How To Make And Organize A Beautiful Pink Prayer Journal For Spiritual Growth!

pink journal how to organize a pink prayer journal

How to make and organize an epic prayer journal for spiritual growth

Starting a prayer journal is one of the most life-changing things you can do to strengthen your relationship with Christ.

However, once you start building your prayer journal it can start to become a disheveled and disorganized mess.

One of the things I love most about a prayer journal is how you can go back and read your old prayers and see which prayers were answered and how.

But if your journal is disorganized, you can’t really do that. So today I’m going to share some ideas for how you can organize various types of prayer journals so you can always find whatever it is you are looking for!Continue reading

35 Awesome Self Discovery Journal Prompts To Help You Become “That Girl”!

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Self Discovery Journal Prompts to Help You Find Yourself

I don’t know about you but I feel like the world is constantly trying to put me in a box of some sort. If you’re black then you should think this way. If you’re a woman you should feel that way.

It gets a little old and you might feel the same way! I am a woman who is trying to become more of who God wants me to be but it can be hard to find your identity in a society that wants to pigeonhole you.

So what you have to do is deliberately use tools like self-discovery journaling so that your true self doesn’t fade. Now I personally believe that everyone should find the core of their identity in Christ but I know many people don’t agree.

However, that is the frame of mind I was in when I created these prompts and I hope you’ll stick around no matter what! Because I believe these self-discovery journal prompts will help anyone no matter what they believe. 

I know you may be there thinking, well it’s easier said than done considering how much you have to juggle through daily.

But let me remind you that it’s possible. I face the same challenges myself and one of the ways I’ve learned to keep my sanity and get my life back on track is by using self-discovery journal prompts. Plus, I’ll explain what I believe “becoming that girl” really means! 

I encourage you to follow me closely as I share with you tips that can help you discover yourself and take control of your life and emotions.Continue reading

Should I Tithe Even If I Have Debt? My Unpopular Opinion May Surprise You!

teal box money on Bible and people tithing at church

Why Christians Have Tithing All Wrong

Tithing and giving back to God just a small portion of what He’s given us is a major part of our faith. It shows Him that we know where our blessings come from. But there’s just one little problem with tithing, at least in our mortal minds.

Tithing is a little (or a lot depending on your financial situation) scary especially if you’re in debt! I mean do we even have to tithe if we’re in debt or can we just let that slide?

Well, we are going to talk about tithing while in debt, if we should do it or if we should stop tithing while in debt, managing debt, and the super simple way to make giving back to God a whole lot easier.

And you can give something to God even if you’re in a tough financial position! By following the tips outlined in this guide, you’ll learn that you can give to God while in debt.

And you won’t suffer financially from doing so either! So, if you’re ready to learn about tithing while managing debt, this guide is for you!Continue reading

3 Lazy Girl Hacks Stay Healthy While Traveling Even If You Always Overeat & Get Sick!

woman in pool with back to camera hacks to stay healthy while traveling in white letters

3 Lazy Girl Hacks Stay Healthy While Traveling Even If You Always Overeat & Get Sick!

I know I’m not the only one.

I be living it up on vacation, food-wise especially. Late morning, late nights, dessert whenever, cheese galore.

I’m not even trying to count calories or track my meals on my WW app.

However, bc diabetes is a reality on both sides of my family and I was prediabetic at one time I can’t go too crazy.

I still have to be aware of my health goals and not forget that my blood sugar could go haywire at any moment.

So because of that, there are certain things that we can do while we are on vacay to keep ourselves (sort of) healthy(ish).

And not only that but I used to get a cold when I went on vacation! Go figure! So frustrating. So I also wanted to find some ways to prevent sickness while I traveled.

These are the ideas I’ve used to keep sickness at bay, be “health-conscious” and still have fun while I travel! And luckily none of them are really that hard to do…so let’s see what they are!

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How To Create An Emotional Eating Journal On Your Phone To Use Anytime, Anywhere!

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Conquering Emotional Eating: A Guide to Using An Emotional Eating Food Journal to Overcome Guilt

Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit which is probably why the enemy is constantly attacking it. One of the ways the devil attacks our bodies is through emotional eating.

That’s why I encourage you to start using an emotional eating journal…don’t worry I’ll be sure to tell you why a little later.

We will talk about what an emotional eating journal is, where to get one, the lies we tell ourselves about weight loss and so much more!

I’m going to give you some encouraging words of advice on how to overcome those feelings of guilt when we overeat or emotionally eat and how to journal to overcome these issues!Continue reading

How To Create The Ultimate Bible Study Plan For Beginners!

teal box and white letters How To Create The Ultimate Bible Study Plan For Beginners woman reading Bible

How To Create The Ultimate Bible Study Plan For Beginners

Hey, ya’ll, I’m Nicky, the owner of Healthy As You Can. Here we talk about ways to get healthy physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. And today we are getting spiritually healthy by learning how to create a Bible study plan for beginners!

Maybe you are a new Christian (if so, I’m so happy for you!) and you want to dive into the Word Of God but feel totally lost. Or maybe you have been a Christian for a while but you’ve never really created a Bible study plan and don’t know where to start.

