Should I Tithe Even If I Have Debt? My Unpopular Opinion May Surprise You!

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Last Updated on 10/16/2024 by Nicky

Why Christians Have Tithing All Wrong

Tithing and giving back to God just a small portion of what He’s given us is a major part of our faith. It shows Him that we know where our blessings come from. But there’s just one little problem with tithing, at least in our mortal minds.

Tithing is a little (or a lot depending on your financial situation) scary especially if you’re in debt! I mean do we even have to tithe if we’re in debt or can we just let that slide?

Well, we are going to talk about tithing while in debt, if we should do it or if we should stop tithing while in debt, managing debt, and the super simple way to make giving back to God a whole lot easier.

And you can give something to God even if you’re in a tough financial position! By following the tips outlined in this guide, you’ll learn that you can give to God while in debt.

And you won’t suffer financially from doing so either! So, if you’re ready to learn about tithing while managing debt, this guide is for you!

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

What is Tithing?

So what is tithing? Tithing is the practice of giving 10% (or more) of your income back to God. Tithing is an ancient practice that goes all the back to the Old Testament. 

In Judaism, 10% of your income is considered to be a tithe. As far as biblical giving is concerned, tithing is definitely a more Jewish practice.

– Why I Believe Many Christians Are Wrong About Tithing

I have a bit of a bone to pick because when you look up the definition of tithing some blogs say that this is when you give 10% of your income to the local church.

However, I have not found that scripture in the New Testament that says Christians are commanded to tithe. I only read specifically about tithing in the Old Testament.

So this begs the question, how could tithing be giving 10% of your income to the local church when there was no local church in the Old Testament? Well, I think I know the answer…

– Are Christians Commanded To Tithe?

So does Jesus command us to tithe? I don’t believe so based on my research. I haven’t seen evidence of this in my research but I’m open to correction. But hold on though…not so fast.

This doesn’t mean we don’t have to give to God. Okay, scratch that. We don’t have to tithe or give our money to any charities or any churches. But we are told that we should do so.

The New Testament just doesn’t specify an exact amount to give such as there is with tithing (ie 10%). Instead, we are told that God loves a cheerful giver and to give generously and in proportion to our wealth.

And we are told to help orphans and widows.

In other words, in Christianity, tithing is not mandatory but it is encouraged. Giving to God is an act of worship and faith and generosity. It shows where our heart is. But there is no set amount that we as Christians are commanded to give.

If you see that scripture in the New Testament, I truly would be open to seeing it!

I see giving whether it’s a tithe or offering as an important part of our faith journey, a meager way to give back a little to God and those around us.

Giving or tithing is a spiritual act that shows that we know God is the source of everything we have.

I believe He wants us to enjoy the wonderful things around us but we always need to remember who it comes from and also remember those who may not have as much as we do and give to them as well!

As with most things in Christianity, the condition of your heart is the most important aspect of what you’re doing not the percentages.

Want to read  How To Tithe While In Debt later? Save it to one of your money Pinterest boards!

teal box should I tithe while in debt coins on Bible Should You Give Or Tithe While Paying Off Debt?

To answer this question, I will refer to what I’ve already said. You honestly don’t have to tithe at all. This is not a command given to us as Christians. So this means you also don’t have to tithe when you’re in debt.

However, do I believe you should give a contribution if you have debt? Yes, I truly do.

And I get it. You probably feel like you don’t have enough money to tithe, or you may feel guilty for not being able to give as much as you would like. Giving money when you may not feel like there is a benefit can seem detrimental to our mental health, for sure. 

But the truth is, giving, even with debt or on a low budget, is still important no matter what. Let’s discuss why that is.

Benefits of Tithing While In Debt

Giving your money back to God is a great way to show your faith in Him. It’s saying to the Lord I trust that you will always provide for me just like you have in the past.

Tithing can help you stay focused on your financial goals. When you give a portion of your money to the Lord even when you’re trying to get out of debt or save up for a house, it’s a signal to God that you know and are grateful for what He’s done for you.

It also serves as a reminder not to forget where your money comes from.

– Resources for Managing Debt and Tithing

I know it may seem counterintuitive to seemingly give money away when you’re trying to throw every spare cent toward your debt. But chances are you can still give money to the Lord and tackle your debt at the same time using some helpful tools and resources.

