30 Inspiring Christian Faith Journal Prompts To Creatively Elevate Your Walk With God!

teal overlay white letters christian journaling prompts desk in background with woman at desk writing and reading bible

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Last Updated on 01/23/2023 by Nicky

30 Christian Faith Journal Prompts To Elevate Your Faith & Get Closer To God

Okay, my loves! Today we are going to talk about using faith journal promptsDo you ever ask where God is when everything in your life seems to be going wrong?

I know I have plenty of times!  Sometimes it seems like God isn’t even trying to answer our prayers even though He tells us to pray without ceasing.

It can get to be so frustrating that we start doubting Him.

Thoughts like “Does He hear our prayers?” “And if He does, hear them, does He care” begins to run through our minds.

These doubts and uncertainties are one of the main reasons why I love Christian journaling.

Writing down your prayers, thoughts cares, and fears in a journal is a wonderful way to be able to reflect back on your faith journey and remind yourself that God does indeed care and answer your prayers!

And using Christian journaling prompts is a great way to spark some inspiration when you aren’t sure what to write.  Let’s learn about some of the spiritual benefits of using a Christian journal.

Want to read 30 Christian Faith Journal Prompts later? Then save this pin to your faith-based Pinterest board!

pink and purple cover of faith journal

– Benefits Of Christian Journaling For Spiritual Growth.


If you’re looking for a way to grow closer to God, Christian journaling is one of the best ways to do it.


Because this reflective practice can provide many benefits, including regular opportunities for reflection and prayer, increased self-awareness, and understanding of God’s will for your life.

I don’t know how many times I’ve felt like God didn’t hear my prayers. But then when I looked back at one of my prayer or Christian journals I saw all the prayers that He had answered or all of the fears that He had allayed.


Here are some other benefits of faith journaling: 

1) It provides a regular opportunity for reflection and conversation with God

By taking time each day to journal about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, you create a space for regular communication with God.

This can help you grow closer to Him and deepen your relationship with Him.


2) It helps you process your thoughts and emotions in a healthy way

Journaling can be a great outlet for emotions that are bottled up inside. It can also help you better understand yourself, your thoughts, and your feelings.


3) It encourages spiritual growth

When you document your journey with God and track your progress in faith, you are more likely to grow in your spiritual life.

Christian journaling can also help you identify areas where you need to make changes or grow in your relationship with God.


4) It can be a tool for answered prayer

When you journal about your prayers, you can look back and see how God has answered them. This can be a great encouragement to continue praying and seeking God’s will for your life.


5) It is a way to document your faith journey 

As you journal about your daily walk with God, you create a record of your faith journey that you can look back on and reflect on in the future. This can be a valuable tool for yourself and future generations.


– 17 Christian Journal Topics & Ideas (What To Write In A Faith Journal)      

Christian journaling is not just about writing in your prayer journal or using Christian journaling prompts. You can use your journal in your faith walk with Christ in so many ways.

Here are just a few ideas of how to use your Christian journal:

  1. Choose a verse or spiritual principle to focus on for the month and write about how it has impacted your life.


  1. Write about a time when you experienced God’s presence and what He was doing in your life at that moment.


  1. Journal about a prayer you’ve been struggling with and ask God to help you trust Him with the outcome.


  1. Write about an act of obedience you’ve recently done and how it has made a difference in your life.


  1. Use your journal to compose psalms, document your journey of spiritual growth, and include any lessons you’ve learned along the way.


  1. Keep track of answered prayers by writing down what you prayed for and how God has answered.


  1. Use your journal to brainstorm ideas for ways you can serve others and make a difference in your community.


  1. Write about a time when you struggled with doubt or unbelief and how God met you at that moment.


  1. Use your journal to gain clarity with your thoughts and emotions after reading the Bible or attending a church service.


  1. Write about a time when you experienced God’s healing in your life and the miraculous things He has done.


  1. Draw or sketch a picture of how you feel God is speaking to you at that moment and include a brief description.


  1. Journal about a dream or vision you’ve had and how it might relate to your spiritual journey.


  1. Write about a character from the Bible that you’ve been studying and what you admire about them.


  1. Write down what you’re grateful for and why you’re grateful for them.


  1. Journal about a time when you experienced God’s love in a powerful way and what happened as a result.


  1. Write about your favorite ways to spend time with God.


  1. Write about what God has said concerning you, e.g., you’re a chosen generation, a royal priesthood (1 peter 2:9)


And if you want even more creative Bible or faith journaling ideas then check out this post: Creative Bible Journaling Ideas To Deepen You Walk.


