The Only 3 Weight Loss Tracker Printables You’ll Ever Need To See Results!

The Only 3 Weight Loss Tracker Printables You'll Ever Need To See Results! (2) purple background and white letters

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Last Updated on 08/12/2024 by Nicky

3 Super Cute Weight Loss Tracker Printables For Your Fitness Journal

Whether it’s my exercise sessions or my weight loss journey, tracking these important numbers doesn’t come easily for me.

However, I know that tracking your calories, workouts, and measurements are some of the best ways to stay on track. 

That’s why I’m excited to share these printable trackers with you so you can document your weight loss journey and see major results! And of course, they are free! The link is coming shortly!

You can download all of the weight loss tracker printables by clicking here.

If you’re not quite sure if you want them yet though, then keep reading because I’m going to tell you all about them!

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Why Should You Use A Weight Loss Tracker?

So why should you use a weight loss tracker printable? Well, I can think of several reasons:

As I mentioned before, using weight loss trackers helps you keep track of how much progress you’ve made over period of time. 

Consider this? If you want to lose 100 pounds, it will be hard to stay motivated if you aren’t recording all of your victories along the way.

The tracker is there to keep you motivated. You’ll keep moving forward when you can write down that you lost 3 pounds this week or 10 pounds this month.

And when the scale stops moving, you’ll have the proof in black and white that you’ve already been successful so you shouldn’t give up.  

And is there really a better way to track your progress than to use a cute little printable tracker sitting in your weight loss journal?

If using trackers as motivation isn’t enough, you can also use them to see when you’ve hit plateaus in your journey. 

If you gain weight, your weight loss tracker will serve as a guide to help you see if any changes or improvements in your diet need to be made.  If you’re losing weight (yaaassss!) then you know you are killing the game and don’t need to change your diet.

A weight loss tracker will help you see both of these things so that you can lose weight even faster!


Is A Weight Loss Tracker Really Helpful Though?

The thing about weight loss trackers is that they are only good if you actually use them. I personally prefer digital weight loss trackers like the one I created here LINK.

But many people like having a physical weight loss tracker that they can hold in their hands. It’s all about personal preference.

The most important thing is to use it consistently. If you don’t use the weight loss tracker weekly or at least monthly so you can stay on top of your results, then your progress might be nonexistent. 

Remember, a weight loss tracker is a tool that can only help you with your goals if you use it correctly.

A weight loss tracker will motivate you to keep going and not give up when used properly.

Want to read 3 Free Super Cute Printables To Track Your Weight Loss Journey later? Then save this pic to one of your Pinterest boards. Deets at the end of the post on how to do it

The Only 3 Weight Loss Tracker Printables You'll Ever Need To See Results! (1) purple weight loss printables


– 3 Free Super Cute Printables To Track Your Weight Loss Journey & See Results!

I’m excited these 3 adorable weight loss trackers with you because I believe they can truly help you kick off your weight loss journey! 

There’s a weight loss chart and one to track your body measurements! Just print them off and put them in your binder.

Or if you want a full-blown weight loss journal and planner, then click here LINK. All of the weight loss trackers are included in there too!


– Document Exactly How Many Pounds You’ve Lost With This Beautiful Tracker

The Only 3 Weight Loss Tracker Printables You'll Ever Need To See Results! in purple and black

I think this tracker is so cool because you can be creative with how you color in all of the circles. You could honestly hang this on your wall and create a beautiful weight loss tapestry with it! Gorgeous!

This is how this printable works. If you lose 4 pounds in week one, then you would shade in circles 1-4. And then if you lose 3 pounds the next week, fill in 3 more circles.

After all of the circles are filled in, if you only needed to lose 30 pounds, you’re done. If you want to lose more, then print another sheet.

You can print as many sheets as you need to in order to reach your goal. 

Pro tip: If you need to lose say, 60 pounds, then go ahead and print two sheets right from the beginning. That way your goals stay front of mind and you know how much further you have left to go.

Click here to get all 3 of these adorable weight loss trackers!




The Only 3 Weight Loss Tracker Printables You'll Ever Need To See Results! in purple and black image of a body

– Get Lean With This Lost Inches Printable!

I really love this tracker (I know I keep saying that). But no seriously, I love this one because sometimes that scale doesn’t budge but you just feel like you’ve made progress.

Well, by tracking your measurements, you can see, for instance, that your waist is smaller, even if you technically haven’t lost any weight. 

I realize that you could simply write your measurements down in a Google Doc or in a notebook. But you must admit, writing down your monthly progress is so much more fun on this colorful printable, right? 

Losing weight can be so frustrating because when you weigh yourself, you don’t always see any changes. But when you use a tape measure instead of a scale, your body might tell you a different story.

Losing weight is more fun but losing inches can inspire you to keep going despite the scale being so hateful. 

To use this Lost Inches Printable, write your beginning measurements on the left side of the paper. Then you set a goal of how long you want to wait until you measure again.

So if you’re doing an 8-week challenge, write the date that your challenge starts on one side and then your measurements.

I would suggest you write down the date your challenge ends because that will serve as a reminder of how long your challenge is. It puts a little pressure on you to not slack off and offers accountability. 

When your 8 weeks are over, measure yourself again and write down how many inches you’ve lost. Congratulations! You did amazing!

Click here to get all 3 of these adorable weight loss trackers!


The Only 3 Weight Loss Tracker Printables You'll Ever Need To See Results! in purple and black

– Track Your Weight Loss And Your Inches Lost With This Printable!

If you only want to print one weight loss tracker then this one is it.


Because it helps you track everything!

Instead of using one printable to track the inches you’ve lost and another one to record how much weight you’ve lost, you can use this one to track both! It’s an all-in-one situation with this printable!

That’s why this is going to be the one I use when I start tracking my weight loss progress again!

It has everything that I need to keep me motivated in my weight loss journey and I hope you will find them helpful too!

I pray that your weight loss journey will be successful and that these trackers will play a small part! God bless 🙂 

Click here to get all 3 of these adorable weight loss trackers!

If Free Fat Loss Printables has helped you, please share it on social media!

How To Save Pinterest Images

On Desktop: To save on Pinterest, just click the red Pinterest save button that appears when you hover over an image.

On mobile: Press hard on the picture, tap share from the drop-down menu, and choose Pinterest from the list of options Please save it to a Prediabetes Tips or Diabetes Tips board.



Medical Disclaimer: While Healthy As You Can strives to provide the most accurate information, anything you read on this site is purely for informational or entertainment purposes and should NOT be considered medical advice or as a replacement for a doctor’s care, diagnosis, appointment, advice, etc. I am not a medical professional at all. Any information, tips, or ideas that you try as a result of reading this blog is tried at your, the reader’s, own risk.

Health Disclaimer: The owner of Healthy As You Can is not a physician, nutritionist, or medical professional. Any tips or ideas that you implement as a result of reading the information on this blog are done at your own risk. The results that may be discussed are not typical or guaranteed. Please talk to your doctor before starting any workout, exercises, diet or nutrition plan. Please stop any workout if you start to feel any pain. Healthy As You Can is not entering into a Doctor-Patient relationship with any reader and is not responsible for any errors or omissions of information.


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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