There are many resources available to help you manage your debt and still give to God. One of the best resources is a budget.

As Christians, we are supposed to be good stewards of the money God has blessed us with, and using a budget will help us do that for sure. I try to do a budget before I get paid so that I can be sure not to overspend. I like to know where my money is going!

A budget can help you keep track of your income and expenses, so you can see exactly how much money you have available to give to God. No scratch that. There’s a better way to tithe than to give Him what’s leftover…we’ll discuss that soon!

If you don’t know how to create a budget you can click here.

rose gold christian budget planner

If you want to use a budget planner you can click here to see the Christian Girl’s Budget Planner!

Another thing that you might want to do is a debt management plan. This plan is tailored to your financial situation, and it can help you create a plan to pay off your debt while still giving at your local church.

A debt management plan can be created with the help of a credit counseling agency or a financial planner or you can create your own.

You might think that getting a financial advisor is too expensive.

However, check to see if one is offered free through your workplace benefits.

I happened to find out as I was looking through my company’s website that there was a financial advisor available to help me with student loans, managing money, retirement, investing, buying a house and so much more!

What an amazing find!

Finally, there are many online resources available to help you manage your debt and still give to God.

There are websites and apps that can help you track your personal finances, budget, and give.

Many of these resources are free and can be extremely helpful for eliminating your debt and still giving to God.


– How to Calculate Your Tithe

When it comes to giving to God, it is important to remember that the amount you give is not as important as the act of giving. That being said, if you do want to give a tenth of your income this is how you calculate it.

To calculate your tithe, you first need to calculate your total income. That’s simple to do. If your workplace is like mine you can log into your portal and see exactly how much you’ve made over the last year.

This includes all sources of income, such as wages, investments, and other sources. Once you have calculated your total income, you can then calculate 10% of that number.

Now I know doing math is not a commandment so if you aren’t trying to figure out the exact amount yourself, here is a tithing calculator to do it for you! Et voila…you now know exactly how much you should be tithing!


– What’s the Difference Between Tithes and Offerings?

Tithes and offerings are two different types of giving. A tithe is a tenth of your income that you give to God, while an offering is any amount that you give above your tithe.

Tithes are usually a fixed amount, while offerings can be any amount you choose.


– The Secret To Giving While in Debt

Giving to God while in debt can be difficult, but it is still possible. Here is the BEST way to give to God while you work toward being debt free:

Automate Your  Giving!

Automating your tithe is truly the best way to ensure that you are giving to God on a regular basis.

The best way is to have money automatically debited from your bank account. This can be your contribution if your church has a program like that (our church calls it the ACH program).

When you set up an automatic payment to further God’s kingdom, you ensure that you give no matter what.

That means, if you’re out of town on Sunday and you don’t make it to church, your contribution can still be used for the work there.

That means, that those missionaries know that they can count on that money every month and not worry about their “wages” being docked.

It’s really the best way to fulfill this particular scripture and it’s so cool that technology is here to make it happen.

– Other Ways To Give Back To God On Autopilot

You can also give to charities automatically.

There is World Bible School that preaches the gospel all over the world. You can have a certain amount of money automatically deducted from your account every month and given to this charity (they are an organization close to my heart so might as well use them as an example :)).

You can also give to a missionary.

It might be a local or international missionary. And you can find missionary organizations online that you can give to as well like Focus. You can give a recurring gift every month.


– Practical Ways Of Paying Debt While Still Giving

  • Find Ways to Cut Expenses: Finding ways to cut expenses can help you free up money for tithing. Look for ways to reduce your spending, such as cutting back on eating out or canceling unnecessary subscriptions. This will help you free up money for tithing, even when you’re in debt.


  • Set a Budget: I know we talked about this some earlier but setting a budget is the best way to manage your debt while tithing. A budget will help you track your income and expenses, so you can see exactly how much money you have available to tithe.


  • Pay off High-Interest Debt First: Paying off high-interest debt is the most important thing you can do to manage your debt. High-interest debt can quickly accumulate, so it’s important to pay it off as soon as possible.


  • Setting Financial Goals

Many of us set financial goals. I mean, I do every year.

