Stretch Mark At Home Remedies: 5 Awesome Products To Help You Reduce Their Appearance

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Last Updated on 03/10/2023 by Nicky

Stretch Mark At-Home Remedies

Looking for some affordable stretch marks remedies that work? Then continue reading for some products that can help fight stretch marks that can be at your house in 2 days.

I’ve been on Instagram.

I’ve seen the hashtags and the memes.

I understand the need to embrace your tiger stripes, love marks, growth marks, or whatever else people want to call stretch marks.

I have grown to be more okay with my own but Imma keep it real with you…

I’d be more than okay if they were gone.

Like far more than okay. I’d be overjoyed even.

Because I don’t like them. There I said it 🙂.

I mean yes I can be content with them while they are here but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to stop looking for ☑️products like this amazing stretch mark cream to get rid of them in the meantime.

And if you’re reading this, I think it’s safe to say that you are with me in this fight against stretch marks.

Part of being as healthy as you can be is feeling confident in how you look (which is why I talk about beauty on this blog).

If you feel confident with your stretch marks then I think that’s great.

If you are more like me in that you know that stretch marks don’t define you or lessen who you are but you still wouldn’t mind making them less visible, then this post is for you.

So if you’re ready let’s go.

First, let’s talk to the naysayers.

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your journey I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about.    


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woman with stretch marks on stomach black and purple letters stretch mark products– Yes, You Can Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

I’ve seen so many people online say that you can’t get rid of stretch marks. They say it with such verve and conviction that for the less informed, it appears to be a foregone conclusion that stretch marks truly are here to stay.

Well, I say they are wrong. So very very wrong.

Okay so perhaps what they mean is that you can’t completely get rid of stretch marks.

Perhaps that’s true.

However, you can get rid of them to the point where you can’t see them or you can just barely see them and that’s enough for me.

I know this for a fact because some of my stretch marks that used to be there and in your face or now so faint that I can barely see them.

This is what we are going for.

There are several reasons why we have such a hard time getting rid of stretch marks or scars in general (because stretch marks are scars).

– Why Stretch Marks Are So Hard To Remove

1. We are not consistent in our methods.

This to me is my number one problem. I will start a regimen for a few weeks and then I will stop. I will just forget that I was doing it.

Or I’ll promise that I’ll do it tomorrow and then I don’t or I get busy or whatever and I stop doing it.

Then when I remember I’ll start the routine again and then stop. You get the picture.

In order for these methods to work, we must be consistent.

This is my Achilles heel so that’s what I need to work on the most.


2. We don’t use products long enough.

I see this in the reviews of stretch mark products a lot too.

People use a product for a few weeks and they see no change and then they say that the product doesn’t work.

” I used this product for 3 weeks and I don’t see any improvement!!” they say in frustration.

We have to understand that it can take up to 9 months before the stretch marks are gone to our liking.

This is a long term project unfortunately especially if your stretch marks are as old as mine are.


3. We don’t take a layered approach.

Stretch marks be like “hecks no we won’t go”.

They ain’t trying to go nowhere so if we think we can just use one product and see results we are sorely mistaken.

We need to take no prisoners. This is war lol.

You have to have more than one weapon in your arsenal if you want to win.

What does this mean?

It means that there should be some sort of stretch mark or scar-fighting power in each step of your personal hygiene routine…in your soap or body wash, body scrub, body lotion or moisturizer, and a tool to help make those ingredients more powerful.

So these are the “weapons” I plan on buying to help me win this battle against stretch marks.

Keep in mind that I try to use natural/organic products as much as I can if I can find some that are effective.


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woman with stretch marks

– 5 Stretch Mark At Home Remedies That Actually Work!


1) ☑️Weapon #1: Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Soap 

Why did I choose this soap? 

1) It is said to be moisturizing. My skin is notoriously dry. I wanted to get African Black soap but I always read about how it dries your skin out and that is a major concern for me. This soap is made with cocoa butter which is highly moisturizing.

And we want to keep our skin as moisturized as possible while we are trying to eliminate our stretch marks. Luckily, the reviews are in and ☑️ many said that this soap left their skin moisturized and glowy!


2) And the reviewers rave about how it got rid of or reduced their stretch marks!☑️You can read it here for yourself!



arabica coffee scrub for stretch marks


2.☑️Weapon #2: First Botany Arabica Coffee Scrub

Why did I choose this scrub?

1) It came up in the search results when I searched for scrub+ stretch marks

2)When I searched the reviews for the scrub, ☑️multiple people said it helped with their stretch marks and scars which you can read all about here!

There is one caveat: some of these reviewers said that they received this scrub in exchange for an honest review.