-What Supplies Do You Need To Get Started With Christian Writing Prompts? 


If you’ve decided you want to start a Christian journal but are worried that it might be expensive then fear not!

Starting a journal is as cheap or expensive as you want it to be.

You can go all out getting all sorts of creative journaling supplies like I talk about here.

But honestly, a simple Christian journal with a scripture on the cover or a pretty Bible journaling printable will do.


Below are a few journaling supplies you might want to consider:

  1. Journal: You can find journals specifically for Christian journaling, or you can use a regular notebook with an inspirational scripture or quote on the cover. Or you can consider using a sketchbook or bullet dot grid journal if you want something more creative and artsy. Learn more about different types of journals here.


  1. Pens: Use whatever pens you like to write with. But if you want something special, there are all sorts of Bible journaling pens and markers available. I cover some pens and pencils in this post.

  1. Bible: Obviously, you’ll need a Bible to do any Bible journaling. You can use a physical Bible or Bible study apps and programs that allow you to journal alongside the text. I just got a journaling Bible called the Beautiful Word Bible. It has beautiful scripture illustrations and spaces in the margin for you to write journaling notes or to draw. I love it!


  1. Bible Or Faith Journaling Printables: Another option is to create a Bible journaling binder using journaling printables. Journaling printables are beautifully designed digital files that you can buy online and instantly download on your home computer. I have some in my HAYC shop if you want to take a look.


-What Other Journaling Supplies Might You Want To Start Christian Journal Writing?


In addition to the supplies listed above, you might also want to consider some of these optional items in your faith writing journey:


  1. Scrapbooking supplies: If you want to add pictures or other embellishments to your journaling, scrapbooking supplies can come in handy. I went a little Hobby Lobby crazy a few years ago so I have tons of scrapbooking supplies that I can use for journaling too!


  1. Stamps: Rubber stamps with Christian sayings or scriptures make it easy to add a touch of personality to your journaling. Here are some gorgeous stamps that I love.


  1. Bible tabs: These help you quickly find the passages you’re referencing while journaling. I’m tempted to get these…although I do love to try to find books of the Bible on my own.

  1. Colored pencils: Adding some beauty and color to your journaling can make it more fun and inviting.


  1. Washi tape: This decorative tape is perfect for adding borders or accents to your journaling pages.


  1. Stickers: Stickers are a great way to add visual interest to your journaling pages and show off your personality. 

Want to read 30 Christian Faith Journal Prompts later? Then save this pin to your faith-based Pinterest board!

teal rectangle white letters faith journaling prompts pink journal graphic with a cross

– 30 Christian Faith Journal Prompts To Strengthen Your Relationship With Christ 


No matter what form it takes, Christian journaling is a valuable way to deepen your connection with God and grow in your faith. 


If you’re interested in giving it a try, these 30 journal prompts can provide some guidance on how to get started. What you can do is try a few of the prompts every day. Or you could just do one each day or all of them.  It’s up to you how you want to do it. 


