3 Powerful Prayers For Unexpected Money Blessings That Actually Worked For Me!

3 Powerful Prayers For Unexpected Money Blessings That Actually Worked For Me in white letters and pink background

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Last Updated on 10/17/2024 by Nicky

3 Powerful Prayers For Unexpected Money Blessings: A Faith-Based Guide For Christian Women  

When it comes to finances, there is no certainty. Financial surprises spring up without warnings. But as Christian women, we have nothing to worry about when we are faced with an unexpected financial situation. 

With faith and trust in God through prayers, God can intervene and provide comfort through unexpected money blessings.

One thing we know is that God is always willing and ready to send us unexpected money blessings. But it won’t come just like that as we have a part to play.

Before you can receive anything from God, you need to have faith in him, it is non-negotiable. And in addition to your faith, prayer and the right actions is required.

Like the bible says in James 2:17, “faith without work is dead” (link). 

Thankfully, this post will guide you through powerful prayers and practical steps to help you open the doors to financial miracles.


The Power Of Prayer In Financial Matters

Prayer is the key to everything in life including financial matters. Prayer plays a significant role in giving us freedom from debt and every form of financial burden.

When seeking financial blessings, prayer is important. Like it’s mentioned in James 5:14-16 (link),  prayers open doors to unexpected miracles. 

Sometimes, it seems impossible to escape the financial situations we find ourselves in. Is it even possible to break free from these financial shackles?

But God has gifted us a tool that can help us attain the seemingly unattainable. 

When you have faith in God, and pray sincerely from your heart, God hears, and he will ease your burdens.

When we pray, financial blessings are sure to follow, and even miracles you are not expecting will come because prayer is a miraculous tool God has given you to leverage.

With that said, you might be wondering how to pray to receive unexpected money blessings.

Worry no longer because I’m going to share some prayers with you, one of which I have seen divine results with more than once!


3 Powerful Prayers For Unexpected Money Blessings That Actually Worked For Me! in black pink and white letters

3 Effective Prayers For Unexpected Money Blessings

Praying is not always the easiest thing to do. What should we even say to the Lord about our personal money issues?

Don’t overthink this though. God wants to hear your sincere thoughts. He wants you to express yourself to him in prayers, he wants you to show your reliance, trust, and faith in him for provision.

If you’re struggling with what to say about your financial needs, use the following 3 prayers that I’m going to share with you as guidance.

If you want to refer to those prayers over and over, you can copy and paste them into a digital prayer journal like this one here.

Here are some prayers you can say:

Dear father, 

I come before you this moment, knowing I have no power of my own. 

Left to me I can do nothing. I am here in your presence, and I ask that Lord you show up for me in my finances.

Help me find work where I can earn extra money. Lead me to some financial resources that will help me get out of debt.

Direct me to clients who need my products or my services. 

You have done it before to many people Father please do the same for me as well.

Change my situation because I know only you have the power to do so, in Christ’s name I pray.


My heavenly Father, 

I give you praise, glory, honor, and adoration. I say your name be glorified. Some trust in chariots, others trust in their kings, but my trust is in you alone.

Lord, I am in a dire unexpected financial situation, and it has caused me so much worry.

I know you are a loving father, and it is not your plan for me to worry about trivial issues like financial matters. Lord, please come to my rescue and provide me with unexpected financial blessing, for in Christ’s name I pray.



I believe in you, you are the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end of all things.

Lord, you are in the business of performing miracles, Father, I am in an unexpected financial crisis. Please send me a miracle Lord that will lift this financial burden off my shoulders.

Thank you, Lord, for I know you have answered my prayers, for in Christ’s name I pray.



Bonus: The Amazing Prayer That I Prayed That Blessed Me Unexpectedly!

I will go into more detail later but I prayed the prayer in the video below and God has blessed me financially from it more than once! 

