3 Lazy Girl Hacks Stay Healthy While Traveling Even If You Always Overeat & Get Sick!

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Last Updated on 02/28/2023 by Nicky

3 Lazy Girl Hacks Stay Healthy While Traveling Even If You Always Overeat & Get Sick!

I know I’m not the only one.

I be living it up on vacation, food-wise especially. Late morning, late nights, dessert whenever, cheese galore.

I’m not even trying to count calories or track my meals on my WW app.

However, bc diabetes is a reality on both sides of my family and I was prediabetic at one time I can’t go too crazy.

I still have to be aware of my health goals and not forget that my blood sugar could go haywire at any moment.

So because of that, there are certain things that we can do while we are on vacay to keep ourselves (sort of) healthy(ish).

And not only that but I used to get a cold when I went on vacation! Go figure! So frustrating. So I also wanted to find some ways to prevent sickness while I traveled.

These are the ideas I’ve used to keep sickness at bay, be “health-conscious” and still have fun while I travel! And luckily none of them are really that hard to do…so let’s see what they are!

Want to read How To Stay Healthy While Traveling later? Then save this pin to your Pinterest boards!

black letter lazy girl hacks to stay healthy while traveling woman packing and woman in Europe3 Lazy & Easy Ways To Stay Healthy On Vacation ( Even When You Want To Live It Up)

1) Relax And Get Plenty Of Sleep 

Yes, you heard me. It’s so crazy. Relaxing may seem like a given for a vacation but trust me, it’s not. 

When I used to go on vacation, my family would cram as much stuff into our travels as we could.

At 9 am we going here and then at 11:25, we’re going here. We’d keep going and going until we get back to the hotel room ready to drop.

I finally said how about going on a vacation where you actually relax and sleep in? You see those commercials of people going on vacation and getting massages and laying back in a chair on the beach reading.

That’s the kind of vacation I wanted to go on. I mean I understand if you are in Italy and you want to see the Sistine Chapel, St Basilica, and a million different other things but try to go on vacations where you actually kick back every now and then and just enjoy life.

Otherwise, the vacation gets to be too much like everyday life where you’re on a schedule and stressed out if the schedule isn’t met.

I mean if you’re going to live the same way on vacation as you do at home then umm what was the point?

Americans are so stressed out that sometimes they don’t even know how to relax on vacation. We always feel like we need to be doing something.

And high levels of stress lead to all sorts of health issues like getting colds and the flu. And not getting enough sleep makes you hungrier. I can attest to that. Which, of course, makes you eat more.

Getting restful sleep for at least 6 hours a night would go a long way in protecting your immune system (source) and weight gain (source)! If you struggle to fall asleep why not try some nighttime journaling prompts before bed?

Jesus himself also took breaks from all the ministering that He was doing. You have to renew your mind and sometimes unclutter your mind so you can be more effective in the real world.

Want to know more about the magical link between sleep and weight loss then click here!


2) Do Some Fun & Relaxing Activities Like Walking Or Swimming

I’m not going to tell you to cheat on your diet. I’m not going to give you permission to do something that may be against your conscience.

However, unless your vacations last for weeks on end (and if they do, teach me your ways), indulging some on a vacation is not the end of the world. Yes, you want to eat healthy some of the time but don’t feel like you can’t enjoy the local cuisine that this new culture has to offer!

If you’re going to Paris and you want to eat ham and cheese croissants (and I highly suggest you do because they are so ridiculously good), have a ham and cheese croissant.

And then after you do, take a walk around the city or the Louvre.

In other words, get some activity. Move your body. It will help you combat some of the extra calories that you’re eating. If you’re going somewhere like New York City, walking won’t be an issue!

But what if I’m going on a beach trip…didn’t you just tell me to relax?

Yes, I definitely want you to relax on a beach trip and have fun. But did you know that playing in the pool and the ocean burns calories?

There are some days when my mom and sister and I would play in the pool for hours. Don’t you think a few calories were burned in that time period? Of course, they were but we had so much fun we barely noticed!

It was relaxing to me and it burned major calories because it’s something that you can do for hours. Staying healthy can also be fun! 

Other fun and relaxing activities that burn calories would be ping pong, basketball, pool (this time with an 8 ball), and one of my favorites, shopping!

And guess what ya’ll? Exercise also does what? Boosts your immune system (source)! Once again we are killing two health birds with one stone! Whoot whoot!


3) Take your herbs with you

For me, it’s inevitable that if I go on a trip I will get sick. Every time. I track my illnesses in my wellness and fitness journal so I have a record of this. I also track which remedies worked for me so I know what treatments to try next time I’m sick.

You can see the picture of the HAYC wellness journal below! 


green pink and white digital journal in Trello

So that is why anytime I go on a trip I take the following items with me:


    a) Elderberries in some form: okay honestly this is the first year I’ve taken these with me bc I didn’t know about them on my last trip but now I know not to leave without them.

I not only have elderberry capsules but I also have Sambucol which has elderberry as its active ingredient.

When I was on a trip two years ago, I  had a red sore throat and I hooked my immune system up with some Sambucol tablets and an elderberry capsule so I could kick this impending cold to the curb.

Ain’t nobody got time to be sick on vacation so be sure to bring that with you if you know you tend to get sick on your trips.

I got my Sambucol from Walmart but you can also get it and elderberry capsules from Amazon.

        b) Mullein

   You know that red throat I was talking about? Well, the herb mullein is one of the best herbs you can take to help soothe your painful and irritated throat. 

To make tea you can steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of the dried leaves in a cup of boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes and drink. You can also boil the tea leaves in the water for 5-10 minutes. This creates a stronger tea with more medicinal benefits.

Now let’s be real here. If you’re staying in a beach condo, then boiling water and making tea is a snap. But if you don’t have access to a stove or a microwave you can also take mullein in capsule form thank goodness!

Where to get it: I got my mullein leaves from an Amish grocery store. You can also get it from local health food stores sometimes.

I used to get it from my grandmother bc she grew it in her garden and one day I plan on doing the same so I can always have it on hand.

You can get seeds from… but if you don’t want to do it yourself Amazon has it in many forms:


dried leaves





and in capsules form.


         c) Peppermint or ginger tablets:

I usually experience a little nausea when I go on a trip so in order to combat that I always bring something to settle my stomach.

Peppermint in some form whether it be the leaves or an essential is really good for any digestion and upset stomach issues you might have. I tend to bring the leaves bc I always have limited space.

All you have to do is boil the leaves in some water. A lot of hotel rooms have microwaves and coffee cups that you could use to boil water.

And you can use the coffee filters or paper towels to filter the tea if you are brewing loose leaf tea. Although if you’re in a hotel room it may be easier to use peppermint tea bags. If you are staying in a condo then loose-leaf works just fine.

Okay, so you might want an easier way! You can also take ginger capsules for nausea as well! 

– Here Are Some More Travel Tips For Staying Healthy While On Vacation

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Keep a travel water bottle with you! 
  • Use hand sanitizer to keep your hands clean while on the go
  •  Keep travel medicine with you. I have a medicine bag with me of different kinds of medication that I’ve decanted into smaller containers. And I pack it for every trip! 

– Recap Of How To Stay Healthy With Traveling

To stay healthy(ish) on vacation my advice is to:

  1. Relax and have fun. Decompress from the stresses of everyday life
  2. Indulge in good food but get more activity throughout the day to burn off (some) of those extra calories. 
  3. Bring herbal medicine with you so that you don’t get sick or have a way to treat that illness if it does come






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woman in a blue pool staying healthy on vacation



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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