I don’t doubt that they are being honest when they review these products but you do get a lot of 5-star reviews on products when they are received for free.

However, there were quite a few reviewers who didn’t get the product for free and they also loved it so I still feel confident about buying it.

3) I liked the ingredients in the scrub.

Check them out below. 

ingredients in coffee scrub


There are no funny ingredients that are harmful or toxic to your skin which is extremely important especially since the skin is our largest organ.

☑️Click here to check for the latest prices of First Botany Coffee Scrub



3. ☑️Weapon #3:  TrisLastin Cream  

Why did I choose this cream?

1)Because of the before and after pictures. Before and after pictures are everything and there’s quite a few of them for this product. 


2) The reviews are also quite glowing. In fact, this was the ONLY cream that I saw that actually and truly reduced stretch marks to the point where they aren’t really noticeable.

So I poured through tons of reviews on dozens of stretch mark creams and this is what I noticed. There are two different types of positive reviews for stretch mark creams.

One type of positive stretch mark cream review is when a pregnant woman says “I used this cream and I didn’t get any stretch marks”.  Yeah, we don’t care about these reviews.

Why? Because we don’t know if the cream is the reason why they didn’t get stretch marks.

They might have amazing genetics passed from they mama and grandma and ‘nem. So we can’t trust these reviews.

Instead, I looked for reviews from people who actually said “hey, this cream actually reduced my stretch marks”. And the search was disappointing, my friend, until I found TriLastin.

Of course, it was the most expensive cream that I found 🙄 but I look at it this way.

You can spend the same amount of money (or more) on multiple creams that don’t work or spend all that money on one cream that actually has worked for other women! Just a different perspective.

Go ahead and take a look at the reviews from the women who loved this cream because it actually removed stretch marks instead of just preventing them!

Take a look at the reviews for the TriLastin cream!


castor oil to remove stretch marks

4. Weapon #4: Custom Oil Blend (Castor Oil, Hazelnut Oil, and various essential oils)


Why am I making an oil blend?

Because I couldn’t find a pre-made oil that would foot the bill.

Castor oil is well known for removing scars, hazelnut oil is also known to reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

But I couldn’t find one product that mixed the two of them together so, it just makes sense to make your own.

There are also essential oils that you can buy (or that you may already have on hand) that are good for reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

Essential oils like:


helichrysum essential oil,


Now I don’t have an exact recipe for this.

I’m not one to measure.

But if I did, I would do 1 part castor oil to two parts hazelnut oil just because castor oil is so thick and somewhat sticky. 

Using more of the hazelnut will help thin out the mixture.

Then use 7 to 10 drops of each essential oil, depending on how much of the carrier oils you use (the castor and hazelnut.)


derma rollers help remove stretch marks

5. Weapon #5: The Secret Weapon:

The Derma Roller 

Derma rollers are devices that have tiny needles on a roller then you roll over your skin BEFORE you put on your skincare products like oils and moisturizers.

They help increase the collagen and elastin in your skin (or so the claim goes) and they also help your skincare products penetrate deeper into your skin.

Remember when I talked earlier about some of my stretch marks being so faint that I can’t see them?

That is partially due to the use of the derma roller.

They really help take your skincare to the next level.

Using one doesn’t really hurt at least not to me but you do feel it.

You definitely want to include this little thing in your stretch mark arsenal. I can vouch for it personally.

And there you have it, folks. My remedies of choice in this fight against stretch marks.

– Just To Recap…Here Are All 5 Stretch Marks Remedies Again

The weapons needed to remove stretch marks externally (internally matters as well but that’s a different post).

Be sure to click on the links below so you can find out more about this scar erasing package of products:

1. Weapon #1: Shea Butter Exfoliating Soap: made with shea butter and is exfoliating. 

2. First Botany Coffee Scrub: made with coffee, salt, and various oils. Thousands of great reviews with lots of people saying that they saw improvements in their scars and stretch marks.

3. TriLastin cream: before and after pictures and lots of great reviews of people saying they saw great results on their scars and stretch marks.

4. Custom Oil Blend: castor oil, hazelnut oil, lavender, clary sage, etc.

5. Derma roller: Using the derma roller will allow these powerful skincare ingredients to penetrate deeper into your skin and be even more effective!

If you have any questions about the products mentioned please let me know in the comments and I’ll try my best to answer them.

This bundle of natural stretch mark and scar-fighting products will (hopefully) have our skin looking amazing.

And if you want more information about skincare just click here.

I for one can’t wait to see all of our before and after pictures.

Be sure to take some so you can measure your progress.





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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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