Why You Should Use A Planner: 7 Life-Changing Benefits I’ve Seen From Using Planners!

white planner white tea cup on white desk teal overlay white lettering why you should use a planner

Why Use A Planner Or Bullet Journal

Does anyone else geek out over planners?

I’m not sure what it is.

With me being so scatterbrained, perhaps it’s the idea of having all of my thoughts, plans, goals, and dreams neatly tucked away in between brightly colored pages & organized boxes.

Whatever the reason, I am instantly drawn to a row of planners when I go to Target or whenever I see them online (esp. Etsy).

Do you use a planner or a bullet journal?

Perhaps you don’t. If not, let me school you on why you should use a planner and some of its health benefits. These are 7 of the main life-changing benefits that I’ve seen since I started using digital planners!

But of course you can use whichever kind of planner that works best for you. So let’s dive right in!

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Can Christian Women Practice Witchcraft & Still Please God?

I am the queen of going down rabbit holes.

Have you ever started typing a phrase into Google or Pinterest and had a phrase pop up and you just had to know what that phrase was about?

That’s what happened to me on Pinterest.

I was trying to type in Christian women into Pinterest. As I was typing, one of the suggested terms that popped up was Christian witch.

I thought “Wait, what? That’s not a thing. Surely, no Christians practice witchcraft.”

Turns out I was wrong.

Christian witchcraft is a thing.

Except it’s not really a thing and yet some people sincerely believe that it is.

I truly wanted to cry while I was writing this post.

I had no idea that Christian witches existed although I should have known because the devil never rests and is always looking to deceive as many people as possible.

I’m so heartbroken that women are falling into this trap thinking that they are walking with God when they are not. Maybe I should word this post in a nicer way but I can’t sugarcoat this.

As I strive to become more like a Proverbs 31 woman, it’s imperative to “speak with wisdom and faithful instruction”.

I will not mince words.Continue reading

A Powerful Prayer For Productivity And Focus + 5 Helpful Tools To Fight Stress & Overwhelm!

hands folded in prayer; prayer for productivity

Prayer for productivity and 5 Helpful Tools To Fight Stress & Overwhelm!

Today we are going to say a prayer for productivity and focus!


Because, for me, it feels like every day whizzes by faster than the day before it. And our to-do lists get longer and longer no matter how many items we check off of them.

So I need to ask God for help in focusing on what’s important in life and praying for godly productivity is a perfect way to start!

As Christian women, we want to be productive with the time God has given us and focus on doing the things He would have us do.

We know how precious time is and it can be frustrating when we don’t to use it as wisely as we know we should.

I’ve always felt like time was getting away from me.

Like I never had enough time. Like I was always running behind and always late.

But lately, I’ve been really getting into learning about productivity, time management, and goal setting.

It’s really helped me look at time in a different way and I’ve made some changes that have really made a difference in my life.

I really hope that my tips will help.

Since learning more about productivity, I’ve been on time (more often than not), I have more time to work on my blogs and pursue my goals, and I feel like my time with my family and friends is more enjoyable because I’m learning to live in the moment.Continue reading

The 9 Simple Steps Of Christian Financial Stewardship (Which Step Are You On?)

woman with credit card in wallet

Christian Financial Stewardships

I’ve been studying the Proverbs 31 woman a lot lately and based on what I’ve read, becoming financially free would be one of her life goals. (you know because I’m sure she thought about life goals in those exact terms ).

As I mentioned in this post, P31 had an entrepreneurial spirit and engaged in godly financial stewardship.

She was buying property, making money from the property and then reinvesting that money by planting a vineyard.

Then she sewed sashes and sold them to the merchants.

She also gave money to the needy which is a huge but sometimes overlooked component of financial stewardship.

She definitely doesn’t seem like she lacked what she needed for her family, servants, and herself. Continue reading

5 Unique Characteristics Of The Proverbs 31 Woman That Will Blow Your Mind (With Journaling Prompts)

woman on bed with a journal

5 Characteristics Of The Proverbs 31 Woman

Even though she isn’t exactly real, the Proverbs 31 woman is legendary.

Christian women all over the world read this chapter in Proverbs and try and pattern their lives off of this amazing and virtuous woman.

And it’s no wonder.

She basically did it all and didn’t seem to break a sweat. She was a godly wife to her husband. Clearly a loving mother to her children. She kept the home in order and trusted God in everything she did.