  1. What are some things you’ve been learning about God lately?


  1. How has your relationship with Christ improved since you started journaling?


  1. What are some scriptures that have been particularly meaningful to you lately?


  1. What is your favorite thing about Jesus?


  1. Why do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?


  1. What are some things you’re grateful for in your life right now?


  1. What are some ways that you’ve seen God working in your life lately?


  1. What is your relationship with the Holy Spirit like?


  1. If you could ask God one question, what would it be? 


  1. What are some things you’re grateful for? 


  1. What are your biggest fears, and how can God help you with them? 


  1. What does your ideal life look like? 


  1. Are there any areas of your life that you need to surrender to God? 


  1. What are some things you want to change about yourself? 


  1. What do you think God’s plan for your life is? 


  1. Who has been most instrumental in your spiritual growth? Why? 


  1. What is one way to show your love for God today? 


  1. What do you know about God’s love? Is it conditional or exhaustive?


  1. Write about a character from the Bible that you’ve been studying lately. 


  1. What are some things you need to work on to become more like Jesus? 


  1. What is one change you need to make in your life this year? 


  1. When do you feel closest to God? 


  1. What are some things that are standing in the way of your relationship with Christ? 


  1. Why do you think it’s important to read the Bible? 


  1. What do you need to do to become a more faithful Christian? 


  1. How can you show more love to your family and friends? 


  1. What is one thing you can do today to help someone else? 


  1. What should be our priorities in life? 


  1. What are some things that inspire you to follow Jesus Christ?


  1. What is your favorite verse of the Bible and why?


Interested in the Christian Faith Journal but need more time? Then save this pin to your faith-based Pinterest board and come back to it later!


Mockup of Christian Faith Journal

– Download A Beautiful Journal Of Christian Writing Prompts! 

Wait! Before you grab a pen and a notebook and start writing, let me share with you the beautifully designed printable version of these Christian writing prompts!

For just $5 you can print all 30 of these gorgeous spiritual journal prompts!

This Christian Journal Prompts PDF has all 30 prompts written in 2 different ways: lined journal page of faith journal

1) You can use the lined journal pages

bullet journal page of faith journal

2) the bullet journal pages

Or you can mix and match to create the journal of your dreams! It’s all up to you!

This 75-page printable journal also has 6 bullet and lined pages so you can add your own Bible journal prompts! Click the link below to download the Christian Faith Journal so you can creatively and prayerfully deepen your faith walk!

Click here so you can creatively explore your Christian walk with the Christian Faith Journal!

– Remind Yourself Of God’s Love With Christian Journaling Prompts!


As a Christian, your walk with God can take on fresh meaning by using Christian journal prompts. I recommend this for new converts and established Christians alike.

We can be just like the Israelites who were just brought out of Egypt. God can carry us out of a terrible situation but before we know it, a new crisis has come and we totally forget how He delivered us last time.

If you often find yourself wallowing in doubts about God’s love and power, start using a Christian journal and use it to remind yourself of just how amazing God really is!


– Free Download: Renew Your Spirit Journaling Bundle! 


We know we need to spend quiet time with God in Bible study and prayer. 


But it can be a struggle to find the time, keep your Bible study notes organized, or even know where to begin once you do find the time. 


That’s why I created the Renew Your Spirit Bible Study Journaling Mini Bundle


And best of all you can download it completely free! 


-Here’s what you get with the Renew Your Spirit Bible Study Mini Bundle: 


Bloom & Grow Mini Journal:

1)Bloom & Grow Mini Journal:

Use this printable journal to:

  • write down and memorize your favorite verses
  • write down journaling prompts
  • jot down Bible study questions for further research
  • pour your heart out to the Lord on the quiet time reflections page. 


Trello Bible Study Journal:

If you’re about that digital life, then the Trello Bible Study Journal is probably right up your alley! 

Now you can keep your Bible study notes & ponderings super organized! 

And even better than that? 

With this digital journal, you can do a Bible study wherever you have internet access! 

Finding time to do your study just got so much easier!

With this mini version of the journal, you’ll gain access to the first 3 sections (Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus) of the digital journal completely free! 

Each section comes with sections to write Bible study, devotional, and sermon notes…plus so much more!  And even better, there is a checklist for every chapter of each book that you can mark off as you go through your Bible reading adventure. 

You must use the free app Trello to use this digital journal but it’s super easy to use! 

And this app syncs across all devices so if you make a change to the journal using the mobile app, it’ll also make the change on your laptop too!

Just enter your email address below to get the link for the Bloom & Grow Bible Journal and the Trello Digital Bible Study Journal sent to your inbox!


More HAYC Posts About Faith Journaling 

25+ Beautiful Adult Coloring Pages Christian Women Can Use To Boost Their Mental Health

10 Positive Christian Affirmations Journaling Prompts For The Girl Struggling To See The Good In Herself

25+ Fear Journaling Prompts To Help You Overcome Anxiety & Live Abundantly!

25+ Beginner Journaling Prompts For Mental Clarity, Deeper Faith, Weight Loss, & Financial Freedom! 

3 Printable Bible Study Journals To Beautify Your Binder & Connect Deeper With God!


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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