Top 5 Affordable & Natural Supplements That Helped REVERSE My Prediabetes! (Natural Alternatives To Metformin)

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Last Updated on 01/07/2023 by Nicky

Best Natural Alternatives To Metformin To Reverse Prediabetes

Did you know that there are natural alternatives to Metformin & that it’s possible to reverse prediabetes?

I know I know…when I was diagnosed with prediabetes I just knew that it was inevitable that I would eventually get diabetes mellitus.

And I had heard for years from my grandmother how serious diabetes is and how you don’t want to get it and on and on.

So when a nurse practitioner at my clinic told me I was prediabetic, I was so scared. But then I got to work to see what I could do to reverse it and to get off of Metformin which they put me on.

I’m grateful to say that I no longer take Metformin and I no longer have prediabetes, praise God. So how did I do it?

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about and from companies that I trust like Amazon and others. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

– Don’t Have Time To Read? Here Are The Supplements That Helped Me Reverse Prediabetes

Although I encourage you to read the entire post, I understand that we are all short on time. So I’m going to go ahead and list all of the natural supplements I took to help reverse my prediabetes so you can get right to the good stuff!

Further down in the post, I give important information about each supplement that I believe you should read before taking these supplements.

I also highly encourage you to talk to your doctor BEFORE you take any of these supplements, especially if you’re already on Metformin.

Okay, now here are the natural alternatives to Metformin that I highly recommend!

1) Alpha Lipoic Acid


2) 5-HTP


3) Cinnamon


4) Maca


5) Fenugreek

Want to read Supplements That Helped REVERSE My Prediabetes later? Save it to one of your Pinterest boards! 

   white desk with powders and supplements on it supplements to reverse prediabetes

– How I Reversed My Prediabetes With Natural Alternatives To Metformin

Well besides a combination of changing my diet and being more active, I’m also a big believer in natural medicine.

I believe God has provided most everything we need in nature to heal our bodies from disease.

So in this post, I’m going to share with you the supplements that I took (in addition to the change in diet and activity…very important to remember this) that helped me reverse my prediabetes.

These potential natural alternatives to Metformin really did play a key role in my prediabetes reversal though for sure!

And keep in mind that this was over 10 years ago and I still don’t have prediabetes or diabetes so these natural supplements really did work, ya’ll, for realz.

If you want to read a super long detailed post about prediabetes then you can click below and read this post (after you read this one of course…just open the new article in a different tab).

Please Read: Warning Signs Of Prediabetes

In this post, I wrote about what prediabetes is, how you can do a blood test at home to see if you have diabetes and so much more.

So since I’ve done that already, I don’t feel the need to go into all of that again. Let’s just jump right into this list so you can get started on your new supplement regimen right away.


– 5 Natural Supplements That Helped Me Reverse Prediabetes For Good: Natural Alternatives To Metformin!

1) Alpha Lipoic Acid

Web MD says “We have strong evidence that alpha-lipoic acid supplements help with type 2 diabetes”.

I must say I concur. I know firsthand that alpha-lipoic acid works in lowering blood sugar because it helped me personally.

When I got diagnosed with prediabetes (and PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome) I did a lot of research to see if there were any natural cures for diabetes and prediabetes.

Alpha-lipoic acid is a naturally occurring antioxidant in our bodies.

According to WebMD, there’s evidence that “…alpha-lipoic acid can improve the function and conduction of neurons in diabetes.”

And that “Alpha-lipoic acid is used in the body to break down carbohydrates and to make energy for the other organs in the body.”


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Alpha lipoic acid reversed my prediabetes. white wooden desk and supplements in spoon

How Alpha Lipoic Works As A Natural Metformin Alternative

ALA may improve insulin sensitivity and your cells’ uptake of sugar from your blood, though it may take a few months to experience these effects.

It may also protect against oxidative damage caused by high blood sugar.

What alpha-lipoic acid appears to do is improve insulin sensitivity.

