10 Life-Giving Biblical Journaling Affirmations For Self-Esteem When You Feel Unloved & Invisible!

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Last Updated on 10/17/2024 by Nicky

10 Biblical Affirmations For Self-Esteem When You Don’t Know Your Worth

Why would someone need to know any biblical affirmations for self-esteem?

Sometimes as Christian women, it can be easy to believe that we have less worth to God in his kingdom and it can really take a toll on our self-esteem!

At least that is how I have felt in the past (and secretly sometimes still do). 

Especially when you read the Bible and learn that the roles that God defined for us don’t always line up with the roles the world has defined for us.

I know I have felt less than in Christian spaces because it does sometimes seem like women are not as important to God as men are.

But don’t worry…women really do have worth in God’s eyes. Just look around you; God has done and is still doing great and mighty things through women in various fields of life.

Not only that but if you read the New Testament, you will see just how valuable women were to our Savior, Jesus.

Today, I’ll share some bible verses that can help you get your confidence back. These biblical affirmations for self-esteem will remind you that God loves you no matter how you’ve felt in the past.

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What are Bible Affirmations?

Based on Scripture, biblical affirmations are positive statements that we can say to ourselves to help us think more like Christ.

As Christian women, we desire to grow in our faith and become more like Jesus. However, sometimes our thoughts can get in the way and make us believe otherwise about ourselves, our families, our jobs, or our business.

When we focus on negative things, it can lead to discouragement and even despair. But when we take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ Jesus, we can start thinking more like Him (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Biblical affirmations can help us do this by providing a tangible way to focus our thoughts on what is true. When we say these scriptural affirmations out loud, it helps to cement them in our minds and hearts. And as we meditate on these positive truths, they will begin to transform the way we think.

Do you now see why biblical affirmations for self-esteem are the real MVP in our Christian walk? Don’t let the devil make you feel unworthy (because that’s who’s trying to make you feel that way, you know?). God says you’re His child and the apple of His eye.


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woman reading a book in front of a girl biblical affirmations for self-esteem


Why You Should Use Biblical Affirmations For Self-Esteem!

If you’ve not given much thought to positive affirmations before now, by now, you can see how powerful they can be.

I get amazed at how the devil always tries to make us question who we are. He LOVES to make us question our identity and worth.

Do you remember how he told Eve, “Did God really say…” He did the same with Jesus during the great temptation, luring the Master with statements like “if thou be the son of God…”

Thank God Jesus knew how to put him off. The devil is going to try to question everything God has said about you. The Bible shows us that’s his nature, but you can put him in his rightful place through bible affirmations.

In this next section, I’ll show you 10 awesome Bible verses that’ll help you remember what God says about you.

As you affirm them boldly, those false feelings of despair and unworthiness will fade of their own accord. Before long, you’ll find yourself saying, “No devil, not today; I know who I am in Christ Jesus.”.

And if you need more Christian journaling prompts then click right here!


10 Life-Changing Biblical Journaling Affirmations For Self-Esteem All Women Should Know & How To Use Them!

The best way to use biblical journaling affirmations for self-esteem is to say them and write them down in your journal. This helps to cement them in your heart and mind so that you start to truly believe them. You can write them in a journal like this one and read them out loud every day.

You could even memorize them. Maybe you’ll feel silly saying them out loud but try getting outside of your comfort zone. The goal of these self-esteem affirmations is to help you find your identity in Christ.

Try the biblical affirmations for self-steem below!


1. Biblical Affirmation For When You Feel Afraid

Philippians 4:6

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”

Say this out loud and write it down: No, devil, I refuse to fear nor be anxious about anything. Anything includes my marriage, job, health, (Name everything that’s making you feel anxious). Christ is my peace, and through prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving, I’ll make my request known to God. Trusting that He’s more than able to take care of my situation.


2. Biblical Affirmation For When You Feel Forgotten

Psalm 8:3-4

“3 When I consider your heavens,

the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars,

which you have set in place,

4 What is man that you are mindful of him,

the son of man that you care for him?”

Say this out loud and write it down: God thinks highly of me. I’m never going to think small of myself. He thinks I’m enough, valuable, and His prized possession. God cares for and about me. I’m His creation and He loves me.


