How To Make And Organize A Beautiful Pink Prayer Journal For Spiritual Growth!

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Last Updated on 01/20/2024 by Nicky

How to make and organize an epic prayer journal for spiritual growth

Starting a prayer journal is one of the most life-changing things you can do to strengthen your relationship with Christ.

However, once you start building your prayer journal it can start to become a disheveled and disorganized mess.

One of the things I love most about a prayer journal is how you can go back and read your old prayers and see which prayers were answered and how.

But if your journal is disorganized, you can’t really do that. So today I’m going to share some ideas for how you can organize various types of prayer journals so you can always find whatever it is you are looking for!

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journal with pink roses on top– What Is A Prayer Journal?

A prayer journal is either a digital or paper journal where you write down all of your prayers to God. I view them as letters to your Heavenly Father. This relatively new idea has been instrumental in growing my relationship with Jesus.

Put a different way, a prayer journal is a personal diary or notebook where you document your journey of faith. And using one can help set your relationship with God on fire (in a good way) and create a more intentional and reflective prayer routine.

And guess what? It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the Christian faith or you’ve been a Christian for a long time, a prayer guide can pilot you into a greater level of fellowship with God than you’ve ever experienced before.

I’ll give you a personal example: I have been a Christian for many years but there was a dark period in my life when I didn’t pray. I just didn’t feel a connection with God and I didn’t want to, honestly. Eventually, I worked through many of my mental health and spiritual issues and started praying again.

And while I was working through these emotional challenges I was writing all the time. And what I didn’t realize is that I was creating a digital prayer journal without even knowing what a prayer journal was.

Now, many years later, I have a prayer journal for helping me with my business, weight loss, mental health, praying for others, and many other categories.

I use both a paper and digital prayer journal and you can take a look at both of them by clicking here. I know with all of my heart that my ramblings and ponderings that I poured out to God in my prayer journal were instrumental in helping me move closer towards mental peace and healing

Using a prayer journal helps you talk to God as if you were talking to a person standing right next to you. It’s like having conversations with Him like I would a friend.

Even though I was running from God, in my heart of hearts, I still wanted to feel close to God. So I started creating random Evernote docs and started venting my fears, frustrations, angry ramblings, and any other heartfelt thoughts that occupied my mind in digital form.

Slowly but surely, God began to transform me without me even knowing it. 

Now, how about you…

  • Do you want to feel a fresh fire from God?
  • Do you want to know Him Deeper with every word you write?
  • Would you like to experience the love of God in greater depth?
  • How about answers to prayers? Do you know which ones God has answered and the ones you’re waiting on Him for?
  • Has fear, worry, and anxiety clouded your mind and now you need to escape into God’s loving arms?

Regardless of where you’re at in life, I want you to know that there’s hope.

By learning how to make a prayer journal, you’ll unlock a new and exciting level of communication with God. And free your mind to focus on God in a more special way.

So stick with me as I discuss the steps you need to take.


What Is The Purpose Of A Prayer Journal?

I may not have to sell you on the amazingness of prayer journaling. One thing I love about a prayer journal is that it is personal to you and can serve various purposes.

I mean think about it… a prayer journal can get all of your concerns, requests, thoughts, and more out of your head and onto paper. That means those burdens are now left inside of that notebook and not inside of you

That’s what I love most about journaling.

Once everything is on paper, it’s easier to stay organized, reflect, and focus better on God and what He’s doing.

Other common reasons for keeping a prayer journal are:

  • To deepen your relationship with God by reflecting on past prayers and seeing how they have been answered.
  • It can help you evaluate your spiritual growth and identify areas for improvement.
  • A prayer journal can provide a source of comfort and encouragement during difficult times.
  • It can also create space for gratitude and reflection.

Until you have a prayer journal and actually start using it, you may never realize what you’ve been missing out on.


woman holding a pink binder

– Materials You Need For Your Fabulously Pink Prayer Journal

Now let’s talk about the materials you’ll need to create a prayer journal. I know I already mentioned that I used an app called Evernote when I first got the idea of journaling but I’ve since moved on from that. I now use a digital prayer journal created in Trello and I also use a printable prayer and Bible study journal that I created and put in a binder 

Let’s go over some of the supplies that you can use to create your own prayer journal:

1) Prayer Journal Printables: The other options that I use are prayer and Bible study printables. I’m old school and I still love to write with a pen in my hand. These prayer journaling sessions are when I’m the most raw and honest with God. 

It’s something about writing that just makes what you’re trying to say more personal and authentic. Plus, on a shallow note, printables are pretty and colorful so that’s a bonus too.

Hey, I’m a girl, what can I say? Here’s a link to the printable prayer journal that I created that you can check out (plus you can get a free version of the prayer journal to try it out). Once you find the printables you want, you download them and print them out at home. Bloom and grow prayer journal white and purple

Then just punch holes in them and add them to a binder. So simple to get started! And next I’ll share with you some ideas about sections you can add to your prayer journal.

You can create these sections in any type of prayer journal you create. For instance, if you decide to use a regular journal out of a notebook, you can make it into a bullet prayer journal. Just add a table of contents and then decide how many pages you want in each section. Then number the pages on the bottom right-hand corner.


2) A journal or notebook: Select a journal that you like. And ensure it has enough pages to last for a while. It can be a plain notebook, a leather-bound journal, or a decorative one like this.

The journal should be sturdy enough to hold up over time.


