3 Must Have Faith Journal Ideas To Elevate Your Quiet Time With The Lord!

purple box and white letters faith journal ideas with purple printables in back

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Last Updated on 03/06/2024 by Nicky

If you’re looking for some faith journal ideas to take your Bible study routine up a notch then you are right where you need to be my friend! 

Faith journaling is a spiritual practice that involves writing down your thoughts and reflections in a journal as a way of deepening your relationship with God and cultivating an intimate worship experience.

While journaling, you can record your thoughts, prayers, dreams, or anything that you feel like you want to reflect on and explore. It is an excellent way to create a space for reflection and self-exploration.

With journaling, you can explore and process your thoughts, feelings, and dreams in a very creative way.

There are many ways to go about journaling—you can start with free-form writing and then move to third-person writing, create a prayer journal, or even begin a gratitude journal.

You can journal just about anything, including your hopes and dreams, your feelings, experiences, observations, creative ideas, and much more! Journaling is a great way to get in touch with yourself, reflect on your life, and have a conversation with God.

It is a wonderful and creative way to spend time with God and receive His guidance, love, and encouragement.

Have you ever tried faith journaling? If not, then you must try it! I know everyone’s always telling you to try this or that but I promise you this time it’s different.

When you create a faith journal, you begin to explore your relationship with Jesus, study the Bible, and pray in a whole new way.

It really is life-changing. Once again, an overused phrase but think about it. How could a strong relationship with God NOT be life-changing? Nearly impossible!

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links. Please let me know if you have any questions.

– What Is A Faith Journal

What exactly is a faith journal? Well, there are Bible study journals which are either journaling printable worksheets bound together or a notebook slash journal that you turn into a Bible study journal. Then there are prayer journals.

These are usually similar to Bible study journals except they have prayer prompts, prayer lists, and daily prayers written out on printables or pretty journals/notebooks. Similarly, you can do this for sermon notes as well, where you have a dedicated space for them.

And to be clear, prayer and Bible journals as well as sermon notes can all be done digitally as well, like with this Bible journal. Well, a faith journal combines all of these elements together. Faith journals are Bible study journals, prayer journals, and sermon notes all in one.

Of course, you can have other things in your faith journal and we will get into all the details in a minute


– Where To Get A Faith Journal If You Don’t Want To DIY

Of course, you can totally create your own faith journal. If you do want to create a journal using printables I suggest using Canva. It’s the easiest graphic design to use and it’s free!

Unless you want to use some of its more premium features like resizing a design or making the background of a picture transparent you’ll have to pay for the subscription. I pay for it and it’s been well worth it! 

But if you don’t feel like creating your own faith journal though or just don’t have time to make one there are several options:

  • Etsy: Etsy has tons of journaling and planner printables.


  • Pinterest: Feel free to browse Pinterest for Bible study printables




Faith Journal Ideas purple and yellow with flowers

–  3 Must-Have Faith Journal Ideas!

Ok, so I won’t personally come to your house and force you to put these sections into your faith journal BUT I do highly recommend these 3 sections.

Why? Well first let me tell you what they are and then I’ll tell you why I feel strongly about them. The 3 must-have sections of your faith journal are a Bible study journal, a sermon notes journal, and a prayer journal.

So why do I recommend them? Well, each one of these sections helps you in a different way. A Bible study journal strengthens your intellect and knowledge of the Word.

And Bible study also deals with what you see as you are processing the words and interpreting them and applying them to your own life.

Sermons on the other hand pertain to what you hear. Auditory learning can increase your retention of what you learn but your learning is enhanced even more when you take notes on what you are hearing (source and source).

And prayer journaling is more of an emotional experience. It truly engages the spiritual side of you.

I hope this explains a little more of why I suggest you add these parts to your faith journal. Of course, in each section there are sub-sections and we will be going over that as well right now.

– Section #1: Bible Study Journal

Here are some ideas to keep in your Bible study journal

1)Bible Study Routine Page

Maybe I’m a nerd (okay, for sure I’m a nerd) but I love having a structured Bible study routine. There have been many times when I have said to myself “okay, it’s time for my Bible study” but then I’ve drawn a blank as to what to do next.

But with a Bible study routine page, you can carefully plan out exactly what you will be doing each time you sit down to have quiet time with the Lord!

2) Bible Study Notes Page

Create a section of your journal where you can write down your study questions and answers. Below is a picture of what the Bible study notes pages look like in my faith journal.

Bible Study Notes Page Journal Ideas purple and white

The writing prompts compel me to go deeper in my Bible study than maybe I normally would because let’s be real…Bible study can be hard and confusing at times especially if you’re a beginner.

If you happen to open up a difficult book like Revelation or Isaiah (or Daniel or Ezekiel…you get the picture), and you don’t have some sort of guide to even know what to research, you are just going to be lost for the most part.

Or maybe I’m just speaking for myself. That’s why I love Bible journaling pages like this to act as a GPS as I navigate the word of God.


3) Bible Study Schedule Or Calendar

You may want to include a Bible study schedule or calendar in your Bible journal. This is helpful for those of us who are really busy but want to make sure that we get our Bible study in daily.


4) Scripture memorization Page

Memorizing scripture is one of the most underutilized spiritual weapons that God has given us. I know that I don’t use it as often as I should. I know how happy I am when I can recite a passage of scripture by heart. I don’t know why…there’s just something exciting about it.

Well, you can add a scripture memorization page or section to your Bible journal. Take a look at the one below for inspiration. Need some tips on memorizing scripture? Check out this post about memorizing Psalms!

These tips of course can be used to memorize scripture from any book of the Bible. 

