Why Spiritual Self-Care Is Not Dangerous For Christians + 7 Ideas To Try!

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Last Updated on 01/13/2024 by Nicky

7 Unexpected Spiritual Self-Care Ideas That Bring Peace To Your Soul 

Do you believe that practicing spiritual self-care is sinful? Today I’ll share not only why I don’t believe self-care is wrong but also 5 godly ways to practice it!

How much attention do you give to spiritual care practices? Maybe you’ve been too busy or just not given it much thought.

I want you to know that it’s not too late to start. If you asked me this years ago, I’ll probably have given you tips on how I take care of my mental health, my skincare routine, and all sorts.

But I wouldn’t have had much to say about spiritual practices. Don’t get me wrong…I love skincare and mental health routines too.

But our spiritual health is the most important form of health and I’ll be discussing why that is later on in this post.

I’ve created this guide to show you how spiritual care practices can bring peace to your soul.

Oh yeah, and this post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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why spiritual self-care is not what you think

What Is Spiritual Self-Care

Spiritual self-care is the practice of caring for your mental health and spirituality.

Let me bring it home to you: Think about what happens when you don’t give attention to what you eat. You’ll either lose or gain weight drastically, right?

In the same way, ignoring spiritual practices has implications. You’ll become less sensitive to God’s leading in your life and open the door for the devil to take advantage of you.

Trust me…you don’t want that to happen!

Spiritual self-care can involve a range of activities, including:

  • Prayer or meditation practice
  • Attending religious services
  • Reading the word of God
  • Spending time in nature
  • Listening to worship music
  • Engaging in spiritually creative activities like Bible journaling
  • Spending time with loved ones.

These self-care activities help you relax, but more importantly, they ensure that your spiritual fervor doesn’t burn out.

Is Self-Care Wrong For A Christian?

No, it isn’t. I’ve seen people criticize Christians for spending time on spiritual care activities, but I want you to know that you’re on the right path.

You see, many believe that self-care is selfish. I understand where they are coming from but I disagree! 

In Bible days, they criticized Jesus and called Him all sorts of names. But that didn’t stop Him from giving attention to prayer and other spiritual practices.

I like spending time on things that I care about and I know it’s the same for you as well. If there’s someone you care about or something that’s of value to you, you’ll spend time nurturing and caring for it.

Never mind people who try to act like spiritual care is a waste of time. If we can give attention to things of earthly value, like our work, spouse, family, food, etc how much more the things that bring us eternal value?

Remember the words of Jesus when He said “cut off from me, you can do nothing.” We need to stay connected to Him because He’s our source and the essence of our existence.

How do you stay connected? It’s by investing your time in spiritual activities.

I encourage you to prioritize your spiritual journey, you’ll enjoy the benefits while on earth and they’ll still be credited to your heavenly account after you leave.

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why spiritual selfcare is not wrong for Christians

Spiritual Self-Care Ideas

If you’re just starting your spiritual journey, here are a few ideas that can help you enjoy the process.

1. Prayer Journaling

Prayer journaling is one of my favorite meditation practice. It’s you writing down your prayers in a journal and ticking them off as God answers you.

Having a prayer journal can help you pray for yourself and for others. The more you prayer journal the more you’ll find that communicating with God consistently helps build a closer relationship with Him.

I always recommend getting a prayer journal because of how it’s changed my life for the better. You need one for your spiritual self-care.

You can check out the prayer journal in my HAYC store here!


2. Bible Study

How often do you study your Bible? No, I’m not referring to when you go to church and you’re asked to turn to a verse of scripture. I mean how often do you pick up your Bible to study – just you and God?

Reading and more importantly, studying your Bible is a sure path to spiritual connection. A personal truth is that God talks to me as I study my Bible and I find pleasure in feasting on His word.

Every time (well, many times) I study the Bible, even if it’s a passage I’ve read a million times, I learn something different or see a new perspective. 


3. Bible Journaling 

If you don’t know how to study God’s word in-depth, I recommend starting with a Bible Journal.

Why do you really need one, you may ask? The reason is that it will give your study time more meaning. If there are scriptures you’ll want to memorize, you can quickly write them out in your journal.

Also, you can decide to read about your favorite Bible characters and write what you love most about them. There’s so much you can do with your Bible journal.

It’s my favorite Bible study companion.

Related Blog Posts:

8 Simple Bible Journaling Ideas To Deepen Your Devotional Time & Walk With Christ!

The Secret To How I Finally Organized My Chaotic Bible Notes! 

3 Printable Bible Study Journals To Beautify Your Binder & Connect Deeper With God!


4. Social Media Detox

A new notification pops up on your phone or maybe it’s an email and you’re hooked! Tell me, how many times has this happened to you?

I’ve experienced it myself but since I started to guard my energy and take spiritual self-care more seriously I’ve been able to restrain myself from checking every beep.

I’ll also recommend shutting off social media or putting your phone aside when you pray or study. It’ll help you do a full detox from all the information that comes from it.

You can tell yourself you’re taking a week off from social media. And spend those extra hours on a good Christian book or practices that help you focus your mind on God and positivity. It works!


5. News and Media Detox

Staying off the news is a great way of taking care of yourself. Remember the Bible says we’re in this world but not of this world.

If you constantly fill your mind with information from the media, you’ll soon start speaking words that align with what you heard on television.

Anytime I give too much attention to the news and social media, I notice that it affects me in ways that I do not like. Sometimes I find myself worrying about my finances instead of trusting God’s supply.

I even find myself feeling scared and overcautious instead of resting in the assurance that God is with me always.

If you can relate to these examples, I recommend giving the news a break every now and then. You don’t need that negative energy.


6. Christian Coloring

It’s possible to be a Christian, connect to your higher power, and have an exciting life. One of the things spiritual self-care does is that you become more self-aware and focused on what matters most in life.

There are already lots of distractions in the world and Christian coloring is one of those godly care activities that can help you re-order your focus while having a good creative fun.

Try coloring your favorite Bible character. I enjoy doing this with my friends by the way and I like to add other games to it like ‘guess who said what in the Bible.

You can check out my proverbs coloring sheets by clicking here!


And my Christian mental health coloring pages here! 


7. Listening To Scripture

Do you prefer to read or listen to scripture? I have a hard time choosing between the two. Listening to scripture helps you stay in tune with God’s word on the go.

It can also help you relax your nerves and focus your mind on God. I often like to lie down just listening to audio messages and scriptures and I feel refreshed afterward.

You should try it too.


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why spiritual selfcare is good for Christians


– Will You Try These Spiritual Self-Care Ideas?

What other ways can you think of to improve your spiritual journey? Get creative with these selfcare ideas and you’ll be amazed at how much progress you’ll be able to make in a very short time.

More importantly, you’ll find yourself drawing closer to God and as always, He’ll draw closer to you too.

This is what true peace and wellness in a troubled world are about.


If Why The Controversial Practice Of Spiritual Self-Care For Christians Is Not Wrong has helped you, please share it on social media!


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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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