6 Inspirational Christian Mental Health Journal Prompts To Kick Anxiety’s Booty!

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Last Updated on 10/16/2024 by Nicky

Christian Mental Health Journal Prompts

Yes, I know ladies…we as Christian women should not be having mental health struggles. At least that’s how I feel when I read the Bible or listen to preachers (it can feel so demoralizing, right?). So if that is the case, why would we need something like Christian mental health journal prompts?

Because as much as I wish I could say that I always just trust in Jesus and never worry, I know that this is a bold faced lie. Mental health challenges have bullied me all my adult lifr and I bet since you’re reading this, it’s a struggle for you as well!

Well, it’s time to fight back!

Now, when we talk about mental health it could mean a variety of things. We could be highly stressed, be in toxic relationships, have chronic anxiety, have chronic depression, or any number of mental health challenges.

Whatever it is that you’re dealing with, I truly believe that mental health journaling is a gift from God that He is just waiting for you to discover! In fact, journaling is a spiritual weapon we can use to take down issues like anxiety and depression once and for all.

And with these mental health questions, they won’t even have a fighting chance! 

Want to read 6 Christian Mental Health Journaling Prompts later? Then save it to one of your faith based Pinterest boards!

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– So Ladies, What Mental Health Struggles Are You Battling?

So what would you say is your biggest mental health struggle? And have you ever tried using Christian mental health journal prompts to help you heal from your struggles?

Depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems will make you feel all kinds of ways about yourself; undeserving, unworthy, failure-prone, ungodly, and even suicidal. Mental health problems can feel like a battle that your mind just can’t win!

Maybe depression has been a thief of your joy, faith in God, and His word. If you’re trying to break free from the war in your mind and spirit, trust me…I understand all too well what you’re going through.

My biggest struggles have been with anxiety and depression, and I know how helpless you can feel when you try to overcome these feelings alone.

Perhaps your mental state is already affecting your relationship with God and others around you. And you feel alone, wondering where the happy, free-spirited, and exciting you went to.

I know your struggles, and I’ll never dismiss your feelings. I want to help you out of this situation you’re currently in so that you can release yourself from these feelings of worry, anxiety, and depression. Soon I’ll be sharing some Christian journaling prompts that I pray will help you on your journey to mental peace and clarity!


– How Journaling Helps You With Anxiety & Depression

Writing is an amazing gift from God. Writing about your thoughts and feelings has been majorly therapeutic for me!

Prayer journaling is my best form of emotional release and comfort because it combines two of my favorite things to do: writing and praying to the Lord. It helps me better understand my feelings and thoughts and provides an outlet for my hurricane of emotions that threaten to destroy my spirit.

And fortunately, as amazing as prayer journaling is, we also have other forms of Christian journaling that we can deploy in the battle for our mental health.

Using Christian mental health journal prompts is one of the best ways to develop coping mechanisms for anxiety and depression while making sure to invite the Holy Spirit into the process.

If you’re unsure how to get started, I’ve put together six journal prompts for you.

Want to read 6 Christian Mental Health Journaling Prompts later? Then save it to one of your faith based Pinterest boards!

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– 6 Inspirational Christian Mental Health Journal Prompts To Kick Anxiety’s Booty!

Mental Health Prompt 1: Write A Love Letter To Jesus

Writing a love letter helps you focus your anxious thoughts on the center of your life which is Jesus Christ. Here’s an example of a simple love letter to Jesus:

Dear Jesus,

I love you so much! Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. I can’t imagine my life without you. You are my everything. Thank you for being my Lord and Savior. I am so grateful to have you in my life.

I will never forget what you have done for me. I love you, Jesus! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Amen.

I love this prayer for so many reasons. The first line says “I love you so much!”. That helps me to focus on someone outside of and bigger than myself, who is the creator and savior of the world. A huge part of anxiety is focusing so much on ourselves and what is going on in our own lives.

This simple line of saying I love you Lord puts God at the center of our lives again, where He should be. Thanking Him for everything He’s done reminds you of how blessed you are.

Saying “I can’t imagine my life without you” helps you remember two things: That Jesus is always there and how sad and hopeless our lives would be if he wasn’t there.

Thanking Him for being our Lord and Savior again makes Jesus the focus of our lives and not our problems or whatever we are anxious about.

The part that says “I will never forget what you have done for me.” shows that we don’t take Jesus for granted. I encourage you to write your own love letter to Jesus and try to remember some of the principles we just covered.

This way you have something you can read when whatever mental health struggles you face rear their ugly heads.


Mental Health Prompt 2: Write Out A Prayer For Anxiety To Say Daily

There are a lot of prayers for anxiety out there. But sometimes, finding one that speaks to you and your situation can be tough.

If you’re looking for a prayer for anxiety to say daily, here is one that may help. Write it in your journal, say it during your quiet time, and add to it as you please.

