Top 5 Affordable & Natural Supplements That Helped REVERSE My Prediabetes! (Natural Alternatives To Metformin)

diabetic woman glucose shot

Best Natural Alternatives To Metformin To Reverse Prediabetes

Did you know that there are natural alternatives to Metformin & that it’s possible to reverse prediabetes?

I know I know…when I was diagnosed with prediabetes I just knew that it was inevitable that I would eventually get diabetes mellitus.

And I had heard for years from my grandmother how serious diabetes is and how you don’t want to get it and on and on.

So when a nurse practitioner at my clinic told me I was prediabetic, I was so scared. But then I got to work to see what I could do to reverse it and to get off of Metformin which they put me on.

I’m grateful to say that I no longer take Metformin and I no longer have prediabetes, praise God. So how did I do it?

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25 Powerful Examples Of Emotional Wellness Goals All Woman Should Have!

black woman smiling

25 Powerful Emotional Wellness Goals

Does it sometimes feel like the world has gone stark raving mad and they are trying to drive you to crazy town with them?

Sometimes it’s people trying to pull you into their drama at work (“Girl, did you hear what Susie Q said to me?”)…

Or your husband saying stuff (“Why aren’t my pants ironed yet”)…

Or your kids tripping at school (“Mrs.So&So, This is the principal at Central High School. We need you to come down here right away”).

Or it’s the news or social media (News Headline: “The Worst Thing That Has Ever Happened In The Existence Of The World Has Happened Just This Morning“).

Of course, I’m being a little tongue in cheek but there does seem to always be something or someone that is trying to mess with our emotional and mental state.

So if you’re able to have these 25 examples of emotional health goals any woman should have in the midst of all the dramas of life and constant state of outrage that the media seems to claim we are in you’ve got it going on.

If only I had a dollar for every time a news headline said something or someone “sparked outrage” I’d have at least $5,000 dollars by now.

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Why Do So Many Teens Leave Christianity As Adults?

This is a conversation that I’ve had many times and you probably have too. Why do so many of our kids that grew up in church leave Christianity when they become adults?

It is said that many teenagers leave the church when they become adults. This is no doubt shocking and sad.

Well, the bible does foretell us of a great falling away in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 (I’m not sure if that’s what’s going on or not) but if it is, it is alarming to see it happening right before our very eyes.

It makes you wonder (if this is prophecy) if there is nothing we can do about it. Is it just inevitable that so many people will quote-unquote “fall away”?Continue reading

5 Awesome Benefits Of A Prayer Journal & How To Start One (Free Printables Included)

woman writing in prayer journal

Benefits Of A Prayer Journal 

Do you struggle to have meaningful prayer time with God every day?

I promise I won’t judge because I certainly do. I intend to pray and I sit down and several things might happen:

1) My mind wanders
2) I fall asleep
3) insert your own mishap here.

I really hate that this happens so often because there’s so much to pray for and even though I don’t understand it completely (more on that in another post) I know prayer changes things in a mighty way.

And I need some things changed not just for me but for others around me. So prayer must happen.

But how can I solve these issues I’ve been having?

Well, I’ve been seeing prayer journals pop up everywhere on Pinterest and I believe that it will be the answer to my prayers (on bad & cheesy joke I know).

So in today’s post, I’m going to talk about what you need to start a prayer journal and the benefits I believe you will get from using one.Continue reading

Overcoming A Spirit Of Fear: 31 Life-Changing Scriptures To Battle Anxiety

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Overcoming A Spirit Of Fear With Scripture

Fear and anxiety are something that so many people struggle with. And not just people in general but Christians in particular even though Jesus said about a million times don’t be anxious.

As much as He said this though it’s still a negative emotion that many of us can’t shake.

So I’ve put together this bible reading plan of Bible verses that talks about anxiety. I got this list from: reading

How To Make Money & Be Successful According To 31 Legendary People (Quotes Post)

There is so much wisdom in the Bible about money and it’s definitely something that I will continue to talk about in the future.

But you can find inspiration and knowledge from others as well when it comes to making money and being successful.

In fact, the advice that these legendary people give about making money is often counterintuitive to the way many people think you become wealthy.

There is a refrain inherit in these quotes about money which I find quite refreshing. Many of them purport the values of hard work, never giving up, being courageous, and being wise.

Let’s take a look at what these people have to say.Continue reading

3 Genius Moves Smart Women Make Before They Get Their Next Paycheck To Stay Ahead

Does this sound familiar?

“Once again it’s the end of the month and I’m broke.

I don’t have any idea where my money went. I planned to save whatever money was left over at the end of the month but there isn’t any left over.

Maybe next month there will be.”

Ugh, how does this keep happening? I mean you are watching every single dollar that you spend, right?

Well, if you’re anything like me, you probably weren’t. I used to do this all the time. I’d look at my bank statements and ask questions like:

When did I buy that?
And why did I buy that?
Is it too late to take it back?
Because I’m pretty sure I don’t need it.

And that’s the trouble with flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to your money.

When you don’t have a plan for your money you better believe that the grocery store, the mall, and Amazon have a plan for your money.

Trust me, girl, they got you especially when you don’t. Let me explain why at the end of the month you have no money left over to save for yourself.Continue reading

28 Christian Bloggers To Follow For Brilliant Healthy Living Tips (Round Up Post)


Has anyone else noticed this?

It’s kinda hard to find Christian bloggers who talk about health, weight loss or living a more natural lifestyle.

I mean, yeah, you can find some but you’ll find one you like, get all excited, and then see that their last post was in 2014.

It’s like, dude, for real…what a let-down.

Of course, there are tons of blogs that talk about living a more natural lifestyle but I really wanted to find some that had more of a Christian focus.


Because I do love it when the Father gets the praise for all of the wonderful things He has given us like vegetables, fruits, nature, animals, natural medicine, etc. to keep us healthy.

It’s humbling to think about all the things He’s created, especially when I sometimes have trouble just getting my herbs to grow (and has anyone else ever killed an aloe vera plant? Oh, that was just me…ok, nevermind).

Plus it’s encouraging to read blogs written by like-minded people.

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5 Life Altering Money Mistakes Financially Independent Women Don’t Make

calculating finances

There is so much financial advice online, on tv, in magazines, that it can be a little overwhelming knowing what to do and what not to do.

Where do you start if you are a financial newbie, right?  It’s confusing.

Here’s my advice: Avoid these 5 money mistakes and you are well on your way to becoming a financially independent woman.

These are common mistakes that lots of people make, including me (in the past). So lest you think, there is no hope, I assure you there is.Continue reading

5 Chilling Truths Every Christian Girl Should Know That Proves The Bible Is True!

woman reading the bible

Bible Truths Every Christian Should Know

Besides knowing that the Bible is the word of God, the nerd in me likes knowing all kinds of facts about the Bible.

Of course, this post could be a million words long and it still never touch the surface of all the knowledge the Bible imparts.

So I just wanted to share a few facts about the Bible that to me reinforce the fact that God inspired it.

No other book could be written the way it has and it not be God’s word.

So exciting, right!Continue reading

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