It also seems like it protects your body from oxidative damage that occurs when you have high blood glucose.

Whatever alpha-lipoic acid does is not completely scientifically proven but I know that it helped me lower my blood sugar and reverse my prediabetes with no side effects whatsoever.

I cannot say the same thing for the metformin I was on, however. Metformin gave me nausea something awful (that was so southern lol).

So in a way, it’s possible that alpha lipoic acid could be a natural alternative to Metformin…potentially.

Please note that I said ALA could be a natural alternative to Metformin POTENTIALLY and based ONLY on my experience.

Sorry to shout and repeat myself but I have to give these disclaimers for your own safety. I don’t want anyone getting hurt from anything I say.

I’m just giving my own experience with ALA and it’s effect on my glucose levels and insulin resistance!

If you only choose to take one supplement on this list, this is the one that I would recommend as it has the strongest evidence of its effectiveness against prediabetes.

So which alpha lipoic acid supplement do I recommend? Although the Now Alpha Lipoic brand is not the one I used personally, it is a brand that I have used & the reviews are STELLAR! Click below to check it out and learn more!


Click To Buy Now Alpha Lipoic Acid On Amazon!


5-htp natural alternative to metformin to reverse prediabetes

2) 5-HTP

Part of my issue back then (around 2007 or 2008) was that I felt hungry all the time and so I just ate and ate trying to satiate my hunger but I couldn’t be filled or so it felt.

I literally would eat from an all-you-can-eat bar and still be “hungry” about an hour or so afterward.

It was crazy! But I really wasn’t truly hungry.

Yes, I was feeling hunger pangs but I wasn’t truly hungry in the sense that I still needed food. So I looked for a supplement that would help me control my hunger.

And I found the natural supplement 5-HTP.

5-HTP or 5- Hydroxytryptophan is an amino acid that your body uses to make serotonin. Serotonin acts as a messenger that sends signals back and forth between your nerve cells.

Think of it like a homing pigeon sending messages to your nerve cells.

Anywho, if you don’t have a high level of serotonin, then you can have all kinds of health issues like depression and you guessed it, weight gain.

Not good.

That sounded just like something I needed because I truly wanted to eat less but I felt ravenous all the time which lead to more eating (and of course eating food that wasn’t healthy).

So I decided to order 5- HTP and it (in combination with these other supplements) made a huge difference in my levels of hunger.

Oh, perhaps I should have mentioned that weight gain and obesity make you more likely to be diagnosed with prediabetes and diabetes.

So my goal was to reduce my hunger pangs, so I could eat less, and therefore lose weight…which I did to the tune of 50 pounds (and more).

Related Weight Loss Post:10 Brilliant Weight Loss Tips For Beginners You’ve Never Heard!

Oh and another thing… I used to buy my supplements from Swanson Vitamins but I found a better deal on another website which I will share a little later. Or if you prefer Amazon don’t worry…I got you!

Once again, this isn’t the particular 5-HTP supplement that I used but I only pick brands with amazing reviews. Just click the link to read them.


Click To See The Now 5-HTP Supplement Reviews At Amazon



cinnamon supplement in green bottle natural alternative to metformin 

3) Cinnamon

So besides wanting to suppress my appetite so that I could eat less and lose weight, I also wanted to find supplements that would help lower my blood sugar levels.

I had been hearing about cinnamon for years from my grandmother.

I had also heard of diabetics or prediabetics ingesting a little cinnamon before or after a high-calorie meal.

Cinnamon, whether it be on your food or in supplement form, will also help you lower blood sugar. It certainly did that for me.

Before I started my new lifestyle, I had a fasting blood sugar level of over 100 (a fasting blood sugar level is just what your blood glucose level is when you haven’t eaten or drank anything (except water) for 8 hours or more.)

100 or above is considered prediabetic.


Want to read Supplements That Helped REVERSE My Prediabetes later? Save it to one of your Pinterest boards! 

white desk green, pink, and yellow supplements how I got my blood sugar levels back

How I Got My Blood Sugar Levels Back To Normal

I took at least 1 cinnamon capsule daily but I may have taken two per day at first because I didn’t have any negative side effects.