One of the biggest goals you might have is paying off your debt which I totally support! Maybe you want to earn a bigger income so you can save for an emergency fund or start investing.

These are all worthy goals to set for the new year or any time). We are called to be good stewards with the money that God has given us.

I definitely want to achieve these goals myself. I’m currently on baby step 3 ( of Dave Ramsey fame) where I’m working toward saving 3-6 months in my emergency fund.

But the most valuable money goal that we can set as Christian women is found in Proverbs 3:9 which says: Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops;”

This verse says to me that before I do anything else with my money, I need to be giving to the Lord. I shouldn’t just give whatever I have left over.

I shouldn’t just give if I remember every now and then. I’m supposed to give to Him first before I pay my water or electric bill.

There’s just one problem with this. It’s scary to do this when you’re struggling just to get by. When you don’t even know how you will pay your light bill, you’re still supposed to give to God first.

And this is where trust and faith in the Lord come in.

We are supposed to have faith that God will supply our needs like Jesus promised in Matthew 6:25-34 when He told us not to worry about what we will eat or drink.

And I kind of don’t want to mention the next verse in Proverbs. (3:10).


Not because I think it’s an unimportant or invalid verse. It’s because this verse has been misused a lot in some circles.

It says “Then you will have more grain and grapes than you will ever need.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:10‬ ‭CEVUK‬‬

Do I think this is true? Yes, but the way I understand Proverbs is that they are a set of principles. They aren’t guarantees that will happen in every case.

We should do Proverbs 3:9 even if verse 10 never materializes and that is not easy to do.

  • Prioritize Your Debts: It’s important to prioritize your debts in order to manage them effectively. Pay off the debts with the highest interest rates first, and then work your way down to the lower-interest debts.


  • Seek Help: If you’re struggling to manage your debt, don’t be afraid to seek help. There are many resources available to help you manage your debt and still give to God. Credit counseling agencies, financial advisors, and debt management plans can all be helpful.

– Another Way To Give Back That Isn’t Financial

Give Your Time

If you’re in debt and don’t have extra money to give, you can still give your time. Volunteer at your church or find ways to serve your community. This is a great way to show your faith and give back to God, even when you’re in debt.

– Tithing Or Giving Back Is Not Easy But You Can Do It!

I do want to acknowledge that giving your first fruits is not easy. You have to be willing to take a leap of faith and just believe that God will do what He says he will do which is provide for you.

You might be living paycheck to paycheck. You might be struggling with a mound of bills or drowning in debt.

I remember feeling anxious about increasing the amount of money that I give.

That anxiety can go haywire, even more, when it is taken out automatically because then you know it’s coming out no matter what.

It’s coming out whether or not you feel like you will be able to cover it or not. But God is so good.

Since, I’ve been automatically giving to my church and different ministries, never once have I not been able to cover my bills and my charity too.

So if you feel anxiety about doing this, have faith, and take Him at His word. He may bless you more than you can ever imagine!

Financial Disclaimer: Healthy As You Can (blog posts & products) is not offering any kind of financial advice. Any financial results discussed on this blog are not typical or guaranteed. Healthy As You Can is not a registered financial, investment, legal, tax advisor, or broker. This blog is for information and entertainment use only. A financial fund’s past performance does not predict or forecast its future results. 


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Kristen - 03/10/2023 Reply

I am so impressed you tackled this topic! I’ve done some research on tithing as well, and I have to agree with your analysis of tithing in the new testament. You’re right–we’re told to be cheerful givers and to take care of widows and orphans. And, when Jesus was asked about the most important commandments–they were love God and love people.

What I think is fascinating is the actual history of tithing in the Old Testament and how they used the tithes–for a party!

    Nicky - 03/12/2023 Reply

    Thank you so much for your comment!I’ve always felt a little guilty about not tithing (even though I always give a contribution) but when I dug into the scriptures I saw that this is not a command given to Christians. However, we are probably called to do MORE than just tithe but instead give in accordance to how much we have been given.

    I didn’t know that tithes were used for parties! I’ll have to look into that more…thanks for sharing!

    Jerald Boghossian - 09/22/2023 Reply

    Nice post. It’s very well thought out and quite informative. Keep it up.

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