5 Ways To Trust God In Our Darkest Moments

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Last Updated on 01/11/2022 by Nicky

Trusting God In Our Darkest Moments

So as you know this past year & a half has been a time of upheaval and uncertainty.

It seems like the world is getting more chaotic and violent.

News headlines screaming of violent crimes surges, evictions, disease, and death could keep you swimming in fear and anxiety…if you let it.

It would be easy to let fear grip up and never let go but it doesn’t and shouldn’t be that way.

I know… easier said than done, I know. I know it’s hard to stay sane when there seems to be one crisis after another after another.

That’s why in today’s post, I want to share with you some ways that you can learn to trust God in these tough times and stay connected to God & your Christian family during times of crisis even if you can’t be together.

And please know that these ideas and tips are things that we can do no matter what’s going on in our lives personally or in the world at large. 

Sometimes we need a reminder of ways that we can draw closer with each other and to the Lord.

I hope this post will show you some ways to strengthen your trust and faith in God! 

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about.

5 Practical Ways To Trust God Even In Our Darkest Hour

1) Daily Study Of God’s Word

Back in 2020, when so many of us were stuck at home, it was a perfect opportunity to dive deeper into God‘s word.

But guess what…

Any year is the perfect year to dive deeper into the word of God, you feel me?

I personally studied the book of Revelation and Habakkuk during the heart of the pandemic.

Prophecy has long been a topic of interest to me so this is a perfect time to learn more about it.

Think about some of the topics are you wanted to study but haven’t had a lot of time to do.

Look up resources online and download Bible study apps. They can help you understand those topics subjects more.

Right now, I’m making my way through the bible and I’m currently in Exodus.

I read the bible as a way to learn more about what God wants for me in my life and also as a novel, of sorts.

I mean have you read the story of Joseph lately?

It’s a page-turner, seriously!

I’ve also been using something else that made my Bible study and time with God deeper than it’s ever been…


How To Use The Trello Bible Study Planner & Journal For Deeper Bible Study

A tool that I’ve been using to help me study deeper is a bible study journal that I created and is available in my Etsy shop.

I’m so excited to share it with you!

It’s a digital bible study planner and journal that I created that will help you organize your whole bible study life!

digital bible study planner and journal


Every book of the Bible has its own sections for you to take notes and journal about what you’ve read.

The planner has a section for your Bible study notes, prayer journal entries, sermon notes, and devotional journal notes for every book of the Bible.

new testament part of my bible study planner

And it has a Bible reading tracker that you can use to check off each chapter of the Bible as you read it.

I also use it to make a note of difficult sections of the Bible that I want to research further.

For instance, as I was going through Genesis, I was a little confused about chapters 6 & 38. 

So I opened my bible study journal and found the section for Genesis.

digital bible study app where I take notes on difficult parts of the bible

Then I opened the section called “Genesis-based topics to research” and made a quick reminder to do more research later on those chapters.

Later on, when I had more time, I googled those chapters and gleaned a better understanding of them.

difficult parts of the bible; digital study planner

Then I took notes right in that same section of the journal.

notes I took in my digital bible study planner

Using this planner has made my Bible study so much deeper and more organized.

I know exactly where all of my Bible study notes are.

Here’s a video so you can get a closer look!

No more scatterbrained notes!

If you’re interested and learning more about this Bible Study Planner, Journal, & Tracker then click the link below!

Click here to learn more about the Bible Study Planner, Journal, & Tracker!


2) Sing and be happy today:

Singing is truly a gift and a blessing from God. It can usher in peace and light into any situation.

Take this time to lift up your voice and praise him in song thank Him for all of his blessings.

I can’t explain the psychology behind it but when I sing to God I feel closer to Him and I trust Him more deeply.

Not only do you honor the Lord when you sing praises to Him but it also lifts your own spirit and calms your soul.

Don’t worry about whether or not you have a good singing voice or not.

God thinks all of our voices are beautiful even it might lack pitch and tone.

You can also create a playlist on YouTube and Spotify of your favorite worship songs in and listen to them throughout the day.


Want to read this post later? Click here to save it to one of your Pinterest boards! 


3) Don’t suffer alone

Whatever you do, please don’t suffer alone. If you’re dealing with anxiety.

If quarantine or any other crisis has really been traumatic for you let someone know.

Don’t go through this crisis alone.

Your church family loves you and is still just a phone call away.