If either one of these people is you or you’re just looking for new Bible study ideas, friend, you’ve come to the right place! I have 

Today, I’ll be sharing some Bible reading plans for beginners that will help you stay motivated and achieve your goals.Continue reading

3 Must Have Faith Journal Ideas To Elevate Your Quiet Time With The Lord!

purple box and white letters faith journal ideas with purple printables in back

If you’re looking for some faith journal ideas to take your Bible study routine up a notch then you are right where you need to be my friend! 

Faith journaling is a spiritual practice that involves writing down your thoughts and reflections in a journal as a way of deepening your relationship with God and cultivating an intimate worship experience.

While journaling, you can record your thoughts, prayers, dreams, or anything that you feel like you want to reflect on and explore. It is an excellent way to create a space for reflection and self-exploration.

With journaling, you can explore and process your thoughts, feelings, and dreams in a very creative way.

There are many ways to go about journaling—you can start with free-form writing and then move to third-person writing, create a prayer journal, or even begin a gratitude journal.

You can journal just about anything, including your hopes and dreams, your feelings, experiences, observations, creative ideas, and much more! Journaling is a great way to get in touch with yourself, reflect on your life, and have a conversation with God.

It is a wonderful and creative way to spend time with God and receive His guidance, love, and encouragement.

Have you ever tried faith journaling? If not, then you must try it! I know everyone’s always telling you to try this or that but I promise you this time it’s different.

When you create a faith journal, you begin to explore your relationship with Jesus, study the Bible, and pray in a whole new way.

It really is life-changing. Once again, an overused phrase but think about it. How could a strong relationship with God NOT be life-changing? Nearly impossible!Continue reading

22 Unique Anxiety Journaling Prompts To Help You Divorce Negativity!

woman writing in journal anxiety journaling prompts

Oh yes…my dear friend Anxiety. We meet again. You know, I’d like to say that I didn’t miss you but sometimes I just look for a reason to be anxious.

That’s the feeling of “I’ve been plagued by anxiety for so long that I just don’t feel right if I’m not spinning about something”. Maybe you can relate to grabbing onto anxiety and holding on for dear life.

But I know that having one paranoid and unfounded thought after another circling around in my head is not healthy. So I’ve got something for anxiety this time. If anxiety thinks he’s sticking around this time, he’s got another thing coming.

You see, journaling has been one of my secret weapons when it comes to fighting anxiety (there’s another weapon too that I will share with you later on).

And I believe that if you use the 22 powerful and unique anxiety journaling prompts that I’m going to share with you today, it will slowly become one of your weapons as well. These journal prompts are written by someone who has anxiety but has made tons of progress.

I pray that they will be a blessing to you on your road to recovery. Oh and I’ll also warn you…you may not like some of these journal prompts but I hope you’ll understand the spirit in which they were written.

Okay, let’s jump right in with the anxiety journaling prompts!Continue reading

15 Christian Gratitude Journaling Affirmations To Remember When Everything Is Going Wrong!

teal box and white letters Christian Gratitude Affirmations woman on bed journaling

Christian Gratitude Affirmations For Your Gratitude Journal

Have you struggled to complain? No? Yeah, me either.

In fact, complaining and being discontented with your life is one of the easiest things to do. And yet, as Christian women, we are called by Christ to be grateful and thankful for our blessings. But this is can be hard to do so what can we do to make gratitude come a little bit easier?

Well, one of the best ways to quickly remind yourself of what you should be grateful for is by keeping gratitude affirmations in your journal.

Have you heard the hymn that says, count your blessings…name them one by one and it’ll surprise you what the Lord has done?

Well, there’s a reason why this song was written…and why gratitude is mentioned so often in the Bible. I’ve learned through the years that one of the ways to live a more fulfilled life is to first show gratitude for the things I already have.

If you struggle with having a spirit of gratitude, don’t worry! Today, I’ll share with you some Christian gratitude affirmations and how they can help you cultivate a grateful heart.Continue reading

15 Awesome Gratitude Journaling Prompts & Ideas All Christian Women Should Know!

teal box and black letters gratitude journaling prompts white journal and pink flowers

 If you’ve ever uttered any of the following statements then you miiight wanna try using gratitude journaling prompts:

“Ugh, I don’t want to get up for work”

“I don’t feel like working out…I’m tired”

“Do I have to go to church” (or fill in the blank with the location of your choice)

“I don’t make enough money”

Oh yes, I’ve said some variation of all of these lovely complaints and I realized that I had to check myself and start thinking in a new way.

That’s where gratitude journaling prompts come in. The easiest thing in the world to do is complain and be negative. It couldn’t come more naturally to most people.

But it takes extra effort to be grateful and look for ways to have a more positive attitude. I strongly believe, though, that using gratitude journaling prompts can be a powerful tool that will make positivity and thankfulness just a normal part of your routine…eventually.

No, Rome wasn’t built overnight nor will your new attitude. But give it time. The more you use these gratitude journal ideas I’m going to share with you, the faster your perspective in life will change!Continue reading

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