I would always take it before I ate. And it was right before I ate not like 30 minutes before or anything because I’m not time efficient.

Once I started my new regimen, I was able to lower my fasting blood sugar levels back below 100.

I was also able to lower my A1C to below 6.0 and into the healthy range which is 5.7 or lower.

Your A1c is a measurement of how much sugar is coating your hemoglobin. Or put another way “The A1C test result reflects your average blood sugar level for the past two to three months.”

So if you’re needing to lower your blood sugar levels and your A1C you definitely need to start taking cinnamon. I can tell you from personal experience that it works!

The cinnamon that I still take & highly recommend to you is the cinnamon from Puritan’s Pride.

The brand is Puritan’s Pride but you can get it on Amazon so you’ll get it quickly. This is the brand that I use consistently and my prediabetes is still a thing of the past.

So click the link below to take a look at this cinnamon supplement at Amazon. 


cinnamon supplement Amazon alternative to metformin

Click To See Cinnamon Supplement At Amazon





4) Maca

Maca which is a Peruvian root is another powerful supplement that lowers your blood sugar.

I had not heard of Maca at that point in time so I was a little nervous about taking something I had never heard of… especially since I thought I had thyroid problems… which I do not but I thought I did at that time.

Apparently, maca root and thyroid issues don’t go together so that’s something important to note if you are considering buying this supplement.

Other than this little caveat, I didn’t have any negative side effects from taking maca…only good stuff happened.

My blood sugar and A1c decreased from taking this.

Important Side Note: I am not a doctor so I cannot tell you what is okay for you to do. I can only say what I did and tell you about my experience.

I took all of the supplements that I will mention all at once according to the directions on the bottle.

For instance, if the directions for the maca said to take one pill twice per day and the cinnamon’s directions said to take 1 pill 3 times per day that’s what I did.

I took all of the supplements every day based on each supplement’s instructions.

If you know that in the past you’ve had issues taking certain supplements or taking too many then I don’t recommend you do what I did.

You know your own body and you should proceed accordingly.

Okay, medical disclaimer done :).

Click To See The Now Maca Supplement At Amazon! 


5) Fenugreek

Umm, fenuwhat? Perhaps you are in the know about this medicinal and culinary plant but if you’re not you might be wondering what in the world this is.

 Fenugreek is a plant that is commonly found in South Asia and Northern Africa. This plant produces pods that contain seeds.

It’s the seeds that weld all of the diabetes-fighting power. It is said that the high amount of soluble fiber in the seeds help slow the absorption of carbs in your body.

The seeds have also been shown to lower the blood sugar in diabetes.

I’ve got bad news and good news.

The bad news is that fenugreek seeds are bitter tasting. Yuck.

The good news is that you can take fenugreek as a supplement which means you don’t have to taste it at all.

This is the route that I took so I have no idea how bitter fenugreek is. I just know how much it helped lower my blood sugar. Definitely a supplement you want to pick up.

Click To See Fenugreek At Amazon!


Want to read Supplements That Helped REVERSE My Prediabetes later? Save it to one of your Pinterest boards! 


white desk purple and green supplements 5 natural supplements that reverses my diabetes

– You Can Reverse Prediabetes Using Natural Supplements…I’m Living Proof!

I hope this post has been an encouragement to you especially if you have been diagnosed with prediabetes.

I’m telling you right now, prediabetes is absolutely positively reversible.

After months of taking these supplements and changing my lifestyle habits, I went back to the same clinic.

I got my blood tests done and I waited a few days for my results.

The nurse practitioner from the clinic called me back some days later.

She told me excitedly that my results were amazing and that I no longer needed to take metformin (which was the only prescription medicine I was on at the time…and one of my main goals was to get off metformin because I did not want to be on a prescription drug at that young age for the rest of my life)!

