Leisure Morning Routine: How To Add 20 Minutes Or More To Your Chaotic Mornings With One Cheap Product!!

Leisure Morning Routine: How To Add 20 Minutes Or More To Your Chaotic Mornings With One Cheap Product!! pink background and white letters

Are you looking for some morning routine ideas that won’t leave you running ragged like you probably are now? Do you dream of having breakfast at a kitchen table instead of in the car? Then this post might be of some help so please continue reading!

Do you find yourself rushing around in the morning trying to get ready for work or get the kids off to school? Do you wish you could have a smoother less chaotic morning?

 I was wanting the same exact thing. I don’t have children but still I found myself getting up earlier and still rushing around trying to get ready for work and STILL being late.

It was crazy.

I knew I had to change something so I started thinking about it. And I came up with some ways that have allowed me to get up at my normal time and still have time to eat a leisurely breakfast and have time to do some blogging work 

You see the principles behind what I’m going to share with you is this: more than likely, you do the same exact things every morning.

I doubt you have a different routine for every morning. If you do then I’m sorry but this guide won’t help you. But if you do have the same routine and you’re tired of running ragged every day then let me help you.

I have some very simple solutions for you.Continue reading

17 Super Simple 5-Minute Self-Care Ideas For Busy Women With No Time To Relax!

17 Super Simple 5-Minute Self-Care Ideas For Busy Women With No Time To Relax! in pink background and white letters

5-Minute Self-Care Ideas: Quick and Easy Ways to Boost Your Well-Being

Imagine sliding into a warm delicious-smelling bubble bath after a long day at work. Or curling up on the couch with your favorite mystery as you try to figure out whodunit.

But let’s be real, when you’re a busy woman working full time you don’t feel like you have time for self-care of any kind.

And I feel like the older I get the more I feel guilty for wanting to do anything I consider to be fun or not productive.

Being over 35 is a trip ain’t it? But the thing is, you shouldn’t feel guilty for “indulging “ in self-care or even feel like you don’t have time.

It can be especially hard to take care of yourself if you are struggling with depression or anxiety (or ADHD) like I have had in the past. The guilt is extra real then. Continue reading

The 5 Best Journal Lists For An Insanely Productive & Organized Week When You’re Scatterbrained Like Me!

The 5 Best Journal Lists For An Insanely Productive & Organized Week When You're Scatterbrained Like Me! in white letters and pink background

Journal Lists for Boosting Productivity: Stay Organized and Inspired

With the hustle and bustle of life, and how busy everyone and everything seems to be, staying productive and organized has become a daunting task especially when you’re scatterbrained like me. 


The good news is that journaling can ease all of that as it provides a powerful way to achieve your goals.


For Christian women, journaling is not merely a creative activity. It is a spiritual practice that helps you stay motivated and inspired to forge ahead. 


In this post, we will explore 5 journal lists tailored to enhance productivity and help you manage tasks efficiently and effectively. 

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How To Pray When You Need Your Debt Cancelled Overnight!

How To Pray When You Need Your Debt Cancelled Overnight! in white letters and pink background

Powerful Prayers for Debt Cancellation: Finding Financial Freedom Through Faith

To say financial burdens are overwhelming is an understatement. Debt can be soul-crushing. I hate debt and it always casts a dark shadow over me until I’ve paid it off.

When I’m in debt, it weighs heavily on my mind. If I’m being honest (and I am), I would want my debt to be gone overnight. I don’t want a debt snowball or a debt avalanche. I want it to go poof and vanish into the night.

However, is this really possible? Can you just pray for debt cancellation and it actually happen?   

I don’t want to make you any promises that your debt will disappear. But as Christian women, we do know we have a God who listens and assures us that we are not alone in our financial struggles. 

We also know that all things are possible with God. Continue reading

5 Life-Changing Journal Lists To Glow Up In The Next 6 Months!

5 Life-Changing Journal Lists To Glow Up In The Next 6 Months in pink background and white letters

How To Journal Lists to Help You Glow Up and Be Beautiful Inside and Out

If you’re anything like me then you’re on a glow up journey too. I love personal development and trying to grow as a woman with each passing year.

However, for the rest of this year, I plan to kick it up a notch. 

With the help of my glow-up and self-care journal (more on that later), I’ve been taking notes and documenting my inner and outer glow-up journey instead of just winging it like I normally do.

As you journey through life, you will realize that embracing your inner and outer beauty is key to glowing up.

Glowing up is not just about making changes to your outward appearance (although that’s a really fun and exciting part of the journey). 

