14 Types of Journals You Can Create Tonight That Will Change Your Life!

dotted journal background teal ribbon pencils journal and tea cup graphics types of journals

Types of Journals You Can Create

If you’ve spent any significant time on this blog then you know I’m a big fan of journaling. 


Because journaling is a great way to declutter your mind, calm your thoughts, and let go of the emotions you’ve been carrying around.

It’s also a powerful tool for dealing with the tough times in life.

And maybe you didn’t know it but journaling can be so much more than just writing in a blank notebook you get from Walmart.  

There are so many kinds of journals that you can create!

With so many choices out there, it can be hard to decide which style will work best for you.

But that’s why I’m here! This guide will teach you how to choose the best type of journaling for your personality, lifestyle, and needs. 

You’ll also learn about some of the benefits of keeping a journal.

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25+ Beginner Journaling Prompts For Mental Clarity, Deeper Faith, Weight Loss, & Financial Freedom! 

dotted journal background teal ribbon and teal binder beginner journaling prompts

25 Journaling Prompts For Beginners

Have you just gotten a new journal but don’t know what to write in it? 

Did you end up writing just a few boring things randomly and closing the notebook after a few minutes? 

Did it feel like a chore rather than a rewarding or inspiring practice? 

If your answers are here are yes, you are not alone. 

While you may find tons of articles on the internet posting about the importance of journaling and how it can enhance your life, it may not be enough to get you started. 

This is another possible reason why many people give up their journaling practice before they even get started. 

You start off all excited, but eventually, it just begins to feel like another tiresome chore on your to-do list.

Well, don’t worry. If you feel like you don’t know where to start, try these beginning journaling prompts.

I’ve created journaling prompts to help you with mental health, weight loss, financial goals, and connecting with God.

Using these journal writing prompts over time, will help you start journaling without overthinking or being too overwhelmed by an empty page. 

So today, let’s just walk through some of the most effective journaling prompts that will help you start journaling effectively.

These easy journal prompts are divided into 4 categories.

Thus, you can simply scroll and choose the best journaling prompt that works according to your own personal goals.

Let’s get started.

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3 Printable Bible Study Journals To Beautify Your Binder & Connect Deeper With God!

purple dot grid with purple washi tape white lettering printable bible journal

Printable Bible Study Journals To Put In Your Binder 

Sometimes my Bible study time can be so haphazard.

I’ve been struggling to find a really good deep study (any suggestions are welcome) and sometimes I’m ready to start studying and I feel lost.

That’s why lately I’ve been loving Bible study journaling printables.

Even if you don’t have a specific study you’re doing, using printables not only makes your Bible study time more focused and organized but it’s also more colorful and creative.

Today I’ll share 5 Bible study printables you can use so you can have the same experience. 

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50 Journal Prompts For Mental Health That Will Help You Process & Elevate Your Thoughts!

purple dot grid with purple washi tape purple lettering pink paper clip with a blue heart

50 Therapeutic Journal Prompts For Mental Health That Will Help You Boost Your Thoughts

I can’t for the life of me figure out why there’s such a stigma surrounding mental health.

Mental health challenges like depression and anxiety are finally being addressed more but for a long time especially when I was growing up, it was customary to seem like you had it all together even when you didn’t (or especially when you didn’t).

Thank God all of that is changing.

We as a society (and perhaps at some churches) are finally discussing mental health and tearing the mask off of these “taboo”  issues that are mentally torturing millions of people around the world.

There are so many ways to get help with depression and anxiety and one of my favorite ways is through journaling.

If you’re suffering from these disorders and need some relief then pull out your favorite pen and journal and start going through the journaling prompts I”m going to share with you.

There really is hope of a life without mental turmoil and you can start that healing process right now. 

Let’s start writing! 

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Journaling For Mental Clarity: How This Writing Craze Can Boost Your Mental Health 

light purple polka dot background dark purple washi tape coffee cup journal cactus plant journaling for mental clarity

How To Start Journaling For Better Mental Healthy & Clarity

You’ve probably heard that journaling is all the rage right now, especially when it comes to mental health and gaining mental clarity.

Personally, I’m loving it because I love journal writing (like physically writing with a pen). 

But if you’re new to this craze and don’t know where to start then I hope this post will help point you in the right direction.

Anytime I’m having a hard time processing my thoughts, writing is my go-to and I hope it will become yours.

Here’s what we will cover today : 

– What is journaling

-What are journaling printables 

-How does writing in a journal help your anxiety 

– How to stay inspired to journal consistently  

-Figuring out why you want to start journaling

– Setting realistic journaling goals 

-Learning which medium works best for you

-How to stay inspired to journalContinue reading

10 Positive Christian Affirmations Journaling Prompts For The Girl Struggling To See The Good In Herself

purple overlay with white lettering positive Christian affirmation journaling prompts woman in black robe writing in journal

10 Positive Christian Affirmations Journaling Prompts

Why are we ok saying things to and about ourselves that we would never say to someone else?

