5 Free Beautiful Adult Coloring Pages Christian Women Can Use To Boost Their Mental Health!

multi colored coloring sheet; teal overlay with white lettering saying 5 beautiful coloring pages for Christian women

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Last Updated on 02/06/2024 by Nicky

 Beautiful Adult Coloring Pages Christian Women Will Love

As you know, coloring is not just for kids anymore, and thank goodness for that. Not only is coloring good for our mental health, but it is also an awesome way to connect to God in a new and creative way.

I’m going to share with you why that is and I’m also going to show you how you can get some beautiful adult Christian coloring pages to boost your mental health and help you spend more quality time reflecting on God’s word!

This post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a small commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about.

Benefits Of Coloring For Mental Health

Maybe you’re surprised to hear that coloring is good for your mental health. But think about it. When you were a child, when you colored, you scribbled and drew on that paper without a care in the world. You didn’t care if there was a stray mark here or there.

You didn’t care if the color bled way past the line. Okay okay, so some of you did care. I’ve done enough VBS to know that some kids do care about coloring outside of the lines or using a certain color.

But for the most part, coloring was a carefree, stress-free activity where you got to express yourself and not think about the world around you.

And now luckily, coloring is now a totally acceptable activity for adults to do as well which is exciting because it has the same benefits for us as it does for kids!

You get to express yourself and be creative with a spectrum of colors. Half the fun is choosing from an array of colors that bring the drawing to life!

As you color, your worries fade away. When you’ve had a stressful day coloring is a fun way to have a great time diving into God’s word.

It’s certainly a better way to deal with stress or anxiety than drinking or many other ways adults find to “unwind.”

Of course, coloring is not a cure for anxiety and depression.

However, if you’ve ever suffered from anxiety or depression, then you’ll understand that even a brief moment of relief from these mental disorders is more than welcome.

Related: Another creative way to boost your mental health is through journaling

All in all, coloring is a great way to boost your mental health not only because it’s a fun activity but also because you get to reflect on God’s words when you do it, which we will talk more about now!

Benefits Of Coloring For Spiritual Health

Not only can you create beautiful art through coloring but you can also connect to God in the process.

I’m about to show you some free printable Bible coloring pages that you can download and where you can get a printable coloring book.

And these free coloring pages are filled with reminders of God’s love for us, His promises, and His scriptures.

For instance, I have a coloring book in my shop with beautiful pictures of different scriptures in Proverbs.

Just think…while you are coloring, you also get to dwell on the word of God!

It’s so easy sometimes to skim over God’s word especially when it’s a familiar passage (maybe I’m the only one who’s done this??). But when you color a passage, you can’t just read over right quick and move on.

You are figuratively writing that verse on your heart because the more time you spend on it, the more embedded in your soul it will be.

 So now let’s look at some of the example coloring pages you can get from my shop!


Meditate On God’s Word With Free Beautiful Adult Coloring Pages For Christian Women 

Alright, ya’ll, so now I’m going to share with you some free Christian coloring pages that you can start using right away!


Because they are printable Bible coloring sheets! That means you can just click the link below and download these free coloring sheets super fast!

Click here to get your printable Bible verse coloring pages pdf as a part of a free mental health printable bundle!


1) I Am A Child Of God

coloring sheet that says I am a a child of God

What a beautiful reminder of who we truly are. The devil is constantly trying to attack our identities. He wants us to identify as anything other than who we truly are which is children of God.

As it says in John 1:12:

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name” So if you have received Him (Jesus) and believe in His name, you are a child of God.

Reflect on this truth as you fill this page with a rainbow of hues :).


2) Grace Wins

Grace wins coloring page

Let’s face it…in many aspects, we live in a graceless society. In this age of cancel culture and “wokeness” and holding everything you’ve ever said or done against us, this page is a much-needed reminder that grace wins.


God gives us more grace and mercy than we could ever ask for or imagine. He forgives over and over (and I sorely need it).


I’m grateful we don’t serve a cancel culture God but one who is full of grace and eager to bestow it.


