How I’ve Made Money Easily With Bitcoin 

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Last Updated on 06/12/2024 by Nicky

How I’ve Made Money Easily With Bitcoin 

Oh Bitcoin.

Oh how I’ve been scared of you. Curious, yes but scared. 

I wish with all my might that I had invested in Bitcoin 6 or 7 years ago when I first heard about it. 

But if you’re not new around these parts then you know fear has played a big role in my life choices, so I procrastinated. 

But now I’ve inadvertently seen the power of Bitcoin and I’m sold. I “accidentally” started investing in Bitcoin some months ago (I’ll explain shortly) and my investment has doubled in that short time.

Now, I’m taking a Bitcoin course showing me how to invest in crypto correctly and I’m loving it so far. More on that coming up as well. 


Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links. Please let me know if you have any questions. 


What Is Bitcoin

I am not a financial advisor or guru and I won’t act like I am. I am just a girl on a journey to financial independence and I want to share that journey with you. 

So that means, I will give you the textbook definition of Bitcoin but then I will expound on it a bit to make its meaning clearer. 

Bitcoin is digital money or currency that “allows for secure peer-to-peer transactions on the internet

That means you won’t find any Bitcoin bills or coins laying around. Any dealings you have with Bitcoin will be online. 

And your Bitcoin transactions will be recorded and tracked on something called the blockchain. This is like one huge receipt book that the whole world can access. At least this is how I see it. 

As you can see, this digital currency thing is a bit different from the banking system we are accustomed to. And different can be “scary”…if you let it. 

And let it I did. So I put off investing in Bitcoin for years, only every once in a while indulging in a few educational videos about it on YouTube. 

Then running away again. 


pink and black writing how to double your bitcoin investmentHow I Accidentally Started Investing In Bitcoin

Then I joined a very interactive financial course that was supposed to teach me how to trade. Did it really teach me? Hmmm, not as much as I had hoped but the class did give me a very good foundation into the basics of trading.

And it introduced me to Bitcoin.

Not only did I have to learn how to buy Bitcoin in order to participate in the class properly but I also learned that you can trade Bitcoin and earn a lot of money. And also lose a lot of money.

Buying Bitcoin was an experience and I felt out of my depth and I had to get help doing it which was humbling for me. I’m used to just doing techy things with no major issues but not this time.

The reason I had to buy Bitcoin is so that I could transfer money into my forex trading account. 

Well as I mentioned, this financial course wasn’t all that great and eventually the hot headed teacher basically disbanded the course about 6 months into a year long course.

So there I have this money sitting in a Forex brokerage account just hanging out. And it’s hanging out because I don’t know how to get it back to my regular account. Why? Because the money is in Bitcoin form not in dollars.

And I was afraid I would mess up and the money would disappear into the blockchain and never be seen again. 

Eventually, my squirrel brain slowed down enough to learn how to transfer my money from a Forex brokerage account back to a so called regular bank account.

It gets transferred into Cash App. However, and I don’t claim to know how, the money that was transferred into Cash app, was somehow still invested in Bitcoin even though it is still in dollar form. And because of this, the amount of money in my account kept fluctuating.

My original plan was to transfer the money out of Cash App into my main savings bank. But when I saw that my money was growing, I said “Well, let’s just keep that money in there and see what happens”. 

 My Investment Has Doubled In A Few Months With No…

Well, now I know what has happened. With no additional contributions to that account, it has more than doubled in just a few months. I really couldn’t believe it.

I have a 401k that I think is leaking money even though I contribute to it regularly. But with Bitcoin, my investment is twice what it was with no additional money put in on my part. Now, that is a blessing that I did not expect!

Ever since then, I was hooked and ready to really learn about Bitcoin investing and how to do it safely. 


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pink and black writing how to double your bitcoin investment

How I Found This Bitcoin Course

That’s why when my mom signed me up for a webinar about investing in Bitcoin, I was stoked about it. The course is called Crypto Kickstart and the instructor’s name is Darren Jenkins.

At this point, I’ve watched almost all of the lessons and now I am going back to implement what I’ve learned. Darren is a great teacher and has made investing in Bitcoin a lot less scary.

Here is a link (Crypto Kickstart) to this course if you are interested. This is not an affiliate link and I get no money if you buy from this link. I just want to tell you about it and I pray that it will help you kickstart your own crypto journey. 

Steps I’ve Taken So Far In My Bitcoin Journey

So far these are the steps I’ve completed with my Bitcoin investing journey: 

  1. Created a secure email account 
  2. Downloaded a 2 step authenticator for my phone
  3. Downloaded a secure browser on my laptop
  4. Signed up for a password generator 
  5. In the process of signing up for a VPN

Why is all of this necessary to invest in Bitcoin? Because it’s important for your Bitcoin transactions to be as secure as possible from hackers and thieves.

In fact, it’s probably a good idea to be as secure as possible for all of your finance accounts. I can’t explain all of the ins and outs of this but here is a video explaining the importance of crypto currency security. 

How You Can Get Started With Your Own Bitcoin Investing Journey

If you are interested in starting your own Bitcoin investing journey, then you can sign up for the same course I am in buy clicking here: Crypto Kickstart  


But if you aren’t totally ready for a Bitcoin course then you can start by watching this video about Bitcoin for beginners: 


My Prayer For You In Your Bitcoin Journey

Whether you need to get out of debt, save for retirement, a house, car, or just want to stop living paycheck to paycheck, I believe Bitcoin might be the right path for you to achieve those goals.

I pray that if you do decide to invest in cryptocurrencies, that you will be financially blessed by your decisions. I pray that it will help you reach your goals, in Jesus name.

I pray that the burden that your finances have caused you will be lifted from your shoulders. And I pray that you can bless others with whatever profits you make.

All these things I pray in Jesus name, amen!


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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