– Here Are Some More Ideas For Your Bible Study Journal

  • Biblical Affirmations Page: Write down some Biblical affirmations to help you see yourself the way God sees you. Need some ideas? Check out this post about Biblical affirmations for self-esteem.


  • Favorite Verses: Create a section where you can write down your favorite verses


  • Lined & Unlined Bible Study Notes Pages: Sometimes you don’t want to be boxed in (literally) when you are journaling. So be sure to leave some blank spaces in your journal to explore the different ideas and concepts you are learning about and pondering.


Section #2: Sermon Notes Journal

This section can be as simple or as complex as you want. You can literally just have blank pages in your journal where you write the date at the top, the name of the sermon, and who is giving the sermon.

I also love watching faith-based YouTube videos and many of them are noteworthy as well. Or if you want something a little cuter (hey, it’s important :)), you can use bullet journaling pages for your sermon notes.

Check out the pic below to see what the sermon notes page looks like in the Bloom and Grow Faith Journal.

Sermon Notes Page with boxes for notes

Want to read this post later? Save it to one of your faith-based Pinterest boards!

Section #3: Prayer Journal

Need ideas on what to include in your prayer journal? Then look no further than these ideas below!

1) Prayer List

This idea is fairly obvious but you would definitely want to include a prayer list in your prayer journal. I love to have a long list of prayer requests to refer to so that I don’t have to remember what or who to pray for.


2) Gratitude Journal

Tell God who and what you are thankful for in your gratitude journal! I don’t know if you’ve ever tried it but as soon as I start praying and thanking God for all of my blessings, something special washes over me. It can really be transformative.

I can’t even tell you all of the benefits of gratitude journaling here so be sure to check out my post on gratitude journaling prompts and Christian gratitude journal prompts!


3) Daily Prayer Pages

I have a prayer that I have written out that I pray over (inconsistently). Actually, I have it typed and I update it whenever there has been a change in whatever I’m praying for.

And whenever I do pray this prayer consistently, things in my life start changing quickly. I wish so badly to be more focused in my prayer life because I know how powerful it is!


4) Scripture Prayer Pages

If you’re big into prayer scripture over your life then you will want to include a section for that in your prayer journal as well. You can see below for an example of how to structure your scripture prayer page

Scriptures To Pray Page with purple flowers


5) Prayer Writing Prompts 

When you don’t know exactly what to say to God in your prayer, prayer writing prompts are the way to go! If you need some ideas for prayer journal prompts then click here.

– Recap Of Creative Faith Journal Ideas To Try Today!

Okay my lovelies, I feel like we have gone pretty deep into the land of faith journaling! I hope by now you are filled with all sorts of ideas and inspiration as to what to add to your own faith journal.

Or if you want a ready-made faith journal then be sure to take a look at the Bloom And Grow Faith Journal in the HAYC shop.

Click here to see the Bloom and Grow Faith Journal!

Here are the highlights of what we covered: 

  • Faith journaling is a creative way to dive deeper into the word of God, learn more about Jesus, yourself and your identity in Christ.


  • If you want to start a faith journal you can either choose one that you create yourself with a notebook or bullet journal. Or you can create one online if you like. Here’s an example of an online Bible study journal. Or you can get a ready made Faith journal from Etsy or one like this in the HAYC store.


  • There are 3 sections of a faith journal that I highly recommend: A Bible study journal, sermon notes journal, and prayer journal


  • Inside each journal you can add all sorts of unique sections like a gratitude journal, Bible study routine page, and daily prayer page


Thank you for reading this far and be sure to keep reading to learn how you can download a mini version of the Bloom and Grow Bible study journal for free!

– Grab Your Free Bible Study & Prayer Journals!

We know something just feels off when we haven’t spent quality time with the Lord in prayer.

And yet, we can still find time to do everything else in the world except pray. Nothing is more important than having a relationship with Jesus Christ but let’s face it.

Shoving Him into a corner of our lives is super easy to do (I’m totally talking about myself when I say this…far more than I would like to admit).

We know we need to spend quiet time with God in Bible study and prayer.

But it can be a struggle to find the time, keep your Bible study notes organized, or even know where to begin once you do find the time.

That’s why I want to share with you my prayer and Bible journaling bundle. You can download the printable

Here’s what you get with the Renew Your Spirit Bible Study Mini Bundle:

purple and yellow Bible journal printable

Bible Study Journal: This is the same printable faith journal that I’ve been telling you about! You can use the Bloom & Grown Bible journal to write down and memorize your favorite verses, to write down journaling prompts, jot down Bible study questions for further research, and pour your heart out to the Lord on the quiet time reflections page. 

teal and white Trello Bible study journal

Digital Bible Study Journal: If you’re about that digital life, then the Trello Digital Bible Study Journal is probably right up your alley!

Now you can keep your Bible study notes & ponderings super organized!

And even better than that?

With this digital journal, you can do a Bible study wherever you have internet access!

Finding time to do your study just got so much easier!

With this mini version of the journal, you’ll gain access to the first 3 sections (Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus) of the digital journal completely free!

Each section comes with sections to write Bible study, devotional, and sermon notes…plus so much more! And even better, there is a checklist for every chapter of each book that you can mark off as you go through your Bible reading adventure.

You must use the free app Trello to use this digital journal but it’s super easy to use!

And this app syncs across all devices so if you make a change to the journal using the mobile app, it’ll also make the change on your laptop too!

Just click here to get the Bloom & Grow Bible Journal and the Trello Digital Bible Study Journal!




If Faith Journal Ideas has helped you, please share it on social media!



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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