“Heavenly Father, I come to You today burdened with anxiety. I feel like I am constantly on edge, and I can’t seem to shake this feeling. Please help me to find peace in You. Show me how to trust You more, and give me the strength to let go of my anxiety. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Mental Health Prompt 3: Write In A Prayer Journal

As a Christian, one of the most important things you can do for your relationship with God is to keep a regular prayer journal. You can use a notebook, computer, or even an app on your phone. The important thing is that you make time each day to sit down and talk to God.

Your prayer journal doesn’t have to be perfect. Just pour out your heart to God in faith, and let him know what’s on your mind. He wants to hear from you, no matter how you pray.

Christian journaling prompts are a great way to keep track of your prayer requests and answers. It’s also a way to grow closer to God, as you daily seek his face and learn to hear his voice.

If you’ve never kept a Christian journal, you can start right away with the tips I’ve shared. You may be surprised at how much it blesses your relationship with God.


Mental Health Prompt 4: Pinpoint The Original Cause Of Your Anxiety

As we’ve established, anxiety can come from many sources. Maybe you’re anxious about an upcoming test, a job interview, or public speaking.

Or your anxiety might be chronic due to issues deriving from your childhood or some traumatic experiences that you can’t seem to heal from. Whatever the case may be, once you know what’s causing your anxiety, you can start to develop a plan to deal with it.

– Here’s How To Pinpoint The Original Cause Of Your Anxiety

1. Think back to when you first started feeling anxious. What were you doing? What were you thinking about? What was going on in your life at that time? Identifying a specific event or situation that seems to have triggered your anxiety can be a good starting point.

2. Keep track of when you feel anxious and what you’re doing at those times. This can help you to see if there are any patterns or common triggers for your anxiety.

For example, maybe you notice that you tend to feel anxious when you’re around large groups of people or when you’re talking to authority figures. If you can identify patterns like this, it can give you a better idea of what’s causing your anxiety.

3. As you journal, ask God to reveal the real cause of your anxiety. You can say a simple prayer to Him in your own words and be confident that He has heard you and will answer.

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Mental Health Prompt 5: Write & Reflect On A Time When You Were Anxious & God Carried You Through

One of the most difficult things about anxiety is that it can be so all-consuming. It can feel like it’s taking over your life and dictating everything you do. But during those times when anxiety is at its worst, God is always there to carry us through.

I remember one particular instance when my depression was really bad. I didn’t have a job and it made me want to isolate myself because I felt like, well, a loser. I was petrified of going outside and didn’t want to leave my house or be around other people.

But I forced myself to do it because I knew it wasn’t healthy to be alone all the time. Eventually, I did put myself out there and find a job that I loved but that period in my life when I didn’t have one was especially tough.

However, looking back, I know God was with me. Even though I was terrified, He carried me through that time in my life and now I’m a completely different person.

That experience showed me that no matter how bad my anxiety and depression get, God is always there with me and will help me get through it.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, know that you’re not alone. God is always with you and will help you get through it. Just breathe and trust in Him. He’s got you covered.


Mental Health Prompt 6: What’s The Worst That Could Happen?

One of the best ways to ease your anxiety is to think about the worst thing that could happen in any given scenario. This may seem counterintuitive, but it can actually help you feel better prepared and more confident.

Here are some examples:

Worst case scenario for going on a first date: You could have an awkward conversation, feel uncomfortable, and decide you’re not interested in a second date. And if that happens, don’t go on the second date. But at least you put yourself out there!

Worst case scenario for starting a new job: You could make some mistakes, feel out of place, and quit the job. Or maybe you even get fired but still, you never know if you don’t try!

Worst case scenario for moving to a new city: You could struggle to make friends, miss your old home, and move back.

While these worst-case scenarios may seem daunting, they are all manageable. And when you consider the worst that could happen, you may find that your anxiety begins to dissipate. So next time you feel anxious, try thinking about the worst-case scenario. You can ask, “What’s the worst that could happen?”


Extra Tip: Read Psalm 139 and then record your thoughts

As an extra tip, read Psalm 139 and write out your thoughts about it in your journal. This passage of the Bible is healing and restoring. Take out time to read the entire chapter aloud if you need to, and write out how you feel afterward and some key verses that stuck with you.

You can do this with other Psalms later on, but start with chapter 139.

Want to read 6 Christian Mental Health Journaling Prompts later? Then save it to one of your faith based Pinterest boards!


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– 6 Christian Mental Health Journal Prompts To Help You Fight Anxiety & Win!

When it comes to our mental health, it can often be challenging for us as Christian women. Thankfully, there are ways to combat these feelings, and I’ve found that journaling is one of them.

It works every time for me, and the Christian mental health journal prompts I shared are what I use and highly recommend.



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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