I know I’ve uttered statements about myself that I wouldn’t dream of saying to another person.

It’s mind-boggling to think about how comfortable we are berating ourselves but for some reason, speaking positive affirmations over our lives seems…well, almost awkward.

And yet having a heart of gratitude and positivity can work wonders in transforming our mood and renewing our minds.

If you’ve been struggling with worry, anxiety, and depression, and talking down to yourself is second nature, it’s time to deploy some biblical affirmation soldiers deep into our minds so we can win this battle once and for all.

We’ll be exploring:
– What positive Christan affirmations are
– Why you should use them
– Whether or not affirmations are sinful
– How they have helped me
– 10 positive affirmation journaling prompts for Christian women you can say, write, & read whenever you need to

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Pros and Cons Of A FitBit: What It’s Users Want You To Know!

woman in blue looking at fitbit purple overlay white lettering pros and cons of a fitbit

Pros and Cons Of A FitBit

I’ll take a small guess that you’ve stumbled on this post because you are wanting to take your weight loss and fitness journey seriously and thought hmmm…

Should I get a Fitbit? 

Is it even worth to still get a Fitbit in 2021? I mean, it’s all about the Apple Watch now, isn’t it?

If you’ve noticed that the digits on your scale are steadily increasing (or perhaps it’s broken?) and your health isn’t where you’d like it to be, then a Fitbit is an excellent health and weight loss tool. 

You don’t have to buy a lot of fitness gear to get healthy or lose weight but a Fitbit is a must! 

And in this post, I will share my views on the pros and as well as some of the cons of using a Fitbit for your health & weight loss journey!

But I won’t just be letting you know about my perspective on the Fitbit. 

I’m going to show you how you can specifically find the views of hundreds of Fitbit users so that you can figure out if a Fitbit is right for you. 

Let’s get started!

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12 Fun & Creative Things You’ll Love To Write About In Your Journal!

teal overlay white wood desk journal pink flowers in vase

12 Creative Things To Write In Your Journal

Writing in a journal is a great way to express yourself and keep your crazy thoughts organized. It can help you feel more in control, be less stressed, and improve your mental health.

Some people (raises hand) also find it helpful when they are dealing with difficult emotions or thinking about big life changes.

However, many people struggle to know what to write about in their journals. To help you out, I’ll be sharing some ideas of things to write in your journal.

Journaling is a popular form of expressing creativity but they also are used by many people in meditation and self-care.

Keeping a journal notebook allows you to connect to yourself and look back on your memories, and to create new ones along the way. A journal can be used as so much more than a traditional diary as well.

Your journal is unique to you and can even be a big mix of things that bring you joy, help you get to know yourself, and allow you to see how far you have come.

So if you’re in search of some journaling ideas for your new creative endeavor then you’ve come to the write right place (yes that was cheesy but I couldn’t resist!). Continue reading

9 Amazing Fitness Journal Ideas To Make Your Weight Loss Goals A Reality

Pink and white trello board, with pink overlay saying 9 fitness journal ideas to make your weight loss goals a reality

9 Fitness Journal Ideas To Put In Your Bullet Journal Or Planner

When it comes to fitness, consistency is key (which is admittedly my Achilles heel). 

If you also struggle with being consistent in your fitness journey, one of the best ways to stay on track is by writing down your progress and achievements. 

It also helps to have a plan. Fortunately, you can find fitness journals that help you do both (stay on track and plan)! 

The beauty of fitness journals and planners is that they help you focus on different aspects of your weight loss and health journeys, such as food journals, weight loss plans, and exercise plans, and set you up for success!


So today I’m sharing 9 fitness journal ideas that will inspire you to keep going even and especially when you want to give up! 

Plus, I’ll be sharing the digital fitness journal and planner that’s in the HAYC shop so that you can track your health progress from anywhere! Continue reading

25+ Powerful Bible Verses For Weight Loss When You Want To Quit!

woman standing on scale with measuring tape wrapped around her ankles; blue overlay with white lettering saying 25 powerful bible verses for weight loss for when you've lost faith

Bible verses for weight loss

I’ve been struggling lately. 

I know that, as a Christian woman, my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and that means what I eat is important to God. 


Because what I eat goes into my body! 

And the body is what? 

The Holy Spirit’s temple!

So when I eat junk food it not only affects my physical health but also my spiritual health. 

The problem so many of us face though is that unhealthy food is so much more convenient than healthy food. 

And then the weight gain begins and accelerates and accumulates and it’s just out of control! 

That’s when we need peace and rest in the arms of Jesus and His word because doing this on our own just isn’t going to work!

So if you need some encouragement to get back on track with your weight loss journey please stick around because you’re in the right place! 

Today we are going to talk about: 

-The weight loss journey and its struggles 

-Health problems that come from being overweight 

-Emotional eating and why we do it 

-How to renew our minds 

-Weight loss bible verses to chew on 

-Weight loss prayers to pray

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