Or if you’re like me and don’t like talking on the phone, they are a text away or a Facebook message away.

Just find some sort of way to reach out to someone.

Jesus invites us to cast our cares on him as I talk about in this post because he cares for us and he also tells us to bear one another’s burdens ( 1 Peter 5:7)!

But no one can help you if you don’t tell them that you need help.

So please don’t be afraid to reach out to a caring member at your church.


4) Call loved ones and check on them

On the other hand, you could reach out to others who might be in need.

You might check on some of your fellow church members who live alone or who are sick and may not be able to get out.

Calling or texting them to see if they’re OK really warms someone’s heart and brightens their day.

All the technology that we have today makes it easy to contact somebody and check on them.

You can use FaceTime, texting, Facebook messaging, Instagram DM’s or keep it old school and mail them a card or a letter.


5) Form prayer groups

You can also form a prayer group with one or more people.

For example, my mother started a prayer group with the ladies Bible class that she would always go to on Wednesday morning.

She’s set up a conference call where people could dial in at a certain time and listen to a short devotional and have their request pray for.

These are even things that we can do regardless of a crisis or quarantine period.


Scriptures To Help You Trust God In All Circumstances

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.”
-Proverbs 3:5-6

Deuteronomy 31:8
It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Romans 8:38-39 “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Isaiah 41:10-13
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Behold, all who are incensed against you shall be put to shame and confounded; those who strive against you shall be as nothing and shall perish. You shall seek those who contend with you, but you shall not find them; those who war against you shall be as nothing at all. For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you

Matthew 28:20
Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”


In what ways will you learn to trust God in times of trouble or anxiety?

I hope this post has been encouraging to you and filled with reminders of God‘s love and the love that your church family has for you.

In order to trust God in times of crisis and anxiety, we have to remember that this too shall pass.

It may not seem like it at the time but that’s where the trusting part comes in.

We know that God is in control and that gives us such comfort in times of anxiety and despair.

In times of uncertainty, He calls us to trust Him more than we ever have before so that we can emerge stronger and more faithful.

Download The Renew Your Mind Journaling Bundle Free!

Our mental health depends on spending quiet time with the Lord but it can be so hard to do with everything going on in our busy lives. I’m hoping the free Renew Your Mind Mental Health Bundle will change all of that.  This mental health journaling bundle provides a relaxing escape from the anxieties & stresses of the crazy world we live in.

Just enter your email to access the Renew Your Mind Mental Health Journaling Bundle and you’ll see what I mean

What’s Included In The Renew Your Mind Mental Health Journaling Bundle:

  • The Creative Rest Christian Coloring Book: These 5 beautiful coloring pages are accompanied by words of faith and inspiration designed to help you focus on the positive, relax your mind, and dwell on positive Christian affirmations. 
  • Joy Comes In The Mourning Grief Journal: If you’ve lost a loved one, then journaling is a tool you can use to begin to heal from your loss in a positive and healthy way
  • The Stress-Less Anti-Anxiety Journal: This journal has a Count Your Blessings, Quiet Time With God, & Today I’m Feeling… pages as well as a Self-Care To-Do List & A Mini Day & Week Planner. 
  • 15% Discount code to use on any product in the HAYC store!

Plus I add to this bundle all the time 

Just enter your email address below and the Renew Your Mind Bundle link will be sent to your inbox!


If 5 Ways To Trust God In Your Darkest Moments has helped you, please share it on social media!


More HAYC Posts About Mental & Emotional Health

How To Read The Bible To Overcome Anxiety

5 Life Changing Quotes From Jesus To Overcome Anxiety

5 Genius Ways Proverbs 31 Teaches Christian Women To Be Healthy


Medical Disclaimer: While Healthy As You Can strives to provide the most accurate information, anything you read on this site is purely for informational or entertainment purposes and should NOT be considered medical advice or as a replacement for a doctor’s care, diagnosis, appointment, advice, etc. I am not a medical professional at all. Any information, tips, or ideas that you try as a result of reading this blog is tried at your, the reader’s, own risk.

Mental Health Disclaimer: While I care deeply about your mental health, please know that I am NOT a licensed medical professional, therapist, counselor, social worker, or mental health professional. Any advice here is not to be taken as medical advice or a diagnosis. IF you need to talk to a licensed mental health professional you can use online-therapy.com (affiliate link) or call a mental health hotline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357).







Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

More Posts - Website


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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