3 Biblical Promises & Financial Blessings

God has given us many assurances of financial blessings in the scriptures. He cares for us beyond what we can even imagine. Here are some promises of God for financial blessings.

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you. Declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (link

God plans to prosper you, and in prosperity, there is no lack.

When you find yourself experiencing unexpected financial troubles, you can meditate on this verse, understand it for yourself, personalize it, and present your request to God using it as a reference. 


Proverbs 10:22 “The blessings of the Lord- it makes rich and adds no sorrow with it.” (link)

God is saddened when you are troubled or sorrowed.

He wants you to be blessed without any form of trouble. If you find yourself in any financial trouble, brood over this verse and meditate on it. Read it until the spirit of the verse ministers to you, and then turn it into prayer. 

Reference this verse, and remind your father that he promises to bless you, and add no sorrow to you. Ask him to bless you according to his word in Prov 10:22. 


2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need, and plenty left over to share with others.” (link)

God has promised us abundance, meditate on the word, understand, and visualize with the help of the Holy Spirit what abundance means to you. Then you can use the scripture to pray.

Gently remind God that he has promised you abundance, and boldly ask him to replace your unexpected financial troubles with abundance and unexpected financial blessings. 

3 Powerful Prayers For Unexpected Money Blessings That Actually Worked For Me! in black pink and white letters

Praying For Unexpected Money Gifts Is Not Enough. You Also Have To…

Prayers are powerful and wonderful, but we can’t just expect money to fall from the sky (although that would be amazing).

The truth is your prayers may be powerless if you’re not willing to put some work behind them. Yes, you should trust God to show up BUT you need to do your part as well.

Your prayers for financial breakthroughs can only be effective when you combine them with practical financial management.

And not only that but you might have to do some physical labor…but more on that later.

It’s a great idea to learn to use a budget. Budgets allow you to plan how to spend your money so that everything you need is accounted for and covered.

Create your budget before the new month begins, and track every dime you earn in your budget sheet.

Ensure you have a need versus want list so that you can spend your income wisely. Prioritize debt payment, saving consistently. 


My Unexpected Financial Blessings

Okay, so you know how I mentioned earlier that I prayed the prayer in the video I posted above and got results? Yeah, so let’s talk about it.

I was really needing some extra money and I wasn’t sure what to do to get it. Well, one day I came across prayer videos on YouTube.

The YouTube channel is called Daily Effective Prayer. I wasn’t looking for prayers about finances but I started scrolling through his videos and saw the one he has called Prayers For Unexpected Money Gifts. 

I began listening to it frequently. After a few days, my mom called or texted me out of the blue and asked if I wanted to cater for her retired teacher’s luncheon in just a few weeks.

Now, I have catered for these luncheons before but usually only in June or December.

So to be asked to do it in October was totally unexpected (see what I did there). I’ve always prayed this prayer other times and once again was provided with opportunities for extra work where I could earn income that I didn’t anticipate earning.

It was so amazing to see how the Father blessed me financially when I least expected it. Those blessings helped me pay my rent and other expenses.

I encourage you to give this prayer or any of these prayers a try and see how God shows up in your life.

I, of course, don’t think of God as an ATM and I hope you don’t either. But he is a good and generous God. He is our Father and a good father wants to bless his children.

I’m not promising anything but I am sharing my personal experience and I hope you will have similar blessings flowing in your life!


Conclusions To Prayers For Unexpected Money Blessings

Prayer is a strong tool God has given us to leverage. If you mix your prayers with faith, don’t be surprised if you receive financial blessings from God. 

When it seems like the unexpected financial situation will knock you down remember that God cares and would not let anything harm you. 

One thing you should never stop doing is seeking God’s face and guidance in all financial matters. When you seek God’s guidance, you can trust him to direct you toward the right path. 

All you need to do is show your total reliance, trusting him to show up for you in every financial matter, including sending unexpected financial blessings. I have some more prayers that I want to share with you..if you are struggling with debt, then click here for some example prayers for debt relief!



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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