It is also about becoming a better version of yourself on the inside. And journaling provides the perfect platform to achieve holistic growth. Continue reading

The Only 3 Weight Loss Tracker Printables You’ll Ever Need To See Results!

The Only 3 Weight Loss Tracker Printables You'll Ever Need To See Results! (2) purple background and white letters

3 Super Cute Weight Loss Tracker Printables For Your Fitness Journal

Whether it’s my exercise sessions or my weight loss journey, tracking these important numbers doesn’t come easily for me.

However, I know that tracking your calories, workouts, and measurements are some of the best ways to stay on track. 

That’s why I’m excited to share these printable trackers with you so you can document your weight loss journey and see major results! And of course, they are free! The link is coming shortly!

You can download all of the weight loss tracker printables by clicking here.

If you’re not quite sure if you want them yet though, then keep reading because I’m going to tell you all about them!

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3 Powerful Prayers For Unexpected Money Blessings That Actually Worked For Me!

3 Powerful Prayers For Unexpected Money Blessings That Actually Worked For Me in white letters and pink background

3 Powerful Prayers For Unexpected Money Blessings: A Faith-Based Guide For Christian Women  

When it comes to finances, there is no certainty. Financial surprises spring up without warnings. But as Christian women, we have nothing to worry about when we are faced with an unexpected financial situation. 

With faith and trust in God through prayers, God can intervene and provide comfort through unexpected money blessings.

One thing we know is that God is always willing and ready to send us unexpected money blessings. But it won’t come just like that as we have a part to play.

Before you can receive anything from God, you need to have faith in him, it is non-negotiable. And in addition to your faith, prayer and the right actions is required.

Like the bible says in James 2:17, “faith without work is dead” (link). 

Thankfully, this post will guide you through powerful prayers and practical steps to help you open the doors to financial miracles.Continue reading

How To Pray Your Way Out Of Debt: A Faith-Based Guide for Christian Women!

black Bible on a pink background white letters How To Pray Your Way Out Of Debt:

Powerful Prayers to Get Out of Debt: A Faith-Based Guide for Christian Women

Are you weighed down by financial struggles? Is your heart too burdened to pray?  

At one point or another in life, we would be faced with financial issues, but as Christian women, we have a firm foundation to stand on prayer and unwavering faith. 

God is always ready to hear our prayerful pleas to get out of debt. And with his intervention, we are guaranteed victory over debt and financial freedom financially. 

I’ve been in a place of financial struggles before, and let’s be real prayer was at the bottom of my to-do list. It felt more easier to blame God than pray to attain freedom from debt.

I mean he’s all-knowing, that means he’s aware of my financial struggles, why can’t he intervene?

He is a loving father, he is ready to help us through tough times, we just need to take on humility, and approach him in prayers.

This post will guide you through powerful prayers and practical steps you can implore on your journey to attaining a debt-free life.  Continue reading

How I’ve Made Money Easily With Bitcoin 

how to make money with crypto pink and white writing

How I’ve Made Money Easily With Bitcoin 

Oh Bitcoin.

Oh how I’ve been scared of you. Curious, yes but scared. 

I wish with all my might that I had invested in Bitcoin 6 or 7 years ago when I first heard about it. 

But if you’re not new around these parts then you know fear has played a big role in my life choices, so I procrastinated. 

But now I’ve inadvertently seen the power of Bitcoin and I’m sold. I “accidentally” started investing in Bitcoin some months ago (I’ll explain shortly) and my investment has doubled in that short time.

Now, I’m taking a Bitcoin course showing me how to invest in crypto correctly and I’m loving it so far. More on that coming up as well. Continue reading

Free Christian Budget Planner Printable To Help Your Family Save Thousands Of Dollars

black peach and white budget planner pages

Free Christian Budget Planner Printable To Help Your Family Save Thousands Of Dollars

What’s up y’all! I’m really excited to share these beautiful Christian budget planner printables with you because I know how much budgeting has helped me.

I used to be in over $10,000 of debt with virtually no savings.

But praise God, through budgeting I have been able to eliminate MOST of my debt and also have a positive net worth with thousands of dollars in savings and I hope using this financial planner will do the same for you too!

I want YOU to experience that same kind of freedom and by using this mini Christian budgeting planner printable, you will be taking a major step in that direction!

So i hope you’re ready to embrace a more organized approach to managing your money because that’s what this mini beautiful (and FREE) budget planner printable is going to do for you!

Plus, I am going to show you where you can get a full sized budgeting planner printable called the Christian Girl’s Budget Planner!

And of course, I’ll show you step-by-step how to use this printables in real life because I love to teach! And I want to make sure you use it for real, for real. Continue reading

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