Want to read Biblical Journaling Affirmations For Self-Esteem later? Then save it to one of your faith-based Pinterest boards!

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3. Biblical Affirmation For When You Lose Your Purpose

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Say this out loud and write it down: My heavenly Father has a plan and purpose for my life. God created me intentionally, I’m not a divine mistake. I’ll not be anxious for the future because God has determined to prosper me and give me a glorious future and hope.

Need more help pursuing your purpose? Try this post about journaling affirmations for overcoming procrastination!

4. Biblical Affirmation When We Need Forgiveness

1 John 1:9

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Say this out loud and write it down: When I confess my sins and wrongdoings, God is faithful and just to forgive and purify me. I’m free from every sin and guilt, and I can stand before God unashamed because of this.


5. Biblical Affirmation For When You Feel Alone

Isaiah 41:10

“Fear not, for I am with you;

be not dismayed, for I am your God;

I will strengthen you, I will help you,

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Say this out loud and write it down: I am never alone; God is with me. I’ll never be afraid nor be dismayed because He is my God. He strengthens me, helps me, and upholds me with His righteous right hand. Back off, devil; God is on my side.


6. Biblical Affirmation When You Have Material & Financial Needs

Psalm 34:10

“The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; But they who seek the Lord shall not be in want of any good thing.”

Matthew 6:26

“Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?”

Say this out loud and write it down: Because I seek the Lord, I do not want for any good thing. My needs are met, and God is taking care of me. I’m of more value to Him than the birds of the air, and He can provide for my needs. I walk in God’s divine supply.


7. Biblical Affirmation For Having A Relationship With Christ

John 15:4-5

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in Me. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”

Say this out loud and write it down: I abide in Christ, and He abides in me. Therefore, I’m a fruit-bearing tree. I bear much fruit in my job, business, and all that concerns me, and there’s no scarcity in my life. Without Christ, I’m nothing. With Him, I’m everything, and I can do all things.


8. Biblical Affirmation For Being Loved By God

Jeremiah 31:3 

“The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”

Say this out loud and write it down: Oh! How God loves me. It’s an honor to be loved by my Heavenly Father, and His love for me is everlasting, unwavering, and boundless. God loves me more than anyone could ever love me, and I rest in His love.


Want to read Biblical Journaling Affirmations For Self-Esteem later? Then save it to one of your faith-based Pinterest boards!

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9. Biblical Affirmation For Being Blessed

Psalm 1:1-3 ESV

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”

Say this out loud and write it down: God says, I am blessed! I know I am blessed. I delight myself in the law of the Lord, and He is my daily meditation. Therefore, I proper everywhere I go and bring forth results consistent with God’s blessings upon my life.


10. Biblical Affirmation For Our Home In Heaven

Philippians 3:20-21

“But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ,

21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.”

Say this out loud and write it down: Although I’m in this world, I’m not of this world because my citizenship is in Heaven. When Christ comes for me, my lowly body will be transformed to be like His glorious body. I eagerly await my Lord and Savior.


Write These Powerful Biblical Affirmations For Self-Esteem & See How Your Life Transforms!

Friends, how can you say these biblical affirmations for women daily and still live in fear? It’s impossible. Remember, the emphasis is on daily, meaning you’ve got to say these positive affirmations long enough until the devil can no longer convince you otherwise.

Are you ready to stand in faith against those ugly feelings of unworthiness?

These bible verses will help you get started. It’s what God says over what the devil says. God created you and wants you to take charge; I’m rooting for you.

Shop Our Faith-Based Products! Hint: Use Code FIFTY for 50% off your order! 

Printable Faith Journal: 3-in-1 Faith Journal Printable To Help You Connect With Christ In These Turbulent Times!

Bloom & Grow Prayer Journal: Draw closer to the Lord in the midst of these turbulent and sinful times with the Bloom and Grow faith journal!



Trello Bible Study Journal: If you’re about that digital life, then the Trello Bible Study Journal is probably right up your alley!

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Proverbs Coloring Sheets: 30 Page coloring book of Bible verses from the book of Proverbs to help you spend creative time with the Lord, glean wisdom, and memorize verses!

If 10 Life-Giving Biblical Affirmations For Self-Esteem When You Feel Invisible! has helped you, please share it on social media!


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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