Now, I’m not going to try and persuade you that you need to follow in her footsteps because it kinda makes me tired just thinking about everything she did.

But I did think it would be awesome to look at the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman a little differently and then reflect on those traits with some journaling prompts.

You see, the Proverbs 31 Woman lived a healthy life…and I don’t just mean physically.

I mean she was financially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy, as well.

In today’s post, I will be talking about how she is healthy in these 5 areas and then give you some journaling prompts related to them.

I hope that these journaling prompts will inspire you to think about these different areas of your life in a meaningful way and give you a new perspective. 

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9 Powerful Bible Verses To Overcome Anxiety & How To Use Them In Your Bible Journal!

white desk white pen white journal teal overlay bible verses for anxiety

Powerful Bible Verses To Overcome Anxiety As Christians 

If there was ever a time when we need Bible verses to overcome anxiety, it is now!

Why? Because an estimated 40 million Americans are suffering from anxiety.

And while there should be no Christian women counted in that number I know for sure that there are (I am one of them).

Why shouldn’t any of us struggle with anxiety?

Because Jesus told us about a million different times not to be anxious ( give or take a few times).

Yet so often we still can’t overcome the constant worry and doubt that plagues so many of us.

So I thought it would be good to have a devotional and remind ourselves of 9 major things the Bible says about overcoming anxiety.

Let’s Define Some Words First…

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5 Quick Ways To Relieve And Soothe Your Poor Miserable Stuffy Nose 

Right now as I’m writing this I’m “suffering” with a stuffy nose.

I can deal with every other cold symptom pretty well but a stuffy nose thing is the worst ( probably has something to do with that whole needing to breathe to live thing).

Anywho, because I abhor having a blocked nose I’ve come up with some ways to make it more bearable at the very least.

If you’re reading this you’re probably desperate for something to try that will help so let me get on with it.Continue reading

3 Surprising Investments All Christian Women Should Make (None Of Them Are Financial)

You’ve finally done the impossible.

Your to-do list in hand, (either digitally or on paper) you have a firm grasp of what tasks need to be done and by George, you’re determined to do them.

And guess what?

By some miracle, you checked off every single item on your list.

Brimming with pride as you make that last checkmark with a flourish, you feel more accomplished than you have in a while.

That’s because normally, your to-do list turns into a to-do later (or never) list. So you feeling good and you should.


I know from experience that a lot of the time the stuff on my to-do list, worthy though they may seem at the time, they often aren’t the most important things that need to get done.Continue reading

The Real Reason Why People Fail Financially (You Probably Won’t Like It)

If you want to be financially free but you feel like you can’t get ahead then this post will tell you why. You may not like it though. 

This post might make you mad.

I can’t apologize for that. That’s because I’m not saying this to look down on you or anyone else.

Everything said from this point forward is because I want to help you.

And conversely, this post might not make you mad.

What will determine whether or not you get mad at this post comes down to two major things:

Your mindset when you read the post.Continue reading

How To Stay Out Of Debt By Following These 3 Simple Tips

calculator papers budget

How To Stay Out Of Debt

Want to know some debt-free living tips? I have a few tips in this post that will help! Once you learn how debt sneaks up on you, you’ll be able to conquer the debt monster forever

I have a confession to make…

I have more debt than I’ve let on.

You see, this is how it happens because debt is so insidious.

It started with a For King and Country concert. My sister and mom wanted to go and so did I. My mom put the tickets to the concert on her credit and I said the infamous words…

“Thanks, I’ll pay you back”

Well about 6 or 7 I’ll pay you backs later and my mother kindly added up what I owed her and she said: “You owe me like $1100”.


So much for being debt free!

I mean that’s not a ton of debt but it’s nothing to sneeze at.

Those “I’ll pay you backs” really add up. They are so sneaky the way they just accumulate like that.

And I hate I mean loathe any form of debt so I’ve got to come up with a plan to pay her back (I think I owe my sister too! Boo hoo!)

And here I am thinking I’m debt-free. But I’m not and any debt is a dark thunderous cloud over my head stalking me at every turn.

No, I’m not being dramatic… ok maybe a little but it’s gotta go. And trust me it will go.

So we are definitely going to get into how I got out of debt but first let’s talk about financial freedom.Continue reading

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