19 Healing Journaling Prompts To Help You Overcome Trauma & Heartache

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Last Updated on 02/01/2023 by Nicky

Healing Journal Prompts

Heartbreak and trauma are painful experiences that can leave you feeling numb on the inside. Because this trauma can leave us reeling,  it’s hard to know how to start healing after experiencing something so painful.

One way I’ve found helpful is with journaling. Journaling, especially prayer journaling, has gotten me through some really difficult periods in my life and I pray that it will do the same for you.

Journaling provides an outlet for your emotions, and it can offer mental clarity by helping you organize all the thoughts that are clouding your mind.

So today we are going to cover: 

  • What a  healing journal is
  • The benefits of a healing journal 
  • How to start a healing journal 
  • What to include in a healing journal
  • And 15 healing journal prompts to get you started 


– What is a Healing Journal?

So what exactly is a healing journal?

A healing journal is a place where you can feel free to explore all of the thoughts and feelings you have about a certain negative or traumatic event that has happened in your life. You can use this journal to make peace with the issues and start to heal from the pain this event has caused you. 

You may choose to write down your day-to-day struggles with depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues.

I know if I’m having a day where all my thoughts are jumbled and I can’t make sense of anything, I start writing these feelings down so I can’t get them out of my head. Otherwise, I can’t concentrate on anything else. 

A healing journal is a place where you can explore the thoughts and feelings that are going on in your head without judgment.

And because it’s a place where you will not be judged for anything that you say, you can feel free to really say what’s on your heart and mind and not censor yourself.

It’s very hard to find a place like this anywhere else which is why I advocate so hard for journaling! Everyone needs at least one place where they can be completely themselves!


– The Benefits Of Using Healing Journal Prompts

Healing journals have so many benefits ya’ll. They help you process your emotions and can help you release pent-up frustrations that build up over time.

Because eventually those toxic feelings that you don’t want to face will blow up in your face if you don’t acknowledge them. And it will happen at the worse time too… ask me how I know!

A healing journal can also be a place where we explore who we are as an individual or who we want to become ie goal setting. Yes, we should also set mental and emotional health goals and a healing journal is the perfect place to write those down. 

 Journaling also makes us more compassionate and empathetic toward ourselves and others. Oftentimes it’s hard to forgive ourselves and others for what we do wrong.  Use your journal to learn how to extend grace to yourself and others when you feel hurt. Journals can also be a friend when we are in a season of loneliness. Just check out these journaling prompts for loneliness to see more!

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can provide you with a sense of clarity, peace, and hope for the future.


– What to Include in Your Healing Journal

So what should you put in your healing journal?

Here are some ideas: 

  • Many people start their journal with a page about themselves. Think about what you want or need to work on and then write about it.


  • You may also want to include a page for your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. You can use this page to reflect on the progress you’ve made in your life or any setbacks that have occurred.


  • Another idea is to create a list of things you’re grateful for each day. This will help you become more grateful and aware of the positive aspects of your life.


  • One journaling prompt that may seem unusual but is actually very helpful is writing down everything that irritates you in one day. It might be an extremely long list or a short one. Either way, it’s an excellent way to release anger and frustration while taking inventory of what’s been bothering you lately.


– How to Start Your Healing Journal

Start by thinking about what you want to achieve through journaling. It can be healing, exploration of thoughts and feelings, and/or a place for self-reflection. The next step is to decide on the type of journal style you want to use.

This can be a traditional journal where you write in it every day, an art journal where the writing isn’t as important as the drawings and paintings inside, or a photo journal where you take photos that represent your feelings.

Make sure to pick something that suits you best!

Once you have your type of journal chosen, it’s time to start writing! Start out with questions that may help guide your writing.

Below are 21 healing journaling prompts  to get you started: 

purple box white letters healing journaling prompts black and white background– Healing Journal Prompts 

  1. What are some things I’m grateful for today even if it was a bad day?
  2. What are three lies about myself that I need to stop believing?
  3. Have I forgiven the ones who have hurt me? If not why not? If so, how did you do it?
  4. What are three positive things I can focus on when I start to feel sad, depressed, or anxious? 
  5. What is one of my favorite childhood memory?
  6. What is one goal I’d like to accomplish this week, no matter how small?
  7. The word I would use to describe my mental state right now is…. (also explain why you feel that way).
  8. Name one step you can take to start the healing process (praying, writing down goals, writing a letter of forgiveness, making an appointment for a therapist) 
  9. How does it feel when people tell me they love me? Do you believe them?
  10. What is one thing that makes me feel healthy and beautiful on the inside and out?
  11. Do I blame God for the things I’ve gone through? Why or why not?
  12. If I don’t blame God for the things I’ve experienced, who do I blame and why?
  13. Am I being fair for blaming them for what happened? 
  14. How do you plan to move on from trauma and heartbreak?
  15. Have you forgiven yourself for the event that caused the trauma or heartbreak?
  16. Can you forgive the person who caused the trauma or heartbreak?
  17. Write about a situation when you had to forgive someone even though you didn’t want to? 
  18. Describe how forgiveness might change things for you.
  19. What would be different if the person who hurt you apologized to you now?


– Free Journaling Bundle…Take A Look!

We all know how important it is to set aside time for healing & self-care. Our mental health depends on it! So if you’re looking for a relaxing escape from the anxieties & stresses of the crazy world we live in then enter your email to access our Renew Your Mind Mental Health Journaling Bundle

What’s Included In The Renew Your Mind Mental Health Journaling Bundle:

  • The Creative Rest Christian Coloring Book: These 5 beautiful coloring pages are accompanied by words of faith and inspiration designed to help you focus on the positive, relax your mind, and dwell on positive Christian affirmations. 
  • Joy Comes In The Mourning Grief Journal: If you’ve lost a loved one, then journaling is a tool you can use to begin to heal from your loss in a positive and healthy way
  • The Stress-Less Anti-Anxiety Journal: This journal has a Count Your Blessings, Quiet Time With God, & Today I’m Feeling… pages as well as a Self-Care To-Do List & A Mini Day & Week Planner. 
  • 15% Discount code to use on any product in the HAYC store!

Plus I add to this bundle all the time 

Just enter your email address below and the Renew Your Mind Bundle link will be sent to your inbox!



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

More Posts - Website


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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