3) Faith It Til You Make It 


Faith it till you make it coloring page

I can so relate to this. In fact, it can be taken in more than one way.


One way I’m taking this phrase to mean is that sometimes (many times…most times?) we don’t understand why life is turning out like it is.


We might even be mad or frustrated with God when things are going off the rails of our life. But even in those moments, we are still supposed to trust God



Jesus over everything coloring page with mandala patterns behind the saying

4) Jesus Over Everything

Does this even need any explanation? Jesus is supposed to be bae in our lives (does anyone say that anymore?).

I’ll be honest…my selfish desires make it hard to put Jesus above everything and everyone else.

This is an easy phrase to say and a creative way to express it but not as easy to live out in our day-to-day lives.

So as you color this phrase think about whether or not you’re really living this out and ways we can live it out better. 


Be fearless Christian coloring page

5)Be Fearless

If you’re struggling with anxiety and depression then you know fear is one of our most toxic companions. It accompanies us wherever we go.

Sometimes, we run from fear toward freedom.

But just when we thought we’d shaken fear for good, he reappears again as if by magic, ready to invade our inmost thoughts to ensure that we don’t do anything without his input.

To be fearless sounds like the most liberating thing we can do.

Yet we allow ourselves to be chained and locked down by this invisible boogie man who we could totally free ourselves from if we would only let go.

Yes, letting go is ridiculously hard. So I’m hoping that as you color this phrase, you’ll be thinking about the spirit of fear and how it did NOT come from God.

The enemy loves that we embrace fear and hold on to it for dear life. Color and pray that you’ll let fear go and embrace the spirit of courage that comes from God.


How You Can Use These Printable Coloring Pages

I wanted to give you some ideas on how you can use these sheets. Of course, you can use them yourself during your Bible study time.

It’s also a relaxing activity for the whole family, especially older children. For younger kids, I would suggest different sheets.

These faith coloring pages are for personal use meaning not for commercial use but you could use them for a Sunday school class. You can give them to someone as gifts to anyone you think needs them.

Use them over a long break with your kids like during Christmas or summer as you work on memorizing Bible verses (memorizing Psalms is a good book to start with). They would be great as Easter coloring pages.

And of course, you could use them in your DIY Bible journals!


17 Page Printable Christian Adult Coloring Books

Here is where you can get these printable coloring books: Shop The HAYC Store

The 5 example coloring sheets above are in this book: The Creative Rest Coloring Book For Mental Health (Printable)

This coloring book is a collection of encouraging, inspirational, and fun reminders for the Christian woman.


lettering-Coloring pages to boosts your mental health; pink background; 5 coloring sheet graphics with Christian sayings


5 Christian coloring sheet graphics over a pink background

25 Page Proverbs Scriptures Adult Coloring Book Printable

And this printable Christian coloring book is devoted to verses in Proverbs. These scripture coloring sheets would be a wonderful addition to your Bible journaling binder!

Lettering: 23 Proverbs scripture coloring pages in maroon color; coloring sheet graphics in purple, pink, and blue-green, colored pencil graphics, and pink flowers

Lettering: 25 blank black and white coloring pages ; coloring sheet graphics in pink; pink background with glasses and pen


Be sure to check these coloring books out here if you want to learn more!

How To Download A Free Printable Coloring Book

We all know the benefits of setting aside time for relaxation & self-care. Our mental health depends on it!

So if you’re looking for a colorful escape from the stresses and worries of everyday life then download 5 pages of the Creative Rest Christian Coloring Book for free!

These 5 beautiful coloring pages are accompanied by words of faith and inspiration designed to help you focus on the positive, relax your mind, and dwell on positive Christian affirmations. 

The Creative Rest Christian Coloring Book is very easy to access & use. Just click the link and I will send the link so you can access them and other health-boosting products.

If 5 Beautiful Coloring Pages Adult Christain Women Will Love has helped you, please share it on social media!


Want to read this post later? Click here to save it to one of your Pinterest boards!

25 coloring pages Christian women will love in blue lettering over a white overlay with a blue background and coloring page graphics.


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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

More Posts - Website


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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