3) Pens: I am a pen lover from way back and I probably have 400 of them (no lie). I am a pen hoarder and that’s because I love the old-school art of actual writing. So if you create your prayer journal using printables or a notebook, you’ll definitely need pens.

I love Scribble Stuff pens and Frixion pens (this one is so cute!).

Choose pens that you like to write with, and that are comfortable to hold because some prayer journaling sessions can get super long.

Consider different colors to add variety to your journal. Gel pens, felt-tip pens, or calligraphy pens may be good options. 

If you’re going for an aesthetic look then let’s stick with the nude pink theme! Look at the pretty pink pens below

4) Sticky notes: If you use a paper journal or binder for your printables then sticky notes are a great way to add notes or reminders to your journal.

You can use them to bookmark pages or sections, make notes of something you want to look up or include them later.

I found these beautiful translucent sticky notes that you can see below. I love them because you can write on them, stick them on the pages of your Bible or prayer journal and still see the writing on the page underneath.

The picture below really doesn’t do it justice. You need to click here to check it out! 

5) Stickers: Stickers are a beautiful and fun way to decorate your journal. You can use religious or Christian stickers with scriptures on them, or simply choose ones that are motivational or reflective of your personality.


6) Highlighters: Highlighters can be used to mark important passages or ideas in your journal. They come in different colors, making it easy to color-code your entries.

And did you know that there are special Bible highlighters that don’t bleed through the pages? You know how thin the pages of a Bible are so using highlighters specifically for the Bible is a brilliant idea! 

7) Binder: If you choose to use prayer journaling printables like this one then you will want to have a cute binder like this to put those beautiful sheets in. That way you can stay nice and organized! And then if you have a binder then you might also want these next items…

8) Page Protectors: Protect the cover sheets of your prayer binder with page protectors like these on Amazon!


9) Page Dividers: You’ll also need a way to organize your prayer binder so that you can find everything you need and the best way to do that is by using page dividers like this gorgeous set right here.


10) Digital App: If you’re a digital kind of girl and you want to be able to prayer journal wherever you go, then you will need to choose a digital prayer journal platform that you are most likely to use.

I like to use Trello so I created a prayer and Bible study journal using that, which you can take a look at here! I also use Google docs for my prayer journaling but it’s not as organized and pretty as the one in Trello. But I still love it!


Choose from any of these materials or have all of them in your corner and you’ll have an organized prayer journal that gets you excited about communicating with God.


– Prayer Journal Sections To Include In Your Binder

Now that we’ve gathered all of the materials, what should you put in your prayer journal? As time goes by you’ll find other sections to add to your prayer journal but here are some important ones to start with:

Prayer requests – write down your specific requests to God. This section can include prayers for yourself, your family, friends, and others in need. And tick it off as God answers the prayer.

Worship – devote this section to the reasons why you worship God. Your list can include the gift of life, protection, salvation, His love, etc.

Bible Study – Record any insights or questions that come to you while reading the Bible. Write down any verses that stand out to you.

Praise – Take time to praise God for His goodness and faithfulness. Write down some of the attributes of God that you are thankful for.

Personal notes- Use this section to write down any thoughts, ideas, or inspirations that come to you during your prayer time.


 – 5 Smart Ways To Organize Your Pretty Prayer Journal

Organizing a prayer journal can help you keep track of your spiritual journey, reflect on your prayers, and see how God is working in your life.

Here are five smart ways to organize your prayer journal:

Divide your journal into sections: Create different sections in your journal for different types of prayers, such as gratitude, requests, confession, and reflections. This will help you easily find and review your past prayers which I totally need because I lose things so easily!

Use a color-coded system: Use different colors to highlight different types of prayers or to mark answered prayers (in fact, why not use your Bible highlighters for this, right?). For example, use green for gratitude, red for requests, and blue for reflections.

Add a table of contents: If you have a lot of prayer journal entries in your journal, it can be helpful to create a table of contents. This will help you quickly find specific prayers and reflections that you want to revisit.

Incorporate prayer prompts: Sometimes it can be difficult to know what to pray for (can you relate? Sometimes the words just ain’t coming). Including prayer prompts in your journal can help guide your prayers and keep them focused. You can find prompts online, in devotionals, or by brainstorming topics that are important to you. And I have some prayer journal prompts that you can steal (okay, stealing is bad) ummm, borrow! 

Use symbols and abbreviations: Use symbols and abbreviations to make your journal more efficient and to save space. For example, use an asterisk to mark answered prayers, or abbreviate words like “gratitude” and “requests” to save time when writing. Now keep in mind that you can get so abbreviated that you yourself don’t remember what the abbreviations stand for so keep that in mind (ummm, ask me how I know lol)!

By organizing your prayer journal in these smart ways, you can make your prayer time more intentional and meaningful.


– How Will You Organize Your Prayer Journal?

Do you know the saying, when you fix your gaze upon the sun you don’t see the shadows? It’s the same with knowing how to create a journal and actually using it.

A prayer journal takes your focus off your life’s troubles and anything that could have been a source of anxiety and worry and it replaces it with reflection on how big, faithful, and dependable your Heavenly Father is.

It also nurtures in you a heart of gratitude as you reflect on answers to previous prayers and hope to receive answers to your present need.

I enjoy journaling because it helps me spend more time with God and reminds me that I can rest in God’s strength and grace to face the daily demands of life.

Now that you know how to journal, you can begin right away to use it to strengthen your walk with God.

Okay beautiful ladies, if this post has helped you, it would be awesome if you would share it on Pinterest or Facebook and bless someone else with it! Thanks in advance!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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