve got your Trello all setup, next you’ll want to create a new board that is just for meal-planning purposes. Once you’ve created your Trello meal planning board, now we get to have some fun!

Soon I’ll talk about the sections or cards I created in my Trello meal planner. You can make your Trello meal planner as simple or as complex as you wish. I chose simple as much as possible because I have a habit of complicating things that don’t need to be complicated.

Step 3) Create A List (Or Multiple Lists) For Meal Ideas Or Recipes Cards

The first thing I did for my Trello meal planner is set up a list just for meal ideas or recipes. Ok so for the meal ideas they are categorized by breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and desserts. I know I know…super original, right.

But anywho, I separated each category on the list with beautiful card covers so I can easily find what type of meal I’m looking for.

See the pic below to see how it looks. For the recipe categories, you don’t have to be as basic and boring as me. Divide your categories by recipe type (30-minute meals, Mexican, Asian Fusion, Baking, Keto, Weight Watchers, Whole 30).

It’s up to you. Right now we are just creating a list of meal ideas and recipes. And soon I will show you how to use these meal ideas to plan your meals for the week.

Trello meal planner template pink

I made the pink breakfast ideas photo in Canva and then uploaded it as a cover photo so it could act as a divider. This keeps all of the recipes nice and organized so you can find them whenever you need to!


You can either have an individual card for each recipe that you find or you can have one card that contains all the breakfast recipes, another card for all the lunch recipes, one card for the dinner recipes, etc.

You get the picture, right? I will say that I don’t recommend having all of your recipes inside one card because that’s going to get uber confusing.

Trello Meal Planner Template

Also, whenever possible, I love taking a screenshot or picture of the recipe so I remember exactly how yummy it looked! And I got this idea from another Trello meal planner that I saw but I thought it was a great one.

It’s painfully obvious and yet I still didn’t think of it. I was naming the cards on my meal planner by the date. But a better way to name your cards is by using the name of the meal idea or recipe and assigning a date to the card.

That way if you use the calendar power-up in Trello, you can actually see the name of the meals you are creating on which day. 

You can see what I mean by the picture below. Please ignore the strange “meal plan” for that day. It is just an example and not my actual meal plan 🙂

calendar view in Trello for meal planner

Step 4: Create Lists For Your Monthly Or Weekly Meal Plan

This part of your Trello meal planner will be set up based on your preference. You can create 7 lists and name them the days of the week. Then you can drag and drop the recipe for each day into the appropriate list.

Another way you can organize your Trello meal planning board is by doing a monthly meal plan.

Right now, in my Trello weight loss planner that I have in my store, the meal planner section has a list for each month and then a card for each day of the week. And inside the card, there is a checklist for breakfast lunch and dinner for that week.

I like this setup but the calendar view would not be very helpful. I think I’m going to add the option of having 7 lists with the days of the week for each list. That would make the meal planner more functional.

(Squirrel tangent: this is one of the reasons why I love Trello so much. It’s easy to customize and add ideas to products along the way. That way I can continue to improve products like my meal planner so I can help my customers as much as possible!).


Step 5: Choose which recipes you want to create this week and drag it to the appropriate list

If you choose to create board lists for every day of the week, in order to create your meal plan, you would just drag a recipe card from the recipe board list to your day-of-the-week board list.

Then, for the next week, you drag all those recipe cards back to the original list and choose your recipes for the upcoming week.


Step 6: EAT and enjoy!

This is, of course, the best part…eat your meals! I like to make notes in my recipe cards like “Use less salt” or “cook at a different temperature or for less time”.

That way, when you make that recipe again you will know what you need to do to make your meal even more delicious!

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– Will You Try Meal Planning With Trello?

Now, that wasn’t too hard, was it? Hopefully, you now feel more equipped to do your meal planning in Trello. Meal planning can be a bit overwhelming, especially for those who aren’t used to it…I know it can be for me!

Getting started with a Trello meal planning template and adding to it as you go can really help make things easier.

You can make your own Trello planner but if you’re not interested in doing that then take a look at the Trello meal planner in the HAYC store and see if it would help make your life easier. 
With the use of Trello, you can easily plan meals for the entire week and keep track of groceries and ingredients. Plus, using Trello for meal planning will help you stay on track with your health and fitness goals, save time and money, and eat better with fewer headaches.

Whether you’re a busy mom or a single girl, Trello is an amazingly customizable tool for simplifying anyone’s meal-planning process.

If Trello Meal Planning has helped you, please share it on social media!


Medical Disclaimer: While Healthy As You Can strives to provide the most accurate information, anything you read on this site is purely for informational or entertainment purposes and should NOT be considered medical advice or as a replacement for a doctor’s care, diagnosis, appointment, advice, etc. I am not a medical professional at all. Any information, tips, or ideas that you try as a result of reading this blog is tried at your, the reader’s, own risk.

Health Disclaimer: The owner of Healthy As You Can is not a physician, nutritionist, or medical professional. Any tips or ideas that you implement as a result of reading the information on this blog are done at your own risk. The results that may be discussed are not typical or guaranteed. Please talk to your doctor before starting any workout, exercises, diet or nutrition plan. Please stop any workout if you start to feel any pain. Healthy As You Can is not entering into a Doctor-Patient relationship with any reader and is not responsible for any errors or omissions of information.



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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