I was so happy and grateful to God for giving me the insight to look for these natural supplements to fight prediabetes.

Now it’s possible that I could have had the same results without the supplements but I honestly don’t think so and frankly, I’ll never know.

I believe that the supplements made it easier for me to eat less which in turn made it easier for me to lose weight.

If you are interested in trying some of these supplements then I will share with you where I get my supplements.


– A Cheaper Alternative To Amazon For Vitamins

My mom had ordered from them for years and I would see her boxes of supplements but I didn’t pay much attention.

But there were flyers in the boxes and I saw that they did this incredible deal. What’s the incredible deal?

They have sales throughout the year where you can buy one supplement and get two bottles of that same supplement free. Not buy one get one half off or 25% off.

Or even buy one get one free. But buy one bottle and get two bottles free.

Ya’ll I don’t know how they can afford to sell you high-quality products and give you two bottles free but it’s the truth. I buy from them all the time, as does my mom and my sister.

And every time I get this deal and I’m looking through the box of products I just order, I’m always amazed that I could get that many supplements for such a good price.

And the supplements from Puritan’s Pride are of high quality too. It’s really amazing. I can’t recommend this company enough!

Shop Puritan’s Pride for Quality Vitamins & Supplements!


– Why It’s More Important Than Ever To Lose Weight & Control Prediabetes

So I’m writing this on April 4th, 2020.

If this blog is still around in 10 years then that date may not have a lot of significance to you.

But if you’re reading this right now, you know exactly what’s going on all over the world.

The virus has affected literally every part of our lives at the moment whether it be financially, emotionally, spiritually, or physically.

Right now I just want to focus on how it is affecting us physically.

What I didn’t fully realize in the midst of this pandemic is that being obese and having diabetes or prediabetes puts you at higher risk for serious complications from C-19.

I should have known this as obesity and diabetes seem to put you at a higher risk of almost every disease and this one is no different.

So if you are able to quarantine at home and you have time, this would be a great time to start your weight loss journey which will, in turn, help you reverse or at least better control your prediabetes or diabetes.

Now is the time to work out (I recommend walking), meal plan which I talk about in this post, and meal prep like I talk about here. Many of us have more time for these activities than ever. And I believe it’s also a great idea to track your wellness journey in a weight loss or fitness journal which I talk about here.

With a combination of losing weight, getting fit, and taking these supplements you can not only help fight prediabetes and diabetes but you can also potentially fight off serious complications from C-19.

–  Prediabetes Recap Of All The Prediabetes Reversing Supplements

So just a quick recap of all of the natural alternatives to metformin that I used to reverse my prediabetes. You can get them all at Amazon at an amazing price. And really what these supplements can do for you is invaluable for your health!

1) Alpha Lipoic Acid


2) 5-HTP


3) Cinnamon


4) Maca


5) Fenugreek

Alright everyone, please stay safe out there and God bless!





If 5 Natural Alternatives To Metformin has helped you, please share it on social media!



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

More Posts - Website


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Signs Of Prediabetes | 5 (Almost) Painless Changes You Can Make Today To Help Reverse Prediabetes Naturally - 06/13/2020 Reply

[…] know cinnamon helped me lower my blood sugar and I believe it also helped control my hunger pangs which in turn allowed me to eat less and in […]

Teresa - 12/15/2022 Reply

Nicky, thank you so much this article is just what I need it, I got news of pre-diabetes last week is an awful feeling.
I do a lot to take care of myself and keeps the meds away, I was put on Metmorfin and ozemptic my a1c is 5.8 I don’t think I need all that, I want to do it my way natural and with physical activity.
I so grateful God put this in my way today.
Again thank you and God bless you for sharing your journey with us!!🙏🏼💐🤗

    Nicky - 12/20/2022 Reply

    Thank you so much Teresa! I have faith that with diet, exercise, and finding a supplement combination that works for you that you can reverse your prediabetes! Ain’t nobody trying to be on prescription medication if you can help it! I’m